Can second time fresh choice filling is required in Karnataka 2018 counseling if some one already filled and not alloted in frist round
If you have already been alloted a college in first round then you can either go for Choice 2 or Choice 3-
Choice 2 - If you are satisfied with the allotted seat but want to participate in the further counselling rounds. Such candidates will pay the prescribed fees but will be considered for the next round of counselling. If a higher option is allotted in the next round then the earlier allotted seat will be cancelled automatically. If a higher option is not allotted then the earlier allotted seat remain in favour of the candidate.
Choice 3 - If you are not satisfied with the allotted seat but are willing to participate in the next round of counselling. To opt for Choice 3, candidates will be required to cancel the allotted seat and re-order the already entered option.
To know more about Karnataka NEET MBBS 2018 2 round counselling, click below link-
All the best.
I want to register for CA INTER . Will I go to ICAI BHAWAN personally. OR. through the online ? but I have to go to ICAI for registration
You can dot he registration online there you can fill it as per ur requirement
What is the salary for the CA professionals with graduation?
You can earn an average of about 8 lacs and with experience and hard work, you can get upto 30 lacs and maybe more
CA foundation syllabus has been changed?
Hello Sakshi,
No ca foundation syllabus is same as before. Total there are 4 paper each of 100 marks and from this 2 papers are subjective and 2 are objective type. Name of paper are as follows :
Paper 1: Principles and Practice of Accounting
Paper 2: Business Laws and Business Correspondence and Recording
Paper 3: Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and Statistics
Paper 4: Business Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge
You will get more information from above link.
All the best.
Heyy Rohit,
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has concluded the CA CPT 2018 June session exam on June 17, 2018.
Thank you!!!
What is the salary for CA professionals without graduation?
Basically salary after being a CA is totally depend on the capabilities of person. Also attempt of final are considered. Apart from this if we wishes to do job in corporate culture than package goes around 6 lakh, but in industrial firms this package is low. Also if a person is good ca and perfect in his or her work than may get pacakge above 6 lakh. And this may differ from companies to companies.
If we talk about graduation than its required, without it may be salary is little less.
All the best.
What is the salary for CA Inter completed professionals without graduation ?
Minimum 5000 per month can be offerwd.
However graduate and final CA passed students are paid 7.3lakhs on average per year basis.
Registering CA ipcc through online or personally go to ICAI bhawan?
Hello L.vasanth,
Now ippc has changed to intermediate and now there is no mannual registration like before. You have to register yourself through online mode only. And you have to make order for your institute book through online itself.
All the best.
What will be the salary for CA Inter completed professionals without graduation?
basicaly the slary depend on the work which has been alloted to you and approximately you will easily get a package of 3-4 lakhs per annum in starting. all the best have a great future ahead.
We can do CA & Parllal Sir plz tell me . Kya Mai CA & b. Com ek sath kr sakta hu
Glad to inform you that yes you can definitely pursue CA alongwith side by side. Many students do this as this secures their career even if they aren't able to clear CA. You can do CA along with correspondence or even regular one as there's no classes for CA you just need to give exams. But it'll be difficult to manage both together you shall do it only if you think you have potential for it.
Hope this might help you.