Sir i am preparing gate from civil eng..but want to go in robotics ..sir this is possible??
Hello aspirant! Let me to inform you that if you want to go for robotics specialization in your masters then you must give and qualify the examination of Gate for that subject only. If you give Gate in Civil branch then you will not be able to do robotics. Moreover you must have good quality information about robotics and concrete information about it.
I belong to st category and scored 109 in du LLB stood at 195 rank .so what are the admission chances and which law center if selected
Hey there,
As per your query I would like to tell you that according to your rank and based upon the previous year cuttoff marks you can getting admission in du.llb . your scored is more than previous year cuttoff marks. So you have definitely chances to be getting admission for St Category.
But cuttoff marks changes every year, it always depends upon the number of students appearing in the exam and the difficulty level of exam papers in the Exam.
To know the previous year cuttoff marks trends, follow the given link.
You can predict the college In which you getting admission :
Hopefully it's will be useful to you.