is it mandatory to bring and submit covid-19 negative report in both Ap ,TS EAMCET EXAM?
Hi Aspirant,
It is now mandatory requirememt for every exams at every level. You cam also bring asymptometic certificate from authorized medical officer. Asymptotic certificate means "the person physically strong and dont have any symptoms of aby disease". This ceritificate from authorized medical officer will work.
Hope this is helpful to clear your dilemma.
can you please tell me if the student is in containment zone,does the student go under corona virus check?Does the student have to take their covid-19 negative reports to the centre?
Hello Chand,
According to the recent guidelines of unlock issued by the Government, no reports regarding the Covid-19 shall be issued to the exam centers. But make sure, you take all the precautions and if you belong to containment zone, get tested for the safety of the other candidates and supervisors present over there. Also, there will be no corona test at the examination center but it is advisable to take all the necessary measures.
Also, take a note that students from containment zone will be answering the exam separately later to reduce the risk of infection among other students according to Health Ministry Guidelines issued. The decision of whether the exam for such students shall be online from home or not is still not confirmed.
Stay safe and good luck!!
From where can I download the Undertaking form of Covid-19?
The admit card that you have downloaded consist of 3 pages. The undertaking form includes in those three pages of pdf. The released PDF of the NTA NEET UG admit card with undertaking consists of 3 pages. the NEET admit card 2020 self-declaration undertaking that every candidate needs to fill before reporting at the exam except the candidate’s signature, which must be done in front of the invigilator.
Who will release the NEET admit card undertaking?
NTA will release the NEET 2023 admit card undertaking at
i had not submit my assignment because that time i was suffering from covid-19 so what can i do now?
Hello student ,
As here you have not mentioned where you had not submit your assignment that's why it would be tough to predict you anything as different colleges or course demands for different criteria for its submission . So first of all do mention about your college so that we can help you for your query related to the submission of your assignment .
Hope you are getting my point !