How to identify community certificate number, Community Certificate issuing authority designation and communication certificate date (issued with last eligable date for the application ) for IES exam application. can someone help with application process..........
How to find community certificate number?
should I prepare gate and ies together??? because there is little much difference and syllabus is same.
Hello saxena,
You can start preparing for IES as the syllabus is more in IES and it takes more time, for GATE you can work on your aptitude and numericals before few months of GATE examination,
As If you prepare for IES your theory part will be completed automatically and for GATE you can practice numericals so that you can get good marks in GATE.
But it's very important to focus on one of the competition first as you need to get maximum knowledge and learning so that you can get a good rank and get desired job/college.
I hope it helps,
Best of luck
how is ece branch in engineering as graduation for giving ias or ies exam?
ECE student can apply for IES exam . UPSC conducts IES/ESE exam for 4 branches which are : Civil Engineering, Electronics & telecommunication Engineering, etc. You can apply for IAS exam being a student of ECE engineering in the final year of Graduation Degree Engineering. IAS - INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE. to become an IAS officer the candidate should have appeared and cracked Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC every year.
To become IES officer, what are path should I follow. that is exam ?..Exam rules...
To become an IES officer you need to apply for the IES exam through the web portal of UPSC that conducts the exam and qualify the selection process is done through written test and interview . The written test has two sections, Section I (there will be objective model questions based on general English and general studies) and Section II (is a conventional paper is based on the concerned subject of engineering). Qualified candidates in the written test will go to the next level of selection, personality test. Based on the marks obtained in the written test and personality test, aspirants are selected to different departments.
Also to become an IES officer you are required to get an Engineering degree from any of the recognized University.
For UPSC ESE exam eligibilty criteria, please refer to the following link:
Good Luck