how can i see 10th class result
exam questions are coming from previous years question paper or not sir.
Hey Young Mind!!!!
Firstly Exam questions depends on the different statistical analysis of that following year like
- The possible number of applicants
- The seat matrix to enable admission
- The Educational calander
- The syllabus pattern
However the Question paper can only be predicted from the past few years paper trends and standards but cannot be guaranteed as it may vary.
Good luck!!!!
for scoring high Marks use of Prabodh or navbodh parksha saar is usefull
Both are good. Basically it depends on you the way you are going to make it worth for yourself. If you dedicatedly study from any of those, you can score well and there are many who complete both as well. So try to be the second person. Or doing only 1 but thoroughly will also help.