I scored 630 gate 2022 score in civil gen (EWS) . which iit i can get by this , any branch , including interdisciplinary branches ?
Hello Aspirant,
If we go through the analysis of previous year's GATE score Vs College allotment than according to the GATE 2022 score mentioned by you in the query, you have chances in following colleges with Civil branch :-
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Kanpur
IIT Mandi
IIT Delhi
IIT Kanpur
And some more. You can check out previous year's cut-offs from the link given below :-
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your GATE 2022 Score and category you can use GATE College Predictor :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
is it compulsory to stay in hostel of iit indore for girls ?
Yes, it's compulsory to stay in hostel. Hall residents in the campus is strictly prohibited . Failure to abide by this would lead to strict action by the Disciplinary Committee, IIT Indore resulting in suspension or expulsion.
In the event of proceeding on unscheduled leave on account of illness, family matter, etc. student must inform the Hall Office in writing or via email. An entry should be made in the register kept with the security guards at Hall Office while leaving- and after returning- to the Hall.
The allotment of the Hall Room is only for running academic session. Any student interested to stay during semester break will be accommodated on payment basis with the suitable recommendations through concerned discipline HoD.
Here are some rules that you must have to follow :-
- The Hall authorities reserve the right to inspect the Hall and units without prior intimation and students are expected to cooperate.
- Students should sign incident report (IRs) when approached by Caretaker/security personnel’s for violating Hall rules.
- Residents are not encouraged to swap their allotted rooms without written permission from the Hall of Residence administration.
- Congregation of students must be avoided in a unit, stairs and corridors. Common areas should be utilized for any meeting related to students’ activities.
- Playing loud music, watching TV, and using music room are not permitted between 11.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. in order to ensure the comfort of residents. Residents should use garbage bins for disposal of paper, plastics, etc. There should be no littering anywhere in the Hall premises.
- Sports gear and musical instruments issued to the students are Institute property and should therefore be used for intended purpose in the common areas. These articles should not be carried to the individual rooms/units.
Hope this helps.
Name - Sagheer Ahmed Btech branch - ECE Category-OBC Gate instrumentation-64 marks 627 Gate score ,rank(337). Will I get nit trichy vlsi, nit surathkal vlsi, iit indore vlsi?
Hello aspirant,
As cut-offs changes from year to year, it is difficult to predict exactly.
***Based on previous year's cut-offs you have less chances of getting seat in below mentioned Colleges for your GATE rank.
>>>Indian Institute of Technology, Indore - M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics
>>>National Institute of Technology, Surathkal - M.Tech VLSI Design
But cut-offs varies from year to year and depends on many factors like number of seats available, difficulty level of the exam, caste category, number of students appeared in the exam, etc.
•••>>To check previous year's GATE cut-offs of IIT Indore go through below mentioned link.
•••>>For previous year's cut-offs of NIG Surathkal, use below mentioned link.
••>>You can check out below article for GATE previous cut-offs.
••>>To predict Colleges you can get for your GATE rank, use below mentioned GATE College Predictor Tool.
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
i am scoring 153 marks in uceed 2022 and rank of 271 Are there any chances of getting admission in iit. I belong to open category.
Hello aspirant,
**See it is difficult to predict because cut-offs changes from year to year. But based on previous year's cut-offs you have somewhat chances of getting seat in IIITDM Jabalpur, IIIT Delhi atleast in Round 2 or Round 3 for your UCEED 2022 marks and rank.
**Cut-offs depends on many factors like number of seats available number of seats available, difficulty level of the exam, caste category, number of students appeared in the exam, etc.
••>>To get more information about it go through below given link.
I hope this information was helpful to you.
Best of Luck!!
what is fess of hostel and mess in IIT Indore
Dear student,
Hostel fees and other fees per semester Indian Institute of Technology, Indore are given below.
Facilities Charges: Rs. 2,000
Mess Security Deposit: Rs. 2,000
Security Deposit: Rs. 2,000
Total: Rs. 15,000
*Charges may vary depending upto the faculties offered and fees structure changes from year to year.
On an average Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 34,000 it will charge for hostel and other charges in Indian Institute of Technology, Indore hostel.
Official website link of Indian Institute of Technology, Indore for hostel.
I hope this information was helpful to you.
Thank you!!