I am a candidate who is born in maharashtra and have domicile certificate. My query is what to put in candidature type in the mhcet law (5year2020) form?
since you have born in maharastra and also you have the docile certificate of maharastra, you fall in type A category of candidate. so you can enter type a category in mhtcet law application form.
hope it would help.
what is ews quota for mhcet law?
Hello aspirant
There is no EWS quota in MHTCET law. EWS reservatition which is meant for students whose annual income from all sources is less than 8 lakhs per annum has been put to effect from this acedemic session only and as per now, no actual information related to this has been given on mhtcet website.
To know more about the exam you can visit
Hope this helps
mhcet Law Exam Mai Legal Aptitude and Legal reasoning Mai kya Kya puchta Hai
Legal aptitude and legal reasoning includes topics such as Indian polity including Executive, Judiciary and Legislature, Law prepositions with facts, Constitution etc
In order to know what type of questions come in MH CET LAw, go through the sample paper given below, it'll help you be acquainted with exam pattern, topics and all other relevant details-
Im pursuing mcom part -2 im interested to do llb for 3 year sholud i give exam in june ?
If you are in M.Com. 2nd year or 4th Sem, you may appear in LLB (PG) entrance exam in June session. However, you cannot pursue 2 courses or degrees together (simultaneously), as it is against the norms laid by UGC. After you complete your M.Com. you may go for LLB, but you can't take admission in any university (for LLB or any other PG degree) if you are still doing M.Com. or will not be able to complete it in the June-July session.
what books should i refer for mhcet law 3 yrs course please help me out
Hello Aspirant,
You can prefer for MH CET law preparation given below:
LLB 3 years guide by RA Gupta
Universal Guide
Go through with the previous year papers and do practice as much you can it will be very helpful for the exam.
Good Luck!
I cleared MHCet Law 3 years in 2017 and I took admission in provided college but as Im working in Indian Army and posted in assam, I didnt appear for exam, my admission got cancelled due to failure, so can I again appear for MHCet law and continue my LLB studies.
Dear aspirant
Yes you can again give the exam and start your law studies. You have to start it from the starting, you will not get any privelage of being the student of the same course. It's okay.
It's never too late to start, so go ahead with your passion, all the best.
Thank you
hey.. I want preparation for mhcet law 3 year
Hello Aditi,
To make a way out of the ongoing competition and secure a good rank, an effective MH CET law 2020 preparation strategy is unavoidable for candidates.
Here are the tips for strategic preparation for mhcet -
You should be well aware of exam pattern and syllabus for an effective preparation.
The entrance exam consists of 150 MCQs. And 120 minutes is given for the exam. 1 mark is awarded for correct answer and there is no negative marking.
The syllabus contains subjects like law, General knowledge and current affairs, reasoning and English.
You can refer the following books -
Legal aptitude and legal reasoning -Indian Polity by Laxamikant
General knowledge with current affairs -Ncert books of History, Geography and Economics, newspaper
Logical and analytical reasoning - verbal and Non-verbal Ability by TMH PUB. (Arun Sharma)
English - word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis and any grammar book upto class 12th level
Read Daily current affairs
Always follow your daily routine and give 5 hours to self study.
Solve previous year question papers.
Good luck,
Hope it helps :)
Is it compulsary to appear mhcet law in marathi language to get admission in llb 3 years marathi medium?
No, it not necessary to take MHCET examination in the Marathi language.
There is a list of colleges which offering BA LLB in Marathi language:
- Abhinav education society
- Balaji Law College
- Bharati Vidhyapeeths New Law college
- Deccan Education Societys Law College
- Marathwada Mitr Mandals Shankarrao Chavan Law College
- Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College
- ABMSPs Yashwantrao Chavan Law College
- Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Societys A.K. Khan Law Academy
- Symbiosis Societys Law College
- ILS Law College Road
- The University Of Pune, Department of Law
- Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthans Law College
- Vidhya Pratishthan Vasantrao Pawar Law College
- L.L.B. Colleges in Mumbai
- NerulPadmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil University
- MantralayaUniversity of Mumbai
- Bandra WestGopaldas Jhamatmal Advani Law Collage
- Vile Parle WestJitendra Chauhan College of Law
- Marine LinesK.C. Law College
Hope it's help!!