hello sir I am born on 6 feb 1992 .am I eligible for applying for IBPS clerk 2020-21 and sbi clerk 2021
The upper age limit for IBPS clerk is 28 years as on September 1, 2020. So you are eligible for IBPS Clerk 2020. In 2021 your age will be 29 years as on September 1, 2021 which makes you ineligible but there are relaxations given for reserved categories. So check the following relaxation reservation wise
- OBC-NCL: 3 years Relaxation
- SC/ST: 5 years Relaxation
- PWD:10 years Relaxation
- Widows, Divorced women, women legally separated who have not remarried :9 years Relaxation
- Domicile of J&K from January 1, 1980- December 31, 1989: 5 years Relaxation
- Persons affected from 1984 riots: 5 years Relaxation
- Regular employees of union carbide factory, Bhopal retrenched from service( only applicable for Madhya Pradesh): 5 years
So, if you belong to any of these categories then you can claim relaxation. Relaxation is given for Upper age limit.
Recently i m sellectd for ibps clerk mains.while applying for the exam i mentioned my work experiance in application form but i did not get noc from my employer.Is there any problem for document verification if i didnt submitted my noc n work experience ???
I would like to say that you should try to get the NOC as fast as possible because not in the first day but within 6 weeks of joining the position you will be asked to submit all the certificates for authentication, failing to which can hamper your credits being added to your profile. Please try and get the NOC and submit in your office.
Congratulations on your achievement!
Im appearing in last year of graduation. can i face ibps clerck exam?
Candidates who are in final year of their graduation appearing in qualifying exam in 2020 must obtain their results on or by August 28, 2020.You are eligible to apply.If you qualify in the exam your bachelor's degree results must be declared by the above mentioned date.If not you will be not eligible for further stage of recruitment process even if you qualify.