My keam 2020 rank is 5803 and I belong to obc. Will I get admission in tkm for mechanical
Dear aspirant,
As per previous year data for B.Tech of Mechanical engineering in 2019 the cut off rank for TKM College - Thangal Kunju Musaliar College of Engineering was 7281. Hopefully this year the cutoff will not differ much. Hopefully You can get admission in Mechanical engineering.
Hope it would be helpful.
i have taken architecture through keam 2020 so can i write keam 2021 if i join a proffesional course
Hello student,
If you leave a professional degree seat after having admission,
On discontinuance of a course after the first academic year, liquidated damages shall be
collected in the following manner:
For courses regulated by the AICTE (Engineering and Pharmacy):- Eligibility for fee refund shall
be in accordance with the relevant clauses of the AICTE approval process handbook 2020-21
dealing with refund cases. The existing guidelines in this regard are:
(i) In the event of a student withdrawing before the start of the Course, the entire fee collected
from the student, after a deduction of the processing fee of not more than 1000/-(Rupees
One Thousand only) shall be refunded by the Institution. It would not be permissible for
Institutions to retain the School/ Institution Leaving Certificates in original.
(ii) In case, if a student leaves after joining the Course and if the vacated seat is consequently
filled by another student by the last date of admission, the Institution must refund the fee
collected after a deduction of the processing fee of not more than 1000/-(Rupees One
Thousand only) and proportionate deductions of monthly fees and hostel rent, where
applicable. In case the vacated seat is not filled, the Institution should refund the Security
Deposit, if any, collected and return the original documents.
(iii) The Institution should not demand fee for the subsequent years from the students cancelling
their admission at any point of time. Fee refund along with the return of Certificates should be
completed within 7 days.
Penalty for Filing/Retaining unnecessary options:
(i) For courses regulated by the AICTE (Engineering and Pharmacy):- Candidates who file/retain
unnecessary options, but do not take admission on allotment to the Course/College during the
final phase of allotment to a course as notified by the CEE, will lose the fee, if any, already
paid to the CEE, if the concerned allotment is conducted after the start of classes and the
resulting vacant seats remain unfilled.
(ii) For all courses except the courses regulated by the AICTE:- Candidates who file/retain
unnecessary options, but do not take admission on allotment to the Course/College during the
final phase of allotment to a course as notified by the CEE, resulting in Government seats and
Management seats allotted by the CEE to lapse, will be penalized. They will be liable to pay
penalty of Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs Only) for MBBS course, Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five
lakh only) for BDS course and Rs.50,000/-(Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) for all other courses
irrespective of annual family income/nativity/reservation status. Their candidature is also
liable to be cancelled and also will be debarred from appearing the Entrance Examinations
and/or allotments conducted by the CEE for a period not exceeding two years. In case of
failure to remit the penalty, the same is liable to be recovered under the Revenue Recovery
12.2.5 Refund of Excess amount collected as fee: The fees collected from candidates will be
transferred to the college where the candidate stands admitted on closing of admissions. In
case the candidate has moved to a course, the fee for which is lesser than the amount remitted
by him/her at the time of the earlier allotment, the excess fee collected will be refunded to
the candidate after closing of admissions. The candidates need not submit any individual
request in this regard. No interest will be paid to the candidate on the balance amount due to
Hope this will help
Thank you
in keam 2020 it shows defect in my nativity is there any method to correct it after the window for correction is closed for neet 2020?
Hello student,
Now the last date is also over so I advise you to contact the entrance commission office .
Candidates who have submitted online application to the Commissioner for Entrance
Examinations for the admission to Kerala Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture/Medical & Medical allied
courses for the year 2020 (KEAM-2020) can verify and rectify the defects if any as a last chance.
Candidates can view their profile page available in the website through the link
‘KEAM-2020 Candidate Portal’ by giving their Application Number and Password. Then by clicking the
menu item ‘Memo details’ provided in the profile page, candidates can view the details of defects in
their online application. Candidate can rectify the defects in their uploaded photo, signature, payment
of additional fee (if applicable), defective documents/certificates uploaded along with the online
application, from 07.09.2020 to 10.09.2020, 5.00 PM. The defects which will be cleared with in the
time limit only be considered for allotting any claim/reservation. The certificates/documents received
through mail/fax/by hand/ by post will not be considered for allotting any claim at any instance. As the
rank list/category list has to be published within the stipulated time, this is the last chance for
rectification of defects.
Those candidates who do not know their Application Number can get their Application Number by
giving their name and Mobile Number on the link ‘forgot Application Number’ provided in their
‘Candidate portal'
Help line Number: 0471-2525300
Hope this will help
Thank you
will i be elligible for 2nd and spot allotment of keam 2020 if i get alloted in 1st allotment of mcc aiq counselling?
Hello student,
Yes, but only if there is higher options in your profile.
Candidates who are having valid options and who are willing to participate in the second
allotment/subsequent allotment have to log in to his/her Option Registration Page and confirm
their options by clicking the ‘Confirm’ button available in his/her Option Registration Page.
Candidates can delete their unwanted options or alter the priority of existing options only after
the online option confirmation.
(i) After each allotment, the options below the ‘allotted one’ of the candidate will automatically be
removed from the option list of the candidate. For example, if a candidate had registered 45
options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 34th option, all options from 35 to 45 will be
removed from the option list. Since the 34th option is the allotted one, it will not be seen in the
option list. Options from 1 to 33 only will remain valid and will be considered for future
(ii) If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered against his/her
remaining options, he/she will have the facility to cancel all the remaining options. He/she may
Online Option Confirmation is mandatory before each phase of allotment for participating
in that particular phase of allotment. The facility for Online Option Confirmation will be
made available in the website before each phase of allotment. A candidate who does not
confirm the higher order options by clicking the’ Confirm’ button available in his/her
Option Registration Page, his/her higher order options belonging to the course(s) included
in that phase will not be available in subsequent phases also. However, his/her existing
allotment shall be retained, subject to the conditions of Clauses 11.6.2 and 11.6.3.
cancel options in a particular stream alone. He/she may also cancel specific options among the
remaining options as per his/her desire. The candidate will also have the facility to alter the
priority of the remaining options. But the candidate will not be permitted to register any fresh
options to the existing ones.
(iii) The facility for confirmation and cancellation/ deletion/alteration will be available for a
specified period of time as notified, after which the facility will be withdrawn. A candidate
retaining all or any of the options after each allotment is bound to accept the next allotment,
if any, given to him/her. If the candidate fails to accept the allotment, he/she will lose all the
allotments/ admission and will lose the existing options in the stream to which the latest
allotment belongs.
(iv) Forfeiture of the claims in CAP: The claims in Centralised Allotment Process conducted by the
CEE will be cancelled under the following reasons.
(a) Non payment of tuition fee as specified in the allotment memo.
(b) Non joining of the course/college within the stipulated time as specified by the CEE.
(c) Discontinued with TC to join courses other than the courses allotted by the CEE or for any
other reason.
11.6.5 Further Allotments: Details regarding further allotments will be notified by the Commissioner
for Entrance Examinations
Hope this will help
Thank you
when will be the first allotment of keam 2020 medical and allied courses is going to be published?
Hello aspirant,
Hope it helps!
can we change btech options after first allotment of keam 2020 plz help
Sure you can change your registered option either by rearranging or by deleting
Online Option Confirmation for participating in subsequent phases of allotment:
Candidates who are having valid options and who are willing to participate in the second
allotment/subsequent allotment have to log in to his/her Option Registration Page and confirm
their options by clicking the Confirm button available in his/her Option Registration Page.
Candidates can delete their unwanted options or alter the priority of existing options only after
the online option confirmation.
After each allotment, the options below the allotted one of the candidate will automatically be
removed from the option list of the candidate. For example, if a candidate had registered 45
options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 34th option, all options from 35 to 45 will be
removed from the option list. Since the 34th option is the allotted one, it will not be seen in the
option list. Options from 1 to 33 only will remain valid and will be considered for future
(ii) If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered against his/her
remaining options, he/she will have the facility to cancel all the remaining options. He/she may cancel options in a particular stream alone. He/she may also cancel specific options among the
remaining options as per his/her desire. The candidate will also have the facility to alter the
priority of the remaining options. But the candidate will not be permitted to register any fresh
options to the existing ones.
(iii) The facility for confirmation and cancellation/ deletion/alteration will be available for a
specified period of time as notified, after which the facility will be withdrawn. A candidate
retaining all or any of the options after each allotment is bound to accept the next allotment,
if any, given to him/her. If the candidate fails to accept the allotment, he/she will lose all the
allotments/ admission and will lose the existing options in the stream to which the latest
allotment belongs.
Hope this will help
Thank you
can i get admission in any government medical college under ews quota in keam 2020 ?.my state wise rank is 4450.
You have a good score and your caste category can help you get the preferred colleges and feild.
You can use college predictor to know more preferences.
State Quota seats will be more preferable according to your score .
And try preferring semi government and private colleges just to be on safe side , if you don't wanna lose any seat.
All the best
Is college of Engineering Cherthala a good college?
Dear Aspirant,
It is always better to be part of government engineering colleges which offer great value based education than enrolling oneself in some random private engineering institute.
The Government College of Engineering, Cherthala is one of the prestigious institutes of the state and is a state run engineering college. The Institute is in its development stage right now.
Although I recommend people to join government engineering colleges to pursue your career, I am still not thrilled to vouch for this particular Institute and recommend to someone else. It's still in its nascent stage. Most of the companies that visit are the software companies like TCS, WIPRO, Infosys, etc which kinda offer extremely average or mediocre packages, as computer science engineering is one of the main branches of the Institute.
It has an intake of 90 seats for cse. The good thing about the Institute is that it charges extremely less fees for a total of 4 years. Furthermore, it also has provisions of Management Quota which is another gateway for students to crack their way in to the engineering college. The fees charged under Management Quota is also less as it is only 2.6 lakhs for a course of 4 years.
If you further want to know about greater details about the institution, you can always click on this URL:-
If you want to keep your options open and see which other colleges are available for you to avail, you can always click on this URL:-
This great comparison tool shall be able to answer your queries based on the relevant aspects of college admission that you have doubts. Good Luck.
Which are the cultural fest in College of engineering Cherthala?
The cultural fest of college of engineering is known as is the cultural fest where students participate in various events organized by the college.Events like singing,group dances or solo dance competition are held every year in this fest.This college also holds another event known as EXPO ENVIRON to spread awareness for environment and it's necessity.
All the best!!
Should I join College of engineering Munnar or College of Engineering Cherthala?
College of engineering cherthala is better than munnar in placement and faculty wise. Average salary package offer in cherthala is around 3 lakh per annum. Around 60 to 70 %of student get placed every year. Top companies visiting are infosys, cognizant,IBS,TCS etc . Around 40%of student get internship. Faculty is good and knowledgeable and having good experience.
Good Luck