I got 1482 ST category rank in JEE main 2020.Do I get chemical engineering at NIT Trichy till last round of Josaa or in CSAB special round(I Belong to Other state quota)
Hi Aspirant!
According to previous year last round cutoffs the closing rank of Chemical Engineering in NIT TRICHY is 916 and in Round 1 of CSAB special counseling is 91808.Hence it would be impossible for you to get admission through Round 7 of JoSSA but you can easily get admission in NIT TRICHY through CSAB Special counseling.
For more information you can follow up this Career360's article for more infromation:
Check out the Career360 College Predictor to know your college admission chances based on your JEE Main Rank, Home State, Caste, Gender, etc. https://engineering.careers360.com/jee-main-college-predictor?icn=QnA&ici=qna_answer
sir, my jee main 2020 obc category rank is 21249 . can i get cse in iiit collage lucknow or anyone best iiit , nit , gfti collage in up.
As per your rank, your chances of getting any iiit is difficult even in iiit Lucknow.
You can try for any other low nits like nit silcahar, nit sikkim, etc and if you belong to hone state then you can get seats in these.
For getting complete idea about the cutoff trends of iiits you can check out the following link :-
For getting knowledge about the cutoff trends of nits use the following link :-
For getting information about cutoff trends in different gftis you can use the link :-
Also you can check or college predictor tool to get an appropriate idea of colleges that your van hey on the basis of your obc rank :-
can i get iiit in 6380 st category rank in jee main 2020?
We will need your All India Rank to help you with your options. This is because Category ranks change every year. Category ranks and Cut offs depend on various factors such as total no .of seats available, difficulty of the exam, previous year cut offs, no.of Candidates appearing for the exam and no.of Candidates applying for a course. Please use our College predictor for the
complete list of Colleges that you may have a shot at:
3lakh 70 thousand in jee main 2020 CET BBSR which branch general category with green card ?
YES, definitely you will get seat in cet but i will advice you to prefer BURLA over cet if you are getting good branch in burla. You may also appear for CET later exam conducted by BPUT.
According to your rank you will get branches like architecture,textile,etc.
I passed 12th board in the year 2019,then attended jee main in 2019, then applied for jee main 2020 but didnt attend so can I attend 2022 jee mains
Hello Aspirant,
As per your query I would like to inform you that the students can appear for Joint Entrance Examination (JEE ) for up to three consecutive years that is who have passed their class XII in 2020, 2021 or appearing in 2022 board exams can only sit in the JEE Mains 2022 exam. Since you have passed your class XII in 2019 you will not be eligible to give the exam.
Hope it helps
I passed my CBSE Class 12th in 2020 but failed to clear JEE MAIN in 2020 as I met an accident in 2021 so this year I will give board exam again with NIOS so my doubt is which marksheet should I use for BITSAT and JEE MAIN ?? As I have not appeared in BITSAT in 2020 but appeared for JEE MAIN 2020 ??
Also will my earlier 12th board certificate be totally functional or not please answer
Please answer anyone who knows anything in this context
I passed CBSE class 12 in 2020 and appeared in JEE MAIN 2020 but failed , So now I will give JEE MAIN 2022 with NIOS class 12 exam 2022 so my question is which board marksheet should I use for registration Class 12 appearing (NIOS) or CBSE for JEE MAIN/BITSAT (First Time in 2022) and is it legal ??
Hello aspirant,
i hope that you are doing absolutely great.
With reference to your above mentioned query, i would like to tell you that you can use any of the two boards marksheets because you have passed from these 2 boards in your class 12th. But, I prefer you to use your NIOS Class 12th marksheet in JEE mains 2022, as you have passed NIOS class 12 in 2022.
Further, I would like to tell you that this is your last attempt in JEE mains and you can not give your JEE advance attempt this year.
Further, below are some of the best preparation tips and strategy that you can follow which will help you to score good marks and score this year :
Know your JEE Main syllabus 2022.
Understand the exam pattern of JEE Main 2022 exam.
Make the JEE Main 2022 preparation plan.
Books to refer : TO refer for best books for JEE mains follow the below mentioned link : https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/how-prepare-for-jee-main
Practice till you are perfect using mock tests and JEE Main previous year papers.
Further, to know further details and preparation for JEE mains exam follow the below mentioned link :
I hope that this will help.
I passed CBSE class 12 in 2020 and appeared JEE MAIN 2020 but failed , So now I will give JEE MAIN 2022 directly after 2020 with NIOS class 12 exam 2022 so my question is which board marksheet should I use for registration Class 12 appearing (NIOS) or CBSE for JEE MAIN/BITSAT (First Time in 2022)
Hi aspirant,
You need to use your nios class 12 intermediate certificate now because once you complete your intermediate from another board the previous certificate is no longer valid and is over written. That means you would have to now always use the NIOS certificate only. Since you will pass the examination in 2022 you would be eligible for JEE main examination in years 2022 2023 and 2024 and for advanced examination in years 2022 and 23.
Hope it helps!
how many pwd candinates give/registered for jee main 2020 and 2021
More than 22 lakh candidates registered for jee main 2021 out of total almost 50 percent students taken multiple attempts.
- Total number of registrations for jee main february 2021 under PWD category is 1448(Male) and 330(female) .
- Total number of candidates opted for JEE MAIN paper 2a and 2b for pwd category is 112(male) and 55(female) .
- Highest number of total registered candidates is from maharashtra state i.e 2,66,678
- Last year in 2020 total number of candidates who registered for JEE MAIN is 9.5 lakh .
Number of candidates subject to change as NTA will reopen the form after each phase.look at the details provided below
I passed my higher secondary examination in 2020.I dont attempt or appear jee in 2020.And I didnt appear or attempt 2021. So My question can I eligible for jee 2022 without attempting or appearing jee main 2020 and 2021? is there any problem to appear in 2022? I am very confused about it.
Yes, you are eligible jee main 2022 with 12th passing year in 2020 irrespective of whether you had participated in jee main 2020 & 2021 or not .
This is because,
One can give JEE Mains entrance examination for a maximum of 3 consecutive years starting from the year of appearing 12th board examination.
your year of appearing for 12th board examination is 2020
So, with 2020 as 12th board exam appearing year you
Were eligible for jee main 2020 ,
eligible for jee main 2021 and
Will be eligible for jee main 2022
So, no need to worry at all you are eligible for JEE main 2022 , it doesn't matter at all even if you didn't appear in jee main 2020 and 2021
For details visit,
If I tell you about jee advanced then,
One is eligible for JEE advanced examination for a maximum of two consecutive years starting from the year of appearing for 12th board examination.
Now, your 12th appearing year is 2020
So, being appearing for 12th board examination in 2020 ,
you were eligible for JEE advanced 2020
also eligible for JEE advanced 2021
So, not eligible for jee advanced 2022
You can check detailed eligibility criteria of JEE advanced by visiting our page the link for the same page is provided below
To prepare well follow the given below tips for jee main 2022:-
Go well through the chapters and focus on concepts
practice chapterwise mcqs/ questions
Do revise as the syllabus is wide .
solve at least previous 10 year jee main question papers as concept behind the question often gets repeated in the examination so it will be of great help in your preparation ,
go through mock test papers as it will let you know your preparation level and and weak areas so that you can work on them and perform well in your examination. To preparw well you can go for jee main knockout :- https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-jee-main
Thank you