how do I refund fees from IP University after the sliding round I didnt freeze the seat
You can not refund the counseling fees of GGSIPU counseling but you get the fees of Rs. 40,000 rupees refunded. You can only get these fees refunded if you have not frozen this seat you were allotted to and if you have have not withdrawn the seat you will not get the refund.
Hope it helps.
can a non-army background student who comes under the category of Delhi-SC take admission in ACMS, New Delhi through GGS IPU state counselling?
Dear Student,
Army college of medical science (ACMS) is the private medical college supported by Army Welfare Education Society for wards of serving and retired personnel of the Indian Army, only the ward of army personal can take admission in there.
As you are civilian i.e. you are not come from the army background so you will not be eligible for this college.
For more information you can visit to this link.
Good Luck :)
i have scored 159 marks and 67th rank in btech biotech ipu. can I get the seat?
Hi Aspirant,
Hope you are doing great as per the question asked by you , as your score and rank are pretty good you have a chance to get the seat, but you should have mentioned whether you are from outside or inside to get better estimation because seat allotment highly depends on that there is only 15 percent reservation for outside Delhi students ,so stay patient and wait. You can refer mentioned link for more detail
Hope you found this answer useful. Stay motivated stay positive.
All the best!
i have withdraw my 40k councelling money from ipu online councelling yesterday, till now I have not got money. can you how much time is it required to get my money back ?
Dear Student,
As IPU is the private university so only university can tell you when you will get your money back. Try to connect their department they might help you, you can find their number and E-mail in their official site. Still it will take hardly 10 days to return your money but it will be more better and clear to your if your ask them by own.
Good Luck :)
Ive secured 553 rank in BA ENGLISH HONOURS in IPU CET can I get a college at this rank in IPU ?
Hello Tanvi ,
congratulations for securing such a good marks in IPU CET .
Since you have not mentioned your category and other details , I suggest you to follow this link to get the exact prediction of your college details and which college you might get in IPU by filling the required details.
I hope that this will help.
can i get admission in ggsipu with a rank of 164 in BPT
Hello student
hope you are doing well and safe. With reference to your query, I would glad inform you that at your rank you holds very good chances of getting seat in GGSIPU , actually their are very few colleges in GGSIPU due to which you need to be rank top 200 which you have , so you can easily get admission main campus USIT of GGSIPU
Hope you found this answer informative. Best wishes for your future
At What Rank , I can get Admission in Top 5 Colleges in IPU for BJMC ? Please Mention according to Final Round Cutoffs also !!
Hello Sanjay,
You can follow this link.
Rank between 2000-2500 is Good or not for IPU BJMC ? Is there any Chances to get admission in Middle order Good Colleges or any Top listed College ?
Hello Sanjay,
Yes you can get some good colleges in this rank.
Please follow the above link.
I hope this information is helpful. Best of Luck!
when will ipu choice filling Round 4 and 5 dates will be announced for bba and bcom hons pls tell
Hi there!
Indraprastha University counseling process in under progress.The result of IP University 2021 for BBA,BCA, BCom Hons and BEd programmes was announced on October 5. The IP University result is released in the form of a pdf file containing the candidates' ranks. The IP University entrance exam result 2021 also reveals the candidates' qualification status. Round 3 counseling is presently going on. After around one week, Round 4 and 5 will begin.
Good luck.
I scored 159 marks and 67 rank in btech biotechnology code 130 from ip University. can I get the seat?
Hi, assuming that you want to do your masters program in B.Tech. Biotechnology from IP university. You will have to give entrance exams to get into universities for your masters program. It depends on university for which exam they accept or conduct their own exams. You need a Bachelors degree also but more important is your entrance exam. Please provide with more details. Hope this helps.