In the previous Year GATE cutoff for IIT Roorkee given in, cutoff for M.Tech. CAD, CAM and Robotics is not given. Why?
1)Machine Design Engineering
2)Production and Industrial Systems Engineering
3)Thermal System Engineering
4)Welding Engineering
5)CAD, CAM and Robotics
Cutoffs for individual programs are not released by the institution.
Note that in total there are 90 seats for the entire department for MTech and thus cutoffs won't differ much for individual programs.
Following are the 2018 Gate cutoffs of Mechanical & industrial engineering all together:-
General: 72.47
OBC: 65.27
Hope this helps :)
Best of luck!
How much marks i have to get in jee advanced to get IIT Roorkee (CSE)?
You have to search a rank under 1000 in JEE advanced to get CSE at IIT Roorkee, so far this you have to score above 50% marks in JEE advanced.
Hope it helps.
How many marks are required for a sc candidate for iit roorkee mechanical or civil branch 2019 ?
Hello Utkarsh,
It varies every year so it is difficult to tell exact marks.JEE Advanced 2019 cutoff for IIT Roorkee will be determined by considering various factors as listed below:
Difficulty level of JEE Advanced 2019 entrance examination
Total number of candidates applied
Total number of candidates appeared in entrance examination
Availability of seats in B.Tech programme
Candidate’s performance in entrance examination
Previous years cutoff trends
Careers360 have posted an article regarding the cut off of iit roorkee in 2019. You will get the information of previous two year cut off also. I am providing you tye link please visit it to clearify everything.
Good luck.
I have 350 rank in GATE CS with marks 67.33(not normalised) . Can I get admission in IIT Roorkee???
Hello Vatsal
With this rank you can surely get IIT Roorkee and if not Roorkee then IITG surely. Last to last year with this you could have gor IIT Kgp.
But this year too you can try IIt Kanpur and IIT Kgp. But if IIt Roorkee is your personal choice then you can surely get.
Let my OBC rank is 500 in jee advance and closing rank of iit roorkee is 550 for obc,will I get admission?or they consider CRL rank?
Hey Lakhan,
You will surely get the iit roorkee if same rank arrangements for counselling repeats itself this year. You will get admission through OBC category only at this much rank. If you want admission through general category then you will have to get a more good rank.
Good luck !
My GATE CS 2019 rank is 350 and score is 770. Can I get M Tech in IIT Roorkee counselling???
hello vatsal
you can predict your chances of admission in iit roorkee using the cutoff for iit roorkee mtech at and all the colleges you can get at this score at
hope it helps.
Which are best books for JEE Advanced and what will be pattern of paper by IIT ROORKEE this year?
. Be sincere in your efforts (Half hearted hard work doesnt give fruitful results !)
2. Practice from limited and standard books like HC VERMA, etc. Dont do too many books. Do limited books, and do it more number of times. Become perfect in them.
3. Get a good Guru, if you can find ! Guru is the person who knows what should be done and what should not be done. He/she is the best guide.
4.Focus more on previous year questions of IIT JEE
Physics:Start with HC Verma. Then go ahead with IIT JEE Questions directly. Dont go for any other crap books.Also other books from Arihant and GRB are good .. However if u have time left after doing previous years, you can solve Irodov, Resnick, Krotov etc !
Chemistry:NCERT most important. Other than that, for reference, use OP Tandon, MS Chouhan, Pradeeps, Morrison and Boyd, Himanshu Pandey, P Bahadur, SN Sanyal etc. Other books from GRB and Arihant are also good !
Maths:Start with NCERT, RD. Then go ahead with A Das Gupta, MCQ in Maths, Advanced Problems in JEE (Balaji) and then previous year questions from Arihant 39 years !etc More books of Arihant and GRB can be used if needed.
Practice previous year IIT JEE questions MANY TIMES (You can use Arihant 39 years for that ! ) . Become perfect in them. Solve other peoples doubts. These will help you score better :). People run after so many modules and crap test series. Instead you should focus on limited material and do it more number of times !! Many questions ask only basic concepts but a good clarity in them. Self study is definitely most important. But coaching really helps you score more
Hope you get
Can anyone tell me that when will the Gate cutoff for IIT Roorkee 2019 would be released?
The last date to apply for MTECH admission in IIT Roorkee was 12th of april.
Cutoffs are not yet reseased, There's no official statement of the date.
You can view previous year cut off trends for IIT Roorkee here:
Best if luck :)
Thank you!
I have GATE 2019 score of 35 (381/1000) in PI. My rank:357. Using predictor, Ive good chance of 1 course in IIT Roorkee & Bhubaneswar. Ok?
Hello Selvaganesan,
Our predictor's provide you the information about the most appropriate college for you based on your score. So, you needn't worry about the validity of the prediction as our team of experts do a lot of research while designing these predictors. Congratulations!