ICSE class-9 Economic Application syllabus for 2021 if any?
Dear Student,
some of the primary topics covered in Economics for ICSE 9 standard syllabus is,
Introduction to Economics
- Definition of Economics according to Adams, Robbins, Keynes and Samuelson
- Types of activities.
- Sectors in an Economy.
- Basic Economic terms.
- Basic Economic terms.
Types of Economies
- On the basis of Nature.
- On the basis of Development.
- Economic growth and development.
The Indian Economy : A study
- Agriculture and allied activities
- Problems of Indian Agriculture
- Government measures to improve agricultural production
- Green Revolution
- Meaning of Food Security
- Industry
- Meaning of Industry
- Types of Industries
- Adverse impacts of industrialisation
Major problem of the Indian Economy
- Poverty
- Unemployment
ICSE class 9 2021 Geography syllabus?
Hello aspirant,
Here is the syllabus
1. Our world
(i) Geographic grid – Latitudes & Longitudes
(a) Concept of latitudes: main latitudes, their location with degrees, parallels of latitude and their uses.
(b) Concept of longitudes – Prime Meridian, time (local, standard and time zones, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and
International Date Line (IDL). Eastern and Western hemisphere.
(ii) Rotation and Revolution
Rotation – direction, speed and its effects (occurrence of day and night, the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, Coriolis effect) Revolution of the earth and its inclined axis – effects: the variation in the length of the day and night and seasonal changes with Equinoxes and Solstices.
2. Structure of the Earth
(i) Earth’s Structure Core, mantle, crust – meaning, extent and their composition.
(ii) Rocks – difference between minerals and rocks, types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, their characteristics and formation.
(iii)Volcanoes – Meaning, Types – active, dormant and extinct. Effects – constructive and destructive. Important volcanic zones of the world.
(iv) Earthquakes – Meaning, causes and measurement. Effects: destructive and constructive. Earthquake zones of the World
(v) Weathering – Meaning, types and effects of weathering. Types: Physical Weathering – block and granular disintegration, exfoliation;
Chemical weathering – oxidation, carbonation, hydration and solution;
Biological Weathering – caused by humans, plants and animals.
3. Hydrosphere
Meaning of hydrosphere.
Tides – formation and pattern.
Ocean Currents – their effects (specifically of Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Drift, Labrador Current, Kuro Shio and Oya Shio.)
4. Atmosphere
(i) Composition and structure of the atmosphere. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere and Exosphere; Ozone in the Stratosphere, its depletion. Global warming and its impact.
(ii) Insolation
• Meaning of insolation and terrestrial radiation.
• Factors affecting temperature: latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, slope of land, winds and ocean currents.
(iii)Atmospheric Pressure and Winds.
• Meaning and factors that affect atmospheric pressure.
• Major pressure belts of the world.
• Factors affecting direction and velocity of wind – pressure gradient, Coriolis Effect.
• Permanent winds – Trades, Westerlies and Polar Easterlies.
• Periodic winds – Land and Sea breezes, Monsoons.
• Local winds – Loo, Chinook, Foehn and Mistral.
• Variable winds – Cyclones and Anticyclones.
(iv) Humidity
• Humidity – meaning.
• Precipitation – forms (rain, snow, and hail).
• Types of rainfall – relief/orographic, convectional, cyclonic/ frontal with examples from the different parts of the world.
5. Pollution
(a) Types – air, water (fresh and marine), soil, radiation and noise.
(b) Sources:
• Noise: Traffic, factories, construction sites, loudspeakers, airports.
• Air: vehicular, industrial, burning of garbage.
Water: domestic and industrial waste.
• Soil: chemical fertilizers, bio medical waste and pesticides.
• Radiation: X- rays; radioactive fallout from nuclear plants.
(c) Effects – on the environment and human health.
(d) Preventive Measures – Carpools, promotion of public transport, no smoking zone, restricted use of fossil fuels,
saving energy and encouragement of organic farming.
6. Natural Regions of the World
Location, area, climate, natural vegetation and human adaptation.
Equatorial region, Tropical Deserts, Tropical Monsoon.
7. Map Work
On an outline map of the World, candidates will be required to locate, mark and name the following:
1. The major Natural Regions of the world – Equatorial, Tropical Monsoon, Tropical Deserts.
2. The Oceans, Seas, Gulfs and Straits – all Major Oceans, Caribbean Sea, North Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, South China Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, Hudson Bay, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Guinea, Bering Strait, Strait of Gibraltar, Strait of Malacca.
3. Rivers – Mississippi, Colorado, Amazon, Paraguay, Nile, Zaire, Niger, Zambezi, Orange, Rhine, Volga, Danube, Murray, Darling, Hwang Ho, Yangtse Kiang, Ob, Indus, Ganga, Mekong, Irrawaddy, Tigris, Euphrates.
4. Mountains – Rockies, Andes, Appalachian, Alps, Himalayas, Pyrenees, Scandinavian Highlands, Caucasus, Atlas, Drakensburg, Khinghan, Zagros, Urals, Great Dividing Range.
5. Plateaus – Canadian Shield, Tibetan Plateau, Brazilian Highlands, Patagonian Plateau, Iranian Plateau, Mongolian Plateau.
All the best for your future
I am a student currently moved to class 10 from class 9th icse board. I wanted to prepare for ntse as well as the prmo-rmo-inmo. my school in kolkata doesnt conducts this examinations. what should I do for registration for prmo rmo inmo and ntse (2021 - 2022). please answer my question.
Hello there,
For now you can contrate on NTSE,
For NTSE stage 1 you need to prepare your state board books of 8( in some cases) , 9 and 10 thoroughly. If you start by july, you will have enough time. Timetables and schedules:- you will know best about your studying schedule and patterns, so I suggest you make a timetable.
For stage-2 : Special tip: Practice MAT well , very well. This year too the MAT paper was tough and lengthy.
RMO: Try to learn as much as possible in the arenas of higher math. Number theory , Combinatorics and Inequalities will give you an edge over the others..
Thank you.
I am a class 10 student, am in ICSE board and had planned to change my board in class 11 that is from icse to cbse. My question is "Is it necessary to give jee exams" for taking admission in any other school or hostel for studying class 11 and 12 there? Why are some class 10 kids giving neet now?
To answer you question, competitive exams like JEE and NEET are just for admission in Engineering and medicine courses only. For admission in class 11th and 12th JEE or any sort of competitive entrance exam is required . Also it is not possible for any Class 10th student to appear in NEET exam as eligibility criteria clearly states that the candidate should have cleared class 12 or should be appearing for examinations this year.
I hope I was able to clear your doubts.
I had lost my admit card of class 12 cbse boad in 2004 ..& i had lost my class 10 icse board admit card in 2002..how shall i will get..its emergency...plzz help me out
You have to file a police complaint as you have lost your documents and then with the copy of it you need to contact your school. The school will guide you out with proper recommendation letter by the Head of the Institutions. You have to pay some fee to the council for the duplicate copy of your result which may take a period of around 3 months.
I hope my answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
i am in 10th studying in icse school pune . can you tell me what to do after 10th to becom an astronaut and which collage to take in pune ?
Firstly complete your 10th with good marks, then choose Science (PCM) in 11th and 12th.
The basic eligibility criteria for becoming an astronaut is that a candidate should have Bachelors/Masters/PhD degree in the STEM field or Aeronautical/Aerospace engineering.
The best engineering college in Pune is College of Engineering Pune also called COEP.
You can get admission in COEP through MHT CET exam which you can take up after 12th.
I would suggest you to prepare for JEE mains and advance to and if you will be able to get into IITs then that would be great.
I hope this helps.
sir please guide me. My childerens are studing at 6th and 5th class in chadigarh, now school has change the board CBSE to ICSE. Suggest me CBSE and ICSE board difference
I will mention out some points that will help you in understanding the difference between the CBSE and the ICSE boards.
CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education
Comes under the Union Government of India.
Focus is given more on theoretical concepts
Is generally considered to be easier in comparison to ICSE, since it has a more structured and scientific approach to its coursework.
Allows English as well as Hindi as medium of instructions.
conducts lot of Scholarships and talent search exams
ICSE or Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
Was established in 1958 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
Focuses more on the practical knowledge.
The syllabus is more comprehensive and detailed that matches international standards.
Does not allow Hindi as their medium of instruction
Difficult to find a private tuition because of less number of ICSE teachers in India
ICSE has more number of subjects than CBSE.
Good Luck
Please provide ICSE "Class 9" (Hindi Syllabus)
You can download the class 9 syllabus of ICSE board from the official website of ICSE. Follow the steps below to get the syllabus
- Open the official site of ICSE i.e. cisce.org
- Go to "Publication" tab
- Now click on "Reduced syllabus for ICSE class IX"
- A new window will open consisting the pdfs of syllabus of all the subjects of class9
- Click on the link on your subject to get the syllabus pdf
Good luck!
Sir/Mam Im currently studying in 10th standard.Ive pursued my throughout education in an ICSE affiliated school. Am I eligible to give SAT exam?
Hello candidate,
The criteria for the SAT examination is not based on whether the student is from any specific board such as CBSE or ICSE.
Moreover, there is no age criteria for appearing this examinations but it is mostly appeared by the students studying in high school or about 18 years. For getting admission into undergraduate courses through SAT examination, the student should have passed his class 12th examinations.
Hope it helps!!