Is ALLENs Physics JEE Modules exercise O and J-M enough to clear JEE Mains with a good rank?
Hello aspirant
Hope you are doing great there. Yes , exercise O and J-M is enough to clear jee mains and you can get a secure seat through jee mains . A part from this I would recommend you to solve previous year jee mains exam papers .
I hope my answer helps
Wish you all the very best!
Analyse the main issues of gender inequality in Tagores short story the exercise book
Hey student,
Tagore’s short story “The Exercise Book” demonstrates the hollowness of a male-dominated society, where women’s education and women’s basic rights are ignored, their self expression and identity suppressed.
Tagore strongly felt the need for social reforms, particularly in the areas of education, gender equality and child marriage.
All the best student,
Hope this helps you.
How many questions come from Class 12th Maths chapter 6 exercise 6.4 for the CBSE board exam.
can jee mains can be cracked by solving ncert exercise questions,pyqs and nta abhyas questions only and full fledge perfect with ncert book and even ncert exampler also
Dear Aspirant,
See no one or no particular guarantees success in JEE Mains.NCERT is good for building basics of all concepts.FOr inorganic chemistry of JEE Mains NCERT is must.Various question are asked directly from NCERT in it.
For Other subjects to get an idea of what level questions are asked and to practice them thoroughly you have some standard books for JEE Mains.
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