sir I have 397 rank with score of 137 in ICAR AIEE PG exam for major subject group Food science what are chances for confirmation of seat allotment
Since you did not mention your category, I am assuming you are of general category. Based on previous year cut off, you can get PG Food Science and Nutrition in the following colleges -
- Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat ( Assam )
- University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru ( Karnataka )
- University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad ( Karnataka )
icar approved are not this college
Sorry but your question seems quite incomplete and doesn't help us reach to a meaningful conclusion. Kindly restructure your question and ask again including the necessary details. You can also tag the respective subject with the question.
This to provide you with the correct information.
Hope you understand.
Good luck!
sir I kept my university name wrong on the icar pg exam counseling yet to be started after 7 days is there any chance to change university name with in 7 days
The students can not change or edit the details once the final submit button is clicked. However, NTA will sometimes provide the rectification window through which candidates can change or edit their details before that window is closed. After the closure of the rectification window, no correction can be done.
which agriculture university I will get agbsc in South India, my icar marks 302 and belong to st category. All India rank is 13960 and category rank is 162
Hi Aspirant,
You have secured a good rank and congratulations for that.As you belong from St category so there are high chances for you to get into a good agricultural University in South India.However cut off changes every year based on several factors but based on last year statistics you could apply for PJTSAU, Telangana .
You can apply for Nagaland University ,CAU(Imphal) with your rank.If you go towards a bit north then you can apply for Vishwa bharati.It is also a good college.
The cut off for University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore remains a bit high every year but you can apply for this college.If closing rank is less this year then you may get chance.
All the best.
My score for ICAR 2020 is 397.Will i get admission for bioinformatics /BSc Agriculture?
Hi Aspirant,
It is difficult to say your chances since you haven't mentioned your caste.Admission dependa lot on that.Anyways considering general then your score will not fetch you a good college in BSc Agriculture since cut off at top universities remain above 400 score.Since your score is close to 400 so you should apply for the listed colleges.You may get chance as cutoff varies year to year.
The colleges are:
- Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University
- Central Agricultural University
- Vishwa Bharati
- High chances for NAGALAND UNIVERSITY
You will get easy chances if you are not from general since in that perspective you have a good score.
All the best!!
i got 260 in icar exam 2020 in ST category. will i get a good government college with this marks?
In icar , 200 marks is needed to get good college..
Your score is very good and you are belonging from sc category..
Sc category cuttoff marks is 250-300
As you score, 250 means you are getting good score you have chance of both government and private college..
But I'm not sure about government college but yes you can get private college..
Hope this information will help you
what is the difference between doing agbsc by writing ap eamcet and icar
Hello aspirant,
As you mentioned in your question there are two ways of doing B.Sc agri. So the difference in the both ways is described below.
1) B.Sc agri through AP EAMCET - Through AP EAMCET you will get admission into any non-icar institution which is UGC approved. By doing your agbsc course through such non icar institution considered when you want to be a horticulture officer. All other posts are available in this way other than agriculture officer. Also it is considered when you want to go in foreign countries for studying masters or doing work.
2) B.Sc agri with ICAR - Through this you will get admission in ICAR recognized university . This type of university will give you the minimum eligibility for getting agricultural officer position in the government departments of state and central.
So this s the difference between the two ways that you mentioned in the question. Hope this information will help you.
Best of luck.
hi, sir, I got 99marks in ap eamcet as per response sheet. from ews category. any chanche to me to get veterinary seat in Gnnavaram? and icar marks will nearly 320 which best for me agbsc Or veterinary???
Hi aspirant,
You got 99 marks in ap eamcet. You asked if you can get a seat in Gannavaram or not.
Now, look, as you don't write the marks got in ipe, I can't predict your actual rank. Here is the calculation procedure of ap eamcet merit marks:
Total score= IPE score + EAMCET score
IPE score= [(Total group marks for 600)/ 24 ] gives you marks out of 25
EAMCET score= (75/100)*EAMCET normalised marks.
Just go through it & you may get your merit score.
A merit score vs rank list is also given here. You may go through it to get your rank:
Marks: 99-90
Marks: 89-80
Rank: 101-1k
Marks: 79-70
Rank: 1k-5k
Marks: 69-60
Rank: 5k -15k
Marks: 59-50
Rank: 15k - 50k
Marks: 49-40
Rank: 50k - 1.5 L
Marks: 39-30
Rank: 1.5L+
So, look, if you get rank between 1.4k to 1.6k, you may get a good government college seat easily.
Here is an ap eamcet college predictor:
Your Icar marks is 320. So your rank should be around 4500.Now, look, 300+ score in ICAR is a medium marks. So, you may get government colleges but the chances are low.
All the best !!
Central agriculture university, IMPAL is recognised by ICAR. It means its constituent colleges like Agriculture college,PASIGHAT is also recognised by ICAR or not sir, please advise me.
ICAR recognised meaning its constituent. It's insured that it give higher education in Agriculture.
IMPAL is under ICAR and PASIGHAT also under ICAR.
And both colleges are good for agriculture.
Above both link have included your mentioned college details.
All the best.
which carrier option to choose- bsc botany from BHU or bsc agriculture from vks college of agriculture (government college in bihar, entrance exam - BCECE) ( not affiliated by icar, but affiliated by college which in turn affiliated by icar. NOTE: I am okay with both, but pls tell which will bebest
As per my knowledge after comparing these two colleges I will give you advice to choose BSc from botany from BHU . Because it is better than VKS college of agriculture in aspects of placements, infrastructure, faculty and other.
Crowd & Campus4.6
Value for Money4.5
Median salary in BHU with BSc botany is 400000 and highest salary is 14 lakh.
Best of luck
Hope it's helpful thankyou.