What r the best colleges for ca
There is no best college for CA. For pursuing CA you need to enroll with ICAI.
After completing your 12 you can appear for cpt eaxam
Then after passing cpt you will be eligible for ipcc and after 3 months of
articleship you can give your ca finals . IF you have completed your graduation you can register under direct entry scheme.
All the best
What are the qualification for CA?
Dear student
A Candidate who has passed the 10th examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India (or an examination recognized by the Central Government as equivalent thereto) can register for the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) of the CA programme. But they can write the examination only after passing the Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) or waiting for the 10+2 exam results. There are no restrictions with regard to the age of the candidate or marks secured in Senior Secondary Examination.
Commerce graduates with 50% marks, non-commerce graduates with subjects other than Mathematics with an aggregate of 55% marks and non-commerce graduates with Maths with an aggregate of 60% marks are exempted from the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) and are permitted to register for Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC)
Hope this helps
All the best!!!
I have passed 12th from cbse board study in greaer noidawith 93.4% pcb %91.6, ca i get admission in i p university b pharma college 2018-201
yes forsure you can easily get admission in ip university for b pharmacy course. but for this you have to give entrance exam also. so all the best have agreat future ahead.
About CA pattern in Hindi very clearly
Registeration for CA CPT starts in April.
Exam Mode : Offline/ Pen & paper based
Conducted in : June in two sessions
Session 1 (2hrs - 10:30-12:30)
Paper 1 - Fundamentals of Accounting
Paper 2 - Mercantile Laws
Session 2 (2hrs - 2:00-4:00)
Paper 3 - General Economics
Paper 4 - Quantitative Aptitude
Medium : English or Hindi
Type of questions : Objective
Number of questions : 200
Total marks : 200
I am having 10+2 - 72% -2017 cbsc and nata score 105.5 -2018 ca get admision in 2018 b arch course in Guru govind college delh domicile wb
I am so sorry to say that, with 72% in class 12th CBSE and NATA score 105.5 and a domicile from WB, it is hard or almost not possible to get an admission in B.Arch course in Guru Goving Singh College, Delhi.
Keshav Sahani
Which city is better for pursuing CA IPC and FINAL studies,Pune or Indore?( with reasons)
There is no such thing as a place to study for CA. You can choose as per your convenience whether it is Pune, Indore or any other place. Now a days you can take CA coachings classes any where sitting in india because now a days most of the popular teachers are providing Online/ Satellite classes all over india through there centers and many good faculty are also providing pen drive classes.
Good Luck!
Can we do a CA course subsequently along with B.com
Yes you can do CA course with bcom.
But doing ca with regular bcom may be little difficult
So i would suggest do ca course and bcom with distance learning
Good luck for future
What will be the other cources expect CA?
Better option other than CA
There are many other courses i hope this helps.
how can i get my CA FOUNDATION registration through offline ..??
To apply for CA CPT offline you need to grow through the following procedure:
Download CPT Registration Form from their official website.
CPT registration fee is to be paid in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, payable at concerned Regional Office i.e. Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Kanpur or New Delhi. If Registration Form is downloaded from the Institutes website, add Rs. 100/- along with Common Proficiency Course (CPC) Registration fee for supply of a copy of the Prospectus along with the study package.
You should fill following details Name in full (As per SSC X certificates)Date of Birth Mothers Name and Fathers Name Address Category: General, ST / SC, OBC, Backward Class or Disabled Nationality: Indian or Foreign National Medium of study: English or Hindi Educational Qualifications Details: 10th and 12th Annual income of Parents Demand draft details Affix recent passport size photo
Print out your registration form, attached the documents required and send it to ICAI.
Best of luck
Am a graduated student. I interested to study CA. then fistly what i do?
IF you have completed your graduation and scored 55 % if you are from commerce stream then you are eligible for CA ipcc direct entry .you need to register uner direct entry scheme .You need to complete your 9 months of articleship before appearing for exam .No need to do cpt as you have completed your graduation .Articleship is of 3 years and this 9 months will be included in it.after 3 yrs of article ship you are eligible for ca final eaxm . ALL THE BEST I HOPE THIS HELPS.