i saw some free books for nimcet in your website, where I can get it?
Look you can download the electronic books available on the website of which link I am mentioning below. Kindly go through the link for getting your answer and download your books on the mentioned below link.
Along with the books you can also get information of exam pattern, syllabus, counselling etc. You can download these books and sample papers as well of different subjects of NIMCET. There are 24 colleges which are accepting this entrance examination for giving admission.
Cmat free books to make my preparation strong
You can download free CMAT electronic books on the mentioned below link. The link mentioned below contains free downloading of the books for making your CMAT preparation strong. For making your preparation more strong you need to do practice and a lot of hard work. I mentioned below the name of all the books which will get in the link mentioned below:
- Know all about CMAT
- CMAT 2020 analysis
- All about CMAT 2016
- India's best business schools 2014
Procedure for downloading the book is to click on the mentioned below link and choose your desired book and fill in the registration form. After filling up the registration form with personal details such as name, email id, mobile number, studying in and current city you will get the free electronic contained books of CMAT free of cost. If you have already an account then you need to just sign in and can download the books in the same way at free of cost.
are there any free books for Jee main paper 2 ? if yes then where can i find them
Yes are many sources where you can find free e-books in online mode. Careers360 also provides free e-books.
You may visit the following link to get the free e-books for preparation :