which one is easier in graduation sociology or anthropology
Hello student its not fair to compare two courses because it may vary student to student which one is easy or which one is hard I'll suggest you to choose one in which you're interested and in which hoi can work hard so that you won't get bored in college and learn new things. In sociology and anthropology sociology is more preferable among students.
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck
can I do MBA after getting less then 50% in graduation.
- As per the official information the minimum requirement to study MBA you should have at-least AVG 60% of marks ,( atleast 55 % in open category 50% in reserved category )
- Sorry to inform you that you are not qualified for MBA courses , even your CAT score is really high there is no chance of admission with less than 50% marks in graduation you can repeat the graduation course or improve your score if option available and try for MBA so that you can get into some reputed colleges so that you get job easily.
- Still if you want to continue to join some colleges that takes students for MBA even with less marks please go through the website of the colleges to confirm their credibility and value of certificate they provide
while checking I found this site
- https://www.directadmissionmba.in/below-50-in-graduation/
- http://www.directadmissionmbacolleges.in/tag/direct-admission-in-mba-colleges-accepting-below-50-graduation
Kindly go through the site of these colleges to ensure the credibility and decide , if to join or not
Hope this information helped you
best wishes for your future
i scored 37 in my first aimcat after 15 days preparation i attempted 83 questions , out of which 27 were correct and 56 were wrong . what is my percentile .and what is this score .
Hi ,
Firstly i must appreciate that it is very good that you got so many answers correct but you need not answer every question for which you are not sure of as it will bring you only negative marks.
Now you can not calculate percentile since it is based on the number of people who have given the test, in case you do not know it and if we talk about the marks the marking scheme for All questions is +3 for a right answer and -1 for a wrong MCQ type question where as no negative marking for type in the answer type, so you will need to check your score accordingly.
1. In NIM , Uttarkashi do we get certificate after completion of course ? 2. Is this Institute verified (accredited by any educational organisation or Government) ?
NIM, Uttarakashi offers various mountaineeing courses, and upon sucessful completion of those courses, certificates too are offered by the institute and grades too are provided. NIMS is one of the best mountainering institute in Asia as well as highly prestigious and very disciplined as well and it's certified by international federation for mountaineering and climbing.
Is 59% in graduation enough for admission in a gujarat state college in MBA?
can I get good job after completing my course. How can i become great
You haven't said about what particular code you are talking about. In casual detail, becoming famous Depends on your job and your work. Just like if you are a ethical programmer, you will be known in all the IT companies. Similarly if you are a bank accountant, you will be known in all the Branches of the particular Bank. So it's depends on the position and the work you are working.
Now being a professional in your work depends on your experience and perfection in your work without any remark. So do your best and hope for the least
hii i have done cet exam with 50% marking but i have 2 subject back in graduation but my parcentage in graduation is above 50% can i eligible for mba
No, you are not eligible to get into MBA college because you have still not completes your graduation. You'll be eligible to take admission into any mba college only when you pass your graduation without any back paper. I'll recommend you to first clear your graduation and then reappear for mba entrance exam next year.
Good luck
Hi i have 82% in Xth ,63% in XIIth and 68% in Graduation(B.Tech) and also have 3yrs of experience in IT sector . What percentile should i target in CAT to get admission in top B-schools. And i belong to general category.
see cutoff score changes every year and it depends on candidates category, question difficulty level, seat matrix etc, however you need to work really hard to get more than 98 percentile in cat since your 12th and graduation marks is lower than 80%, however you may also do some courses on six sigma, corporate finance to boost up your resumes.
i dont have mathematics subject in graduation level Im eligible or not for.jnuca ..? please reply ASAP
Are you asking for JNU MCA entrance exam ? If yes then I would like to inform you that for being eligible you need to have bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum agreegate 55% from any recognised university , along with this there need to have mathematics subject as a compulsory subject with a adequate competence in it, so as per the eligibility you are not eligible for JNU MCA exam.
Best of luck.
which management course are for student where eligibility is not 50% in graduation
Admission to MBA is done through various entrance exams, for instance CAT is conducted for admission to IIMs and other reputed B Schools, so if you belong to general category and don't have 50% marks in graduation, you cannot apply for CAT. But,there are other entrance tests such as MAT conducted four times a year and XAT for which there's no requirement of specific aggregate regarding this. You just need to pass Bachelor's Degree in any discipline from a recognised university.
You can know more details regarding this by visiting the following links;
For MAT; https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/mat-eligibility-criteria/amp
For XAT; https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/xat-eligibility-criteria/amp