scope of ece branch when done from iit roorkee
Iit roorkee is one of the oldest and highly reputated college. Placement of iit roorkee is great for ece. Here higher package offer is around 25 lakhper annum and average salary offer is around 10 lpa. Top companies visiting are qualcomm,texas instrument, intel,maxim integrated etc .
Research scope : many student go for research work at the good foreign university.
Some psu also hire student from iit roorkee like drdo, isro,bel..
There are a good scope after doing ece from iit roorkee.
Good Luck.
my rank is 3087 in advanced I got iitr ece in 1st round and I choose slide option how many chances r there for getting cse in iitr.
Hello Ishika Singhla!
Congratulations for the score!
The guidelines for branch-change are:
- The 10% seats which are added at the end of the semester are calculated using the original number of seats being offered by the department during the JoSAA counseling. Extra seats are also vacated if students from a department change their branches.
- Grades are the only criteria on which preference is given to students. In the case of equal grades, the JEE Advanced rank will be the tiebreaker.
If you secure CGPA in the below range there is a chance of branch sliding
Branch Opening Closing
CSE 9.905 9.81
ECE 9.714 9.619
EE 9.667 9.381
MSM 9.429 9.429
ME 9.381 9.048
CE 9.333 9.333
EPH 9.286 8.714
CHE 9.048 8.857
IN 9 8.81
GPT 8.714 7.81
These values may change year to year
Hope it helps!
All the best!
Thankyou !!
cutoff at iit roorkee and gurl
Dear Aspirant, cut off for 2020 JEE advance has not been released yet by the authority. The cut off will depend on several other factors:
Previous year cut offs.
No. Of seats offered in courses by institutes.
No. Of candidates appeared in JEE advance 2020.
Difficulty level of entrance exam.
For better understanding of how cut offs for 2020 can be set up by the authorities , here is a glimpse of previous year cut offs.
For 2019 .(Assuming category : General)
Course Male. Female
Biotechnology. 7566 9982
Chemical engineering. 4384. 8140
Civil engineering. 5261. 10384
Computer science. 412 . 1386
Engineering physics. 4069. 7726
Mechanical engineering. 2748. 6615
Metallurgy and material eng. 6607 . 11832
Polymer science. 8365. 11369
Electrical engineering. 1856. 4274
Electronics and communication engineering
1198. 3109
Production and industrial engineering.
5235. 9247
Architecture. 17756. 19658
For year 2018 cut off marks .
College. Opening rank. Closing rank
IIT Roorkee. 3268. 4756
IIT guwahati. 3748. 5890
IIT Gandhinagar . 3747. 7542
For more information and better understanding of the cut off marks in various IITs you may click on the given link.
I have given AAT exam on 8 th Oct. which order to prefer for B.Arch... IIT KHARAGPUR / iit Roorkee/ Iit BHU...for B.Arch . i am serious about B.Arch
Hi Chinmay,
First of all I want to mention that for getting into B.Arch into any of the IITs you have to qualify JEE Advance along with AAT Exam.
Now, coming on to the preferred IIT in B.Arch stream I would probably rate IIT KHARAGPUR first, then IIT Roorkee and finally IIT BHU based on their placements and on their respective NIRF 2020 Rankings.
I hope that you have now got a fair idea of the colleges, but at the same time you also have to work very hard for getting into these IITs. Wish you all the best for your Preparations!!
my son having 2options 1st - civil engineering at iit Roorkee 2nd - Aerospace in IIST TRIVENDRUM pl suggest which college we should join
Dear Rajesh,
Both IITs and IIST are better than most of the colleges including most of the NITs and IISTs. For me IIST is more academic oriented institute in India in comparative to any other colleges whereas IITs as everybody knows best college in India, actually IITs are best not due to it's academic part but due to the other half of the college life which is missing in IIST.
In my opinion if you are research oriented and you need a better job security then go for IIST and if you want a better job and a better experience of college life then go for IIT.
Good Luck !!!!
which is better iit roorkee ece or iit bhu cse
IIT Roorkee ECE is obviously much better than IIT BHU CSE, on most of the aspects be it Infrastructure, Outlook, Faculty and Research Facilities. As far as IITR is concerned you should not have any doubt regarding the Placement Prospects. IITR blooms with career prospects and opportunities with some of the major core companies for ECE include Intel, Applied Materials, Microsoft, Google, Texas Instruments, Nvidia, Samsung ,etc. Even if you are dead interested in CSE, you always get 2 chances at IITR to change your branch, which is unlike in other top 8 IITs. So decide wisely.
For more information and college prediction do follow the link below
I got iit roorkee ece in mock seat allocation what my possibility is??
Hi Aspirant,
Mock Seat Allocation is mere a process for approximation and practice. There is no surety that you will get the same result in the actual counselling process. mock Seat Allocation is broadly a combined statistics as per previous years trend.
In Case you have got ECE in IIT Roorkee in mock seat Allocation, most probably you will get EEE, in case you don't get ECE in IIT Roorkee.
To know more about college prediction, visit this link -
All the best.
I got Computer science & Engg in Pondicherry Engg College in Mock seat Allot-1 & Geological Technology in IIT Roorkee.What are the possibilities of getting in real Jossa counselling. My obc-ncl ranking in jee adv is 4491.
It is difficult to predict the in which institute you may get seat because it depends on the cut off and the cut off depends on factors like number of candidates qualified, difficulty of exam and number of seats available etc and it changes every year. Considering the previous year cut off and your rank it is difficult to get seat in core branches like EEE, ECE, Mechanical etc. You have chances of getting seat in the following IITs
- IIT, Kharagpur: Exploration Geo Physics, Applied Geology, Chemistry (all are integrated MS courses)
- IIT, Jodhpur: Bio Engineering
- IIT, Roorkee: Chemistry
MBA from IIMs or M.Sc. economics from IIT Roorkee. Which is good for placements and various opportunities?
Talking about mba from iims, so if you are doing mba from iim Ahmedabad ,Bangalore or Chennai then nothing is better than this course . Because getting a seat in this colleges is very difficult and its worth of it because average salary package offer by this college are around 24 to 25 lpa and it goes upto 70 lpa . Because people studying there are future CEO'S, MD , businesses men ...
So mba from iims is much better option rather than economic from iit roorkee.
Feel free to ask
Good Luck ..
IIT Delhi mnc branch ves iit Roorkee cse.branch which is better ?
Both the college are good and reputated.placement in iit delhi is little bit better than iit roorkee. Average package offer by iit delhi is around 15.70 lpa while iit roorkee offers average salary package of 14.51 lpa . Facilities is more in iit delhi and ranking of iit delhi is higher than iit roorkee.
The only things iit delhi is behind against iit roorkee is fees . Iit delhi fees is higher than iit roorkee
Feelfree to ask
Good Luck..