how are the classrooms of ICFAI law school dehradun? are they AC Or non AC? how are the benches etc?
Hello aspirant
Congrats on your admission to prestigious IFCAI law school dehradoon.
All teaching classroom at IFCAI dehradoon are equipped with AC and some other classrooms are non AC.
The benches at IFCAI Dehradoon are well furnished and are in good condition.
For more details click on the link below
Good luck
What is the average salary package offered to the students of ICFAI Law School, Dehradun in 2020?
What is the highest salary package offered to the students of ICFAI Law School, Dehradun in 2020?
What is the required eligibility criteria for the LLM programme at ICFAI Law School, Dehradun?
how is icfai Dehradun or icfai Jaipur for pursuing 3 yr llb ??
ICFAI Dehradun University not only for law college. It's including BTech, BA LLB, BSc . So many courses are offered here. This college was established 2003. After the establishment of college this is become a very popular college. Its a UGC aggregate college. Due to research the infrastructure of this college is very good. Whole college is covered AC. Free WiFi is available. You can access college huge library. Faculties are good but here practical studies is less valuable. From this college 85% students got placed with good package of salary. Infact so many students got internship also.
Now come to the ICFAI Raipur law college. Which is good college but here also offered so many courses. Here free WiFi is always available. It was established 2011. Library are good here. Faculties are very helpful and we'll knowledgeable. Placement also good here. 80% students got placed here every year. Highest salary 50k per month and lowest salary 20k per month.
Now choice is totally yours, which college you want to go for admission.
All the best.