when will the Admission portal for BCA UG Course for students will open IN Dibrugarh University. Kind please help me.
Dibrugarh university offers a 3 years degree course in Computer Application. The dates regarding the admission process hasn't been notified officially by the university. However I would suggest you to always keep an eye and visit the official website of Dibrugarh university regularly. https://dibru.ac.in/
To know more about the program, you can go through this page https://www.careers360.com/university/dibrugarh-university-dibrugarh/courses/bca-idpg
does Dibrugarh University give seats to non background psychology student?
Hello Candidate,
The eligibility in Psychology Department includes:
Candidates must have Bachelor's degree (excluding Fine Arts) , including a Medical degree, and other Technical Graduate degree from Dibrugarh University or any other University recognized by the UGC with at least 45% marks in Major or 50% marks for MA.
If you fulfill the above mentioned background than you are eligible to take the course, otherwise not.
Provision of lateral entry is given into MA (Applied Psychology) Programme. This facility is provided only to those candidates who have a background in branch of Psychology either at a Master’s level or PG diploma level.
Check the details from given link for more updates
Dibrugarh University MA entrances paper political science where I will get?
Check out the link below for entrance papers in political science:
Hope it helps.
MA question paper dibrugarh university
You can find the question papers at the below sites
Freshersnow, sample papers.com, recruitment hunt.com , howtoexam.com
If you are unable to download please access YouTube as few solved papers are available there too.
I hope this helps!
Thank you!
which college best for engineering dibrugarh university or assam university
Hi Aspirants,
Assam University is better tham Dibrugarh University in terms of placement and faculties.The placement percentage of Assam University is greater than Dibrugarh University.It is about 30-40 percentage in Assam University as about placements and also faculties are good there.Infrastructures are good here better than dibrugah University.
Hope it helps!!
can i get dibrugarh university with jee main 82.97 percentile february attend in obc-ncl category. i am belong to this state (home state) . get branch electrical engineering, civil engineering, petroleum engineering.
Hello Aspirant
I hope you are doing good . With reference to your query, I would glad to inform you that at your percentile your estimated marks in jee mains around 65 marks which is very nice score for getting a seat in dibrugarh university . Generally cut goes around 45+ for jee general category so by this you will definately get electrical and civil branches but chances of petroleum branch is very average
Hope you found this answer helpful. Good luck for your future