How can I check my Kerala SSLC result?
To check the Kerala SSLC result, you will have to visit the Kerala board official website of the school, and enter the login credentials required, such as registration number and date of birth in the result login window.
Go to the Official website:
Click on the ‘SSLC result 2025 Kerala’ link.
On the next page, enter the registration number and date of birth in the appropriate fields.
Click on the ‘Get Result’ button.
Kerala SSLC result 2025 will be displayed on the screen.
Download Kerala 10th result 2025 for further reference.
You can also check the Kerala SSLC result via SMS in case the website stops working due to high traffic.
Type an SMS in the format:
KERALA10<RegistrationNumber> -
Send the message to 56263.
After that, Kerala SSLC result 2025 will be sent on the same number.
How to check Kerala SSLC result?
To check the Kerala SSLC resul t, students can follow these steps:
Visit the official website: Go to the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan's official website:
Click on the "SSLC Results" link: Locate the "SSLC Results" button on the website's homepage and click on it.
Enter your login details: You can enter your registration number and date of birth.
Submit and view your result: After entering your details, click on the "Submit" button. Kerala SSLC result will be displayed on the screen.
Download and save: You can download and save your result for future reference.
From where I can collect my Kerala SSLC marksheet 2025?
The Kerala board will publish the provisional Kerala SSLC result 2025 online on the official website, To access the provisional marksheet, you have to enter your board roll number and date of birth in the login window. The original Kerala SSLC marksheet can be obtained from the respective schools a few days after the declaration of the result.
What is the minimum passing mark for Kerala SSLC exams?
The minimum passing mark for Kerala SSLC exams is 30% in each subject. Students must score at least a D grade in all subjects to pass. Grace marks may also be awarded to eligible students, such as those excelling in extracurricular activities, to help them meet the passing criteria.
Kerala SSLC 2024 deleted and compulsory topics and chapters list for Social Sciences
- India: The Land of Diversities
- Seasons and Time
- Human Resources Development in India
- Eyes in the Sky and Data Analysis
- Terrain Analysis through Maps
- In Search of the Source of Wind
- Resources Wealth of India
- Public Administration
- Civic Consciousness
- The State and Political Science
- Revolutions that Influenced the World
- India After Independence
- World in the Twentieth Century
- British Exploitation and Resistance
- Struggle and Freedom
- Culture and Nationalism
- Kerala Towards Modernity
Kerala sslc 2021 maths question paper
Hi there,
Students preparing for kerala sslc 2021 must practice previous year question paper. Students should firstly complete their board exam syllabus then they should solve previous year question paper in peaceful environment.
You can download maths question paper 2021 from this link:
Hope it helps you
Good luck!
2017 social science question paper Kerala sslc
Hello Aspirant!
Kerala Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (SSLCE) are conducted by the Kerala Board of Public Examinations (KBPE) every year. And question papers of social science of pervious years were provided by official website as well as Carrers360 provides question paper with answer key of 5 years.
Good Luck!
kerala sslc exam date2022 date
Although you haven't mention about which class you want to know. Go through the link mentioned below.
Kerala sslc hindi exam paper 2015
You can get the previous year question papers of all the required subjects including Hindi, for Kerala SSLC exam on our careers360 website, and download them. The link is given below -
Hope this helps.
Good luck!