I got 47/100 marks in gate ece 2020.(general) air: 2592 gate score : 571.. normalized score: 57.31 what are my chances for iit Roorkee since it considers normalised marks and what about iit Guwahati? also which NITs can i get??
see cutoff scores changes year to year and depends on various factors , according to previous years cutoff you have decent chances for iit guwahati, iit roorkee ece branches, you have decent score to qualify for interdisciplinary branches, at this score you have fare chances for nits like nit durgapur, nit bhopal, nit harimpur etc.
you may use careers360 college predictor tool to know about your probable colleges,
What should I choose CSE at IIT Gandhinagar or aplid mathematics at IIT Roorkee ?
First priority should be given to Your interest if you are concerned about job then you should go for CSE at IIT Gandhinagar and if you are oriented towards research then you can go for applied mathematics but remember at Gandhinagar you will not witness the two century legacy and world class infrastructure and networking.
Which is better,5 year aplid mathematics at IIT Roorkee or 4 year mathematics and computing at IIT Ropar ?
4 years mathematics and computing at IIT Ropar is better because I would suggest you to always opt for four years course rather than 5 Year course until you are hundred percent sure that you are interested in that subject and you want to make future in that subject is specifically if you choose applied mathematics then it is much related to research and science purpose and not job oriented so if you are targeting for getting a placement and then you should go for mathematics and computing at IIT Ropar apart from that if you are getting some good 4 year course at IIT Roorkee then you can choose that because IIT Roorkee is much better compared to IIT Ropar
what percentage of marks in jee advanced exam is necessary to get computer science in IIT Roorkee?
Hi Sourish,
The prediction of exact percentile or rank or marks required in JEE Advanced to get admission in CSE brach in IIT Roorkee is quite difficult.
The cutoffs are decided on the following criteria:-
Previous years’ cutoff trends
Number of seats in the courses offered by the institute
Difficulty level of the entrance examination
These are the cutoffs@2019 of CSE Branch of IIT Roorkee:-
- General - AIR 412
- OBC - AIR 195
- EWS - AIR 33
- SC- AIR 102
- ST - AIR 68
Cutoffs@2018 :-
- General - AIR 416
- OBC NCL - AIR 225
- SC- AIR 108
- ST - AIR 82
From these previous year cutoffs you will get an idea of the rank required to get CSE Branch in IIT Roorkee.
You may refer to the source article for more information about JEE Advanced Cutoff for IIT Roorkee.
Your one-stop B.Tech Counselling package with Full-Length JEE Main Mock Tests, 15+ College Predictors, a printed Almanac with 1000+ FAQs on Admissions & more
If you require to know colleges for which you are eligible then you should go to the link mentioned below.
Link - JEE Main College Predictor
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!
CATEGORY- NC OBC FEMALE CAT- 82.92 percentile 10th - 89.6 12th - 70.4 Grad- BCA: 76.05 Post Grad - MCA: 84.06 Work Ex- 30 months Can I expect calls from IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, NITIE, IIM Amritsar, IIM Shillong, IIM Udaipur, IIM Rohtak?
Hello Prabhakar
With 82.92 percentile in CAT and as you have mentioned your academics and it is more than average and also your work experience will be beneficial for you,there are some chances that you will get call from these colleges.It all depends on the sectional cut off in all 3 sections of CAT.
However there are some other top colleges where you can get admission with this percentile,you can check them here https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/what-if-my-cat-percentile-between-80-and-90-do-i-have-any-chance-at-top-b-schools
I Hope This Information Helps
Best Of Luck!!!
what is minimum mark in jee adv to get IITR any core branch ?????
Hi Aditya,
The cutoffs for IIT Roorkee for core branches varies every year.The last year cut offs for the core branches like Mechanical,Civil,Electrical,Chemical.
for genral:-
1-Electrical:-1856 rank
2-civil:-5261 rank
3-mechanical:-2748 rank
4-chemical:-4384 rank.
for OBC:-
1-Electrical:-720 rank
2-civil:-1992 rank
3-Chemical:-1990 rank
4-Mechanical:-1084 rank.
for SC:-
1-chemical:-1240 rank
2-civil:-1048 rank
3-electrical:-514 rank
4-mechanical:-654 rank.
for ST:-
1-chemical:-733 v
2-civil:-264 rank
3-electrical:-218 rank
4-mechanical:-329 rank.
For details you can visit the link given below:-
Hope this will help,please feel free to ask if you have any further queries.
Thank You.
what is minimum mark for getting IITR 2020
Hi Aditya
For the candidates to qualify for admission in the IIT Roorkee, they should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th class examination, or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards. For SC/ST students the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th class examination
Seat relaxation is 15 % for Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5% for Scheduled Tribe (ST) and 3% for Persons with Disability (PwD) in every course
Hope this helps! All The Best!!
Feel free to ask if you have any more queries
alag se application form aata h IIT Roorkee ka ...
No, there is not any separate application form for IIT Roorkee for that you will have to get rank ( which comes under cutoff of IIT Roorkee) in JEE advanced exam, for that you will have to clear JEE mains exam to be eligible for JEE advanced exam, and after clearing JEE advanced exam you can have admission only when if you have 75% and more percentage in your class 12th in PCM .
Best of luck.
what would be fees to be paid in iit roorkee for Btech CSE if family income is less than 1 lakhs and belongs to OBC(NCL) caste
Hi Aspirant
IIT ROORKEE website has clearly stated fee structure on their website.
Click on the following pdf to find out
Hope this helps
what is the minimum rank to get computer science branch in IIT kanpur IIT BHU and IIT roorkee
Dear Aspirant,
IIT kanpur kanpur
Closing rank-919
IIT roorke
Closing ranks-416
IIT bhu
Closing ranks-2493
If you want to know about cutoff for top IITs then you can visit the link mentioned below
All the very best