Question : Statement 1: India, Pakistan, and China have witnessed a significant increase in urban population.
Statement 2: Factors such as rural-urban migration, job opportunities, and better living standards in cities have contributed to the growth of urban population in these countries.
Option 1: Both statements are true.
Option 2: Both statements are false.
Option 3: Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false.
Option 4: Statement 2 is true, Statement 1 is false.
Correct Answer: Both statements are true.
Solution : The correct answer is (a) Both statements are true.
Statement 1 claims that India, Pakistan, and China have witnessed a significant increase in urban population. This statement is true. All three countries have experienced rapid urbanization over the years, with a significant increase in the proportion of their populations living in urban areas. This trend is supported by demographic data and urbanization studies.
Statement 2 states that factors such as rural-urban migration, job opportunities, and better living standards in cities have contributed to the growth of urban population in these countries. This statement is also true. Rural-urban migration, driven by factors such as seeking better job opportunities and improved living standards, has been a major driver of urban population growth in these countries. Additionally, the availability of employment opportunities and better infrastructure in cities compared to rural areas has attracted people to urban centers.
Therefore, both statements are true.
Question :
Planes operated by Russian Airways between China and USA.
- Political frontier by Russia.
- Japanese Embassy in Russia.
- Russian Embassy in Canada.
Option 1: 1,2&3
Option 2: 1,2,4
Option 3: 2,3&4
Option 4: 1,3&4
Correct Answer: 1,2,4
Solution :
Territories located inside a nation's geopolitical borders, including its airspace and exclusive economic zones.
Aircraft and ships used by citizens of the nation (in this case, Indians) to travel to other parts of the world, including fishing vessels.
A resident country operating in international waters with oil, natural gas, and floating platforms.
A nation's overseas diplomatic missions, including its embassies, consulates, and military installations.
Question : The reforms were introduced in the economies in which of the following years?
Option 1: India- 1990, Pakistan- 1985, China- 1977
Option 2: India- 1991, Pakistan- 1986, China- 1979
Option 3: India- 1990, Pakistan- 1987, China- 1981
Option 4: India- 1991, Pakistan- 1988, China- 1978
Correct Answer: India- 1991, Pakistan- 1988, China- 1978
Solution : The reforms were introduced in the economies in India- 1991, Pakistan- 1988, China- 1978.
Hence option D is correct.
Question : Statement 1: India, Pakistan, and China have implemented measures to reduce income inequality.
Statement 2: Government policies and social welfare programs aim to bridge the income gap in these countries.
Option 1: Both statements are true.
Option 2: Both statements are false.
Option 3: Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false.
Option 4: Statement 2 is true, Statement 1 is false.
Correct Answer: Both statements are true.
Solution : The correct answer is (a) Both statements are true.
India, Pakistan, and China have implemented measures to reduce income inequality. These measures include government policies and social welfare programs aimed at bridging the income gap and addressing socioeconomic disparities. The governments of these countries have recognized the importance of reducing income inequality for sustainable and inclusive development. Therefore, both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true, and Statement 2 provides a valid explanation for the measures taken to reduce income inequality in these countries.
Question : Comprehension:
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
The Black Drongo also known as the King Crow, is a small Asian bird of the drongo family. Previously, it was seen as a subspecies of the African Fork-tailed Drongo but is now recognized as a full species. It is a common resident breeder in much of tropical southern Asia from southwest Iran through India and Sri Lanka to southern China and Indonesia. It is a wholly black bird with a distinctive forked tail and measures 28 cm in length.
Feeding on insects, it is commonly found in open agricultural areas and light forest areas throughout its range, perching conspicuously on a bare perch or along power or telephone lines.
The species is famous for its aggressive behaviour towards much larger birds, such as crows, and never hesitates to dive-bomb any birds of prey that invade its territory. Smaller birds often nest in the well-guarded vicinity of a nesting Black Drongo
The Black Drongo has been introduced to some Pacific islands, where it has thrived and become abundant to the point of threatening and causing the extinction of native and endemic bird species there.
Drongos fly with strong flaps of the wing and are capable of fast manoeuvres that enable them to capture flying insects. With short legs, they sit upright on thorny bushes, bare perches or electricity wires. They may also perch on grazing animals.
The Black Drongo is found predominantly in open country and usually perches and hunts close to the ground. They are mostly aerial predators of insects but also glean from the ground or off vegetation.
They are found as summer visitors to northeastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan but are mainly resident south from the Indus Valley up to Bangladesh and into India and Sri Lanka.
Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
Option 1: The drongo looks exactly like a crow.
Option 2: Smaller birds are protected by the drongo.
Option 3: This bird is a native of tropical countries in south-Asia.
Option 4: The drongo is a small perching bird.
Correct Answer: The drongo looks exactly like a crow.
Solution : The first option is the correct choice.
The statement "the drongo looks exactly like a crow" is not true, according to the passage.
The passage describes the Black Drongo as a wholly black bird with a distinctive forked tail, measuring 28 cm in length. While it mentions that the Black Drongo is sometimes known as the King Crow, this is likely due to its aggressive behaviour towards larger birds, such as crows, and not because it looks exactly like a crow.
Question : What is a key area of contention in recent India-China relations?
Option 1: Trade imbalances
Option 2: Cultural exchanges
Option 3: Environmental cooperation
Option 4: Border disputes
Correct Answer: Border disputes
Solution : A key area of contention in recent India-China relations has been border disputes, particularly in regions like Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, leading to heightened tensions.
Question : Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
Mount Everest is a peak in the Himalayas mountain range.
P. It is located between Nepal and Tibet, an autonomous region of China.
Q. At 8,849 meters (29,032 feet), it is considered the tallest point on Earth.
R. In the nineteenth century, the mountain was named after George Everest, a former Surveyor General of India.
S. The Tibetan name is Chomolungma, which means “Mother Goddess of the World.”
The Nepali name is Sagarmatha, which has various meanings.
Option 1: PQRS
Option 2: SPQR
Option 3: SRQP
Option 4: RPSQ
Correct Answer: PQRS
Solution : The correct answer is the first option.
The given sentences are already in the correct sequence.
Sentence P: This sentence introduces the geographical location of Mount Everest, providing essential information about its position in the Himalayas.
Sentence Q: Following the introduction of its location, this sentence provides significant detail about Mount Everest—its height, establishing its status as the tallest point on Earth.
Sentence R: This sentence provides historical information, explaining how the mountain acquired its name in the nineteenth century and honouring George Everest, the former Surveyor General of India.
Sentence S: This sentence introduces cultural and local perspectives by providing the Tibetan name and its meaning, adding a layer of richness to the description.
Therefore, the correct sequence is PQRS.
Question : Human development index(2016)
Option 1: India-0.65, Pakistan- 0.88, China- 0.79
Option 2: India- 0.68, Pakistan- 0.45, China- 0.76
Option 3: India- 0.62, Pakistan- 0.55, China- 0.73
Option 4: India- 0.56, Pakistan- 0.17, China- 0.80
Correct Answer: India- 0.62, Pakistan- 0.55, China- 0.73
Solution : Human development index (2016)
India- 0.62, Pakistan- 0.55, China- 0.73.
Hence option C is correct.
Question : Human development index(2016)
Option 1: India-0.65, Pakistan- 0.88, China- 0.79
Option 2: India- 0.68, Pakistan- 0.45, China- 0.76
Option 3: India- 0.62, Pakistan- 0.55, China- 0.73
Option 4: India- 0.56, Pakistan- 0.17, China- 0.80
Correct Answer: India- 0.62, Pakistan- 0.55, China- 0.73
Solution : Human development index (2016)
India- 0.62, Pakistan- 0.55, China- 0.73.
Hence option C is correct.
Question : Directions: Words given on the left side of (::) are related to each other by some Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the missing word/word pair on the right side of (::) from the given alternatives based on the same Logic/Rule/Relation.
Thailand : Baht :: China : ?
Option 1: Riyal
Option 2: Dinar
Option 3: Yuan
Option 4: Dollar
Correct Answer: Yuan
Solution : Given:
Thailand : Baht :: China : ?
Like, Baht is the official currency of Thailand.
Similarly, the official currency of China is the Yuan.
Hence, the third option is correct.