My rank in CLAT PG IS 354 AND IN AILET IS 276. What all colleges can I get with these ranks?
Congratulations on your ranks. As for the colleges you can choose, I hope you know that CLAT marks and ranks are different things. This article might help you alot to clear the confusion if you have any.
To select your colleges or decide which ones are good, you can always try these accurate college predictors. They help you by compiling a list for your convenience along with details like fees, placements, trainings, reviews and brochures.
CLAT College predictor
AILET College predictor
Hope this helped, good luck for your future.
my rank in CLAT PG 892 any chances of admission
Hi Anuj
As you have not mentioned your category, so I'm taking it as general category. According to your rank and category, you can get some good colleges. But to know the exact chances you can check out the below given link:
Good luck.
I got 11646 rank in CLAT, which college can I get?
Hello aspirant
Congratulations on achieving quite a good rank in CLAT 2020. You have not mentioned your category, so I'm assuming it as a general category. Yes, you can good colleges with this rank, but to know your exact chances of admission, you can check this below given link:
Good luck.
this year clat pg was not on expected line; nobody was sure of any ans in my centre..can the cut off be on lower side this year?
The cut off of any exam depends on the following factors
- Number of students appeared in the exam
- Number of seats available
- Candidate category
- Difficulty level of the exam
If the exam was really difficult than the previous year then there are chances that the cut off might decrease but that's not the only factor on which the cut off is depended so it is difficult to say whether the cut off will decrease or increase.
what can be expected cut off for clat pg 2020 for wb nujs?
These are cut-offs from previous year. This year it might vary.
CLAT PG cut-off for WBNUJS 2019 was -
For general category (Round 1) - WBNUJS Kolkata - 7(opening rank)-624(closing rank)
For PWD category - 624(opening rank)-891(closing rank)
For SC category - 720(opening rank)-965(closing rank)
For ST category - 783(opening rank)-1000(closing rank)
Based on these ranks you can assume that this year they will have similar opening and closing ranks. But, I would suggest you to wait for the result and check official website.
For further more information kindly visit these links -
In CLAT PG ENTRANCE EXAM - Marks obtained - 8.25 All India Rank - 5658 All Indian EWS Rank - 189 What is the chances for admission
Based on your EWS rank you have a good chance of getting admission in PG course offered by National Law Universities, you can access the pervious year cut off to get an idea based on your rank where you will get admission, please refer to this link -
i have secured 6002 rank in clat pg .can i get admission into ip University
Hello Mansi
First of all congratulations on achieving quite a good rank in CLAT PG. You have not mentioned your category, so I'm assuming it as a general category. Yes, according to your rank you can get an admission into IP University, but to know your 100% chances, please check the below given college predictor link:
Good luck.
my rank in clat pg 892 can you guide me can I get admission in NLU
Hello aspirant
You have not mentioned your category, so I'm taking it as general category. First of all congratulations on achieving a good rank. With this rank you can many good colleges, but to know about NLU or the exact chances of your admission in this college, you can check out the given link below:
Good luck.
whixh book is best for preparation of clat ecam
This are the list of most popular book for CLAT exam.
1.Word Power Made Easy
3.Lexis Nexis
4.Analytical Reasoning
5.Verbal Reasoning
6.Analytical and Logical Reasoning
7.Objective Arithmetic
8.GK Today
9.Manorama Year Book
10.India Year Book
11.Universal’s LLB Entrance Guide
Hope this will help you.
how do I get the answer key for mock test of CLAT (PG)?
Hello student I'm sorry to inform you but Consortium of Clat is not providing Result/Answer key for mock test as it's only for practice and overview of the original examination.
Practice as much as possible so that you cannot repeat same mistake in the examination.
For more details refer to the link mentioned below -
Feel free to comment if you've any doubt
Good luck