I got 9852 overall rank in ICAR can I pursue bsc agriculture here?
Candidates who belong to unreserved category required at least 300 to 350 marks or a rank around 5–6 k rank to get government seat in icar AIEEA UG. Candidates who belong to obc required 300-320 marks and candidates who belong to SC required 250 to 300 marks.
To know more visit: https://university.careers360.com/articles/icar-aieea
I hope this was helpful. Thank you!
what is thelast rank admiitted through icar ug for bfsc?
Hi aspirant!
ICAR AIEEA cutoff is the minimum marks required by the candidates to pass AIEEA entrance exam. Candidates clearing the set cutoff will be shortlisted by ICAR. Only those candidates who clear the set qualifying percentage will be allowed to participate in the counselling process.
The cutoff marks are prepared after the results are announced. Cutoff marks are decided based on the number of candidates appearing the exam and the total number of seats available Below is the cutoff based on All India quota merit list.
Category | Score | Rank |
General | 450 | 400 |
OBC | 430 | 680 |
SC | 365 | 2550 |
ST | 310 | 4550 |
ICAR- Indian Council for Agricultural Research examination provides admission to only agricultural colleges all over india. so no you can no get bvsc course addmission under icar exam.
To get admission in B.Vsc colleges one can give AIPVT conducted by veterinary council of India. Or opt for state conducted Veterinary examination.
For more details view the following site:
Hope this helps!
Thank you!
got 40 marks in icar aieee exam what is the predicted colleges in India
Hello Keerthi!
40 marks out of 600 is really less. You do not score 40% in the entrance exam, so there are nill chances for you to get seat in ICAR approved colleges if you have any kind of reservation also.
The cutoff generally hovers around above 300. Below is the info:-
- SC - 250-300
- ST - 200-250
- General - 350-450
- EWS / OBC - 300-400
This year the rank inflation is also great as normalization was not considered though the exam was conducted in two shifts for three days. So, unfortunately 40 marks are really less to get any course in ICAR colleges.
Hope for the best and prepare again:)
When will ICAR AIEEA 2020 result and answer key came?
Steps to downlaod result-
- Go to the official website of NTA ICAR.
- Then click on the link available for result by name View Result for AIEEA UG/ PG based on the level of examination, once the result releases.
- Enter the credentials required there such as application number, date of birth.
- Then Sign In.
- The result of ICAR AIEEA will be displayed on the screen.
- You can download and save it for later use.
Check out this link http://university.careers360.com/articles/icar-aieea-result The provisional answer keys can be released anytime soon by the authority.
I got all india rank 14779 and obc rank 6907 in icar which course I will get please tell
You can get B.tech Agriculture Engineering in the following colleges -
- Central Agricultural University, Imphal
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad Agricultural University, Pusa
You can also get B.Tech Food Technology in Central Agricultural University, Imphal.
This is based on previous year cut offs. Keep in mind that cut off varies every year depending on various factors.
what will happen if I not qualify ICAR exam then which college will be good for bsc agriculture
You can go for your state agriculture college/university for getting admission in B.Sc agriculture course and for that purpose the 2020 admission criteria may differ it can be either entrance based or merit based.
Hope this helps!
I get 302 marks in icar ug, I am belongs to St category, can I get Agbsc at BHU?
Hello Aspirant,
Your score is fine but I am afraid it is not enough to get admission in Banaras Hindu University (BHU) . The expected cutoff required for this college for ST category is much higher around 382 and the expected rank is around 4525. The cutoffs are decided based on the how candidates score in the exam , the highest mark in your category , the number of seats , number of applicants ,difficulty level of the exam etc. However you may try for next level colleges like Rani Laxmi Bai Central Agricultural University (RLBCAU), Jhansi,Central Agricultural University, Imphal,Viswa Bharti, PSBVB, Sriniketan, West Bengal etc.
All the best
can i get review of all icar ug shifts this year?what can be cut off of all categories? when will answer key be released?
Hi. The expected cut off for ICAR entrance exam for all categories is as follows:
General - 300 – 350
OBC/ EWS 300 – 320
SC- 250 – 300
ST- 200 – 250
The difficulty level of the ICAR AIEEA is said to be high this year as compared to previous years hence the cut off is also expected to drop. The result is out, and you can check it at icar.nta.nic.in
i got 334 in icar and am an SCcandidate, west bengal domicile. is there any chance of getting good government college.?
Hello Aspirant,
The cutoff score for SC category is 365 and rank is 2550 in this the ICAR AIEEA 2020.So your score seems to be a little less hence it will be difficult to get desired good colleges but anyways your other possibilities cannot be predicted for sure as it depends on the number of seats available in each college for the chosen course and the number of applicants.
Last year's cutoff in West Bengal Viswa Bharathi was 366 and the rank was 5610.
Public Universities in West Bengal
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya
West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences
Central University West Bengal
Visva Bharathi University
All the best
Is The Indian Agriculture College, Ramapuram,Nagercoil ICAR accredited?
Yes The Indian Agriculture College, Tirunelveli is has ICAR accreditation. The Indian Agriculture College, Tirunelveli is a private college and is a affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Agriculture course is a full-time four-year undergraduate degree offered by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, and approved by The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).