I have uploaded my state category certificate (i.e., in kannada language) in jee mains 2021.Is it OK or the certificate must be in English language?
Hello Aspirant,
First of all it does not matter whether you upload central caste certificate or state caste certificate but the certificate which you have to upload should of similar format as available on the official website of JOSAA and if considering about language of caste certificate so there is no any point in the information brochure regarding the language of caste certificate so it would not create any problem.
If the certificate is not of similar format as available on the official website of JOSAA then you can submit the undertaking which declares that you will submit the original and valid caste certificate later on at the time of admission. You can download the undertaking from the official portal of NTA, for which link is also given below :-
When you visit on the above link you will find a PDF and on page no.9 there is undertaking format which you have to download and after filling it you have to upload it on the place of category certificate in the JEE-Main 2021 Application form and as correction window is active no so do it by January 30th.
Some insights of JEE-Main 2021 :-
> To qualify for JEE Mains, there is no minimum aggregate percentage criteria and also if you want to take admission into NITs, IIITs or CFTIs then you should pass in your class 12th. Because as per the latest announcement made by our Hon'ble Education minister Mr.Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank, the 75% criteria has been removed for upcoming year 2021-22.
> Also from this year according to New Education Policy the JEE-Main examination will be conducted in English, Hindi and other regional languages such as Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Odia and Malayalam.
> In JEE-Main 2021 there will be total 90 question out of which you have to attempt only 75 (25 from each section) and there will be two sections for each subject, Section-A will be of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)(20 compulsory questions) and Section-B will contain Questions whose answers are to be filled in as a numerical value (10 numerical based questions out of which only 5 are compulsory to be attempted).
> In Section B, candidates have to attempt any five questions out of 10. There will be no negative marking for Section B.
> All question will be of 4 marks and in MCQs there will be negative marking of (-1) on incorrect attempt.
This year JEE-Main is being conducted with slight changes in it's pattern and it's conduction and you can check out all the changes from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
I want the information regarding AIBE exam question paper medium English/Hindi both language printed available at the time of Exam 2021?
Hi Pawan
When one selects English as the medium of his or her question paper then his or her AIBE examination question paper is in English language only.
But yes,
When one selects any language other than English as the medium for his or her AIBE examination then he or she gets the AIBE question paper in both the language i.e selected by him or her and English.
So ,
if you have selected HINDI as the medium of your aibe question paper then you will get your question paper in both hindi and English .
Here's a brief of the AIBE examination pattern:-
* mode of examination:- it is conducted in pen and paper or offline mode .
*Language Options :- there are 11 language options in which you can give the examination which are listed below :-
* Type of examination :- It is open book type examination
*Type of Questions:- multiple choice questions.
* total number of questions asked in the examination:- there are a total of 100 MCQs.
* Total marks :- it is conducted for a total of 100 marks.
* there is no negative marking .
For detailed information you can visit our page the link for the same is provided below
https://law.careers360.com/articles/ aibe -exam-pattern
To prepare well you can go through AIBE previous year question papers ,the link for the same is provided below
https://law.careers360.com/articles/ aibe -sample-papers
Thank you
why too many students opt franch as second language in ug . do it easy what is its scope
There is no such thing that "too many students" opting for French. It could be true for your college, for various reasons. Such as easy grading, good tutor or simply because learning a new language has its own advantages. Do not feel peer pressured, if you do not have an interest for new language you can go for it.
Good Luck
is franch is a good option as second language in degree in my inter I take Sanskrit as second language I have no knowledge of franch is it possible to score and understand franch class at now? or I face difficulties in degree I go for franch instead of Sanskrit Im very confused please help
If we take both languages of sanskrit and french, then the latter has greater value in terms of global scale, also having knowledge of foreign language helps one a lot, one of the thing that you can do is there are various apps such as duolingo, memrise etc, these will help you a lot, you can develop the basics in gradual manner, and further with your classes this will help you learn the language in swifter manner.
I took Sanskrit as my second language in my+2 .now Im doing my bba first year . Im confused between franch and Sanskrit . I dont know anything about franch language . is it a wise decision to take franch as second language? which language I should take to not face problems during exams ?
You should take whatever you are comfortable with. Choosing Sanskrit will give you an advantage because you have already studied it. However, if you wish to pursue a new language for your interest, then you should opt for french.
You can also ask your seniors, who took this course, about which language can provide good score and if french course is difficult.
Good Luck
which language will have better scope whether JAVA or PYTHON in IT Field in future?
Ideally, in today's date, three languages are must for one to learn for making a career in the IT, Software, Machine Learning or Analytics field, they are
C, C++ and Python.
Followed by Competitive Programming, Data Analytics, Foundations in ML and projects, will put you on track.
For more information about career as a Software Engineer do follow the link below
all the test crosses are back crosses but all back crosses are not test crosses --explain in simple language
In test cross a dominant phenotype is crossed with recessive phenotype and in back cross crossing occurs between F1 hybrid and one of the parents. And now when you read this dinifination you will make sense that how test cross can be a back cross but a back cross can never be a test cross. You always have to involve F1 hybrid and parent in back cross hence it never is a test cross.
Thank you
in which language can we give gujcet exam
GUJCET is conducted in Pen-Paper Mode . You can choose to give the examination can in English, Hindi orGujarati language. The examination is divided ingo three sections which are Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics/Biology. For more info you can visit the following link:
describe the relationship between gender and language. about 250 words
Hello aspirant
Women's speech differ from men's speech , women and men use language differently . It is due to style, registers and way of using language, interaction, thoughts, culture and linguistic attitudes gender
Women according to some social dialectologist are status consciuos and that this is reflected in their use of standard speech form.
Women argue and men are using language which reinforces their subordinate status . Men are ' colluding in their own subordination' by the way they speak. Generally it is English language and patriarchal society responsible for colluding women status and confidence.,
Gender difference
Men. Women
Talk loudly talk softly
Deep pitch High pitch
Slow rate fast rate
Downward inflection Upward inflection
Relaxed tone. Strident tone
Powerful style. Powless style
can I give upsc exam in any language
Dear Aspirant
Yes, You can give UPSC exam in any language.
Candidates can choose either English or any one of the Indian languages mentioned in the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India. A lot of candidates who are not comfortable in English opt to take Hindi or any other regional language as their medium of exam for the IAS mains
All the best