What is the rank of Kurukshetra University in the world?
Kurukshetra University is ranked at 2269 position in the world.
Is Kurukshetra University valid?
Kurukshetra University is accredited with NAAC grade A+. The campus is 475 acres and the institute has 175 courses in campus under 47 departments.
How much is the Kurukshetra University MBA fee?
The Kurukshetra University MBA fees are Rs.1.09 Lakhs.
How to recover the forgotten user id or password for the application form of Kurukshetra University?
No info available.
How to pay the examination fee of Kurukshetra University?
Candidates have to apply online by visiting the Kurukshetra University website or admission portal.
Can reappearing or the improvement forms be submitted online for Kurukshetra University?
No information available.
Is there any entrance exam for Kurukshetra University?
The entrance exam is conducted by Kurukshetra University for admission to courses offered at its different departments. KUK entrance exam is conducted in pen-paper based test mode. The entrance exam is held separately for all the courses on different exam dates.
What colleges are considered best for MBA/ PGDM under Kurukshetra University?
NIT Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra. Kurukshetra, Haryana | AICTE Accredited. MBA/PGDM at KUK, Kurukshetra, Haryana | PCI, AICTE, UGC Accredited. MBA/PGDM.
What is the rank of Kurukshetra University in the world?
Kurukshetra University is ranked at 2269 position in the world.