Is ISME ,Bangalore...a good institution...for PGDM
As per the analyzing report of Careers 360 ISME Bangalore has AA+ rating which means Fair in term of placement, faculty & Industry Exposure, student crowed etc. The top recruiters are, WNS, Nxtgen, Amazon, Saint Gobain, Feedback consultancy, TESCO, Insafe, Team lease etc. The average salary you can expect around 4 Lakh Per Annum. You can check the complete placement with the given below link.
ISME Placement
You can also check the genuine reviews of the college with the given below link.
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Is this college is good to join(international school of management excellence, Bangalore)
As per the analyzing report of Careers360 International school of management excellence, Bangalore has AA+ rating which means fair. The top recruiters included, WNS, Nxtgen, Amazon, Saint Gobain, Feedback consultancy, TESCO, Insafe, Team lease etc. come for the placement. You can check the placement with the given below link.
ISME Placement
You can also check the genuine reviews of the college with the given below link.
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What was the average package offered during ISME Bangalore placements 2022?
The average package offered during ISME Bangalore placements 2022 was Rs. 7.3 lakhs.
What was the highest package offered during ISME Bangalore placements 2022?
The highest package offered during ISME Bangalore placements 2022 is Rs 16.45 Lakhs.
Which companies visit ISME Bangalore for placements?
In the on-campus placement, a large number of companies visit the campus for placement drives. Some of them are Amazon, Jaro, IDFC, AON, ICICI, JLL, IDC, EY, MRF and many more. ISME students have been offered various profiles in MNCs in diverse domains such as Business Analytics, Financial Research Analysts, Corporate Finance, Training & Development and others.
Does ISME Bangalore provide placements?
There is a Career Opportunity Centre (COC) at the institute, which provides placement and internship assistance to the students. For International School of Management Excellence placement, the COC also provides pre-placement training to the students. The pre-placement training involves workshops on resume writing, job search skills, interview skills, cover letters and counselling and networking sessions. ISME Bangalore placement is conducted both on-campus and off-campus.
What is the admission procedure for the PhD programme at ISME Bangalore?
The candidates aspiring for admission to Ph.D University of Mysore course, first have to appear for interview. After candidates are selected, they are required to submit the documents for verification and pay the course fees.
What is the total fee for BBA at ISME Bangalore?
The total fee for BBA at ISME Bangalore is Rs 6.3 lakhs.
What is the basic eligibility for UG courses at ISME Bangalore?
The ISME Bangalore admission process involves personal interview for the selection of candidates to BBA, B.Com with ACCA and B.Com (Bangalore University) + International Study Program, Singapore + US - CPA programmes. It is to be noted that cumulative scores of the qualifying exam and interview will be considered for selection. Candidates should have completed 2-year Pre-University course of State Board / CBSE/ ICSE/ IB or its equivalent with minimum 60% marks. Candidates should have proficiency in oral and written English communication.
What is the selection procedure for PGDM Data Science & Analytics + Mu Sigma at ISME Bangalore?
The PGDM – Data Science & Analytics at ISME is a collaborative program with Mu Sigma, the world’s leading global Analytics company. Fill the ISME PGDM application form (can be downloaded from the website) Copy of official academic transcripts / marks card for graduate degree, 12th standard and 10th Standard examination will be required along with CAT/ CMAT/ XAT/ MAT/ AMAT Test score. This will be followed by a personal interview.