bits lteration one result 2020
Hello There ,
You can visit the official site bits admission to check your result of first iteration
For more details you can refer these pages also
The official cutoffs of last year -
Hope it Helps and All the Best for Future Endeavors .
i have got bits hyd cse in 1st round.but i am not going to take any seat & want to exit the by not paying the 1st sem+adm fees, am i automatically out of counselling? the thing is i want myself to be eligible for bitsat 2021,do i need to do anything specific for exiting counselling?
Hello Nek
Yes as soon as the last date goes away for the payment of admission fees for your chosen college you will be automatically out of counseling because you have already chosen a college made it final so you are not eligible for choosing any more college this year by not paying the fees you will be automatically out and you can again apply for BITSAT exam in 2021 give it then you will be eligible for counselling of 2021
hope this helps you
integrated msc(hon)with economics in bits pilani offers cse with economics??
To answer your question, yes BITS PILANI offers cse with economics. It is infact a very great option Which offers great placements in very good companies because you graduate with 2 degrees, One in economics hons. and the other in cse.
But there is something you should know . In the first year you don't get hons. directly. You get that in the second year based on the first year's percentage. Even the branch alloted to you is based on first year's percentage. It's relatively easy but alot of hardwork needs to be put in with around 6-7 hours of study per day.
Hope this helped. good luck for your future!
i got 250/450 at BITSAT 2020 is there any chance to get a seat in bits Hyderabad
BITSAT is one of the most national reputed exam organised by BITS (BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE) for admission in undergraduate courses in bits pilani, bits goa and bits Hyderabad.
Now as you have scored 250 marks in bitsat then being the bits campuses will be difficult.
Here is the last year (2019) cutoff scores of different branches for bits hyderabad to get a rough idea about the cutoff scores in 2020 :-
Chemical Engineering - 252
Civil Engineering -254
Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 308
Mechanical Engineering - 275
Computer Science Engineering - 342
Electronics and Communication Engineering - 318
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering - 294
So as you can see there is no chance that you can get any bits campuses as per the previous year cutoff scores. But if the number of candidates decreases in BITSAT 2020 exam then there might be a chance that the cutoff scores should be little decreased. So there is a little chance that you can get BITS Hyderabad - civil engineering or chemical engineering. Also there is little chance that you can get BITS Goa chemical engineering. But still the chances will be difficult.
i got 250/450 in bitsat 2020. which can I get in bits Hyderabad?
Hello There ,
you can get Msc biology , chemistry or chemical , civil in Hyderabad in the later rounds , most probably , you can also go for b. pharma , but talking about engineering you have chemical , civil and integrated courses in hand .
For more Details please refer this page -
The official cutoffs released -
Hope it Helps and All the Best for Future Endeavors .
To know your admission chances in JOSSA counseling & State counseling, You can use JEE Main college Predictor tool here
What should I prefer EEE at BITS Goa or ECE at BITS Hyderabad?
Hi there!
In my opinion, BITS GOA >BITS HYD....And...EEE and ECE are actually the same in the first and the second year. ... You can take the ECE electives as disciplinary electives. So basically you join as a EEE student but get to do ECE courses too.
Thank You
which is better M.E(communication)in BITS, HYD or M.S in QMS in ISI KOLKATA
Hello aspirant
M. E. in communication is quite a very good one to go for. You will have a better scope of your career in the future. I would advice you to opt for BITS. Here, you will get all the best facilities and good job ooportunities.
Good luck.
difference between a bits student and BVRIT student
Hi there!
Bits Pilani has a better crowd, and a way better social structure than BVRIT. Interaction among students( peers, juniors, as well as seniors) as well as between the faculty and the students is encouraged by the institute.
There is a plethora of co-cirricular activities.
The institute has a very good reputation in India and abroad- so much so that a student looking for financial loans will not need collateral if opting for a student loan from banks like SBI.
Thank You.
As your son has secured 64000 rank in JEE mains then I can assume that he has secured this much rank from general category.
Now with this much general category rank your son cannot get any NIT, but there is a chance that he can get NIT only if he belongs from certain home state because in some nits by applying home state quota one can get a good branch. For eg - if he belongs from himachal pradesh then he can get seat cse branch in nit Hamirpur.
But for other state candidates there is no chance to get any NIT even the lower ones with this much rank.
Also if you belong from home state of some of the top nits then also he cannot get a seat in any NIT.
Now as your son secured 254 marks in BITSAT then it is a better option that he should go with bits campuses because it's far more better than any of the NITs.
BITSAT is one of the most national reputed exam organised by BITS (BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE) for admission in undergraduate courses in bits pilani, bits goa and bits Hyderabad.
The difficulty level of bits exam can be compared to jee advanced.
As per seeing your son's score and last year cutoff scores for bits campus then your son has a chance to get :-
Manufacturing Engineering - 255
Chemical Engineering - 252
Civil Engineering -254
Chemical Engineering - 254
Now, as per the last year cut off for BITSAT, he cannot get Computer Science Engineering in any of the bits campuses but there is a chance that he can get manufacturing engineering in BITS Pilani. And he can also get BITS Hyderabad and BITS Goa Campus.
Now if you are thinking that apart from these two reputed Institutions i.e. nits or bits you should go with some other autonomous college of Mumbai, then it will not be the correct move for you and your son.
Because these two are nationally reputed Institutes.
BITS is a very good exceptional college so if you want to send your son to any autonomous college of Mumbai then it will be better and good move that you should send your son in BITS Hyderabad or BITS Goa because for these colleges the placements are very good and also he will get a tag of a reputed institution behind his back.
So, it would be better that he take admission in BITS, as there is low chance of bits pilani, but still according to me he should go with BITS Goa or BITS Hyderabad Campus instead of any other colleges of mumbai.
And it is a good opportunity that he will get to study in a college which is more good than nits. Though he will not get cse but apart from cse he can get other good branches in bits hyderabad or bits goa. And if he wants cse branch, then as per his capability he can change his branch to cse by securing more than 9.5 cgpa in his 1st year which will be a tough task.
Also check out our jee mains college predictor tool to get an appropriate idea of colleges that he can get on basis of his jee mains rank :-
Hello Student,
All these are really top ranked universities and hence the course to be taken matters. Out of all these, I would suggest that IIT Cse would be really on the top since IITs are the top most ranked universities of the country. The universities are good as well. But the IIIT Lucknow is also very good. Hence I would rate these universities as follows: IITs CSE, IIIT Lucknow, NIT Raipur and then BITS Dual Degree.
Here are the other factors to consider this college:
Infrastructure and college life:
IITs have a good infrastructure with well equipped labs and classrooms. Hostels are pretty decent and nice environment is always maintained. You can see that the campus life is going to be really well. College life is good with the right kind of atmosphere given to the students who come from different places.
Fa culty and quality of education:
All the faculties are qualified and experienced over here. And education, curriculum is made in such a way that students are made to acquire more hands on knowledge than just the theory. It is not just the books and classes. Focuses more on practical knowledge than the theoretical one. Education quality and the way guidance is given is really good.
Placements are good as good companies visit this college. students gets placed and opportunities of internship is provided to the students from companies.
According to our website, these are very good rated one.
You can check the colleges here: