how many salary of engineer by mht cet starting
Hello Aspirant
Hello Aspirant
The average salary of CET graduates is 21 lakhs, with most earning between 7 lakhs and 50 lakhs annually. The top 10% of workers make more than $30 lakhs annually. Your knowledge and acquired abilities also play a role.
I hope this answers your question.
Good Luck
I have Central NCL Certificate of Uttar Pradesh can I apply in obc category for mht cet cap round
Hey student,
If you are of OBC-NCL category and have valid OBC-NCL Certificate either it is of your state or of other states does not matter but if you belongs any further sub-caste then that caste should be mentioned on your reservation certificate other you will not get the benefit of reservation although you will get the reservation benefits of OBC-NCL which has 19% reservation through MHT CET 2021 Counselling.
All the best student,
Hope this helps you.
B pharm Ayurveda college through Mhtcet ?
Hi Aspirant,
Hope you are doing good.
B.Pharm in Ayurveda discipline is a 4 year Undergraduate Programme. This course helps candidate to focus on Formula of Ayurveda Medicine ,Manufacturing process of ayurveda and study about the raw materials used in manufacturing ayurveda ku medicine.
Subjects in B.Pharm Ayurveda includes
1.Pharmaceutical Biology
2.Pharmaceutical Analysis
3.Rasasastra Advance
4.Patho Physiology
5.Pharmaceutical Biology
6.Industrial Pharmacy
8.Pharmacognosy Advanced
9.Industrial Pharmacy
10.Sareera Kriya Vijnanam
There are not much B.Pharm Ayurveda Colleges in Maharashtra but many colleges offering BAMS- Bachelor in Medical Science course.Below are the top B.Pharm Ayurveda Colleges in India.
List of Top B.Pharm Ayurveda Colleges:
1.Lovely Professional University, Jalandar
2.Kasturba Medical College,Manipal
3.University of Delhi
4.Dr.D.Y.Parul University
5.Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed University
Below are the list of BAMS Colleges in Maharashtra accepting NEET Marks
1.Poddar Ayurvedic Medical College, Mumbai
2.PDEA College of Ayurveda and Research Centre,Pune
3.Government Ayurved College and Hospital,Nagpur
4.Shree Gurudev Ayurvedic College
5.Bhisahed Sawant Ayurvedic College
6.Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
I Hope this information will be useful to you.
Best of luck.
I have filled my MHTCET form and took all subjects(PCMB).Do I have to give only pcm exam 2022 ?
can i get admission in karnti siha nana patil college of veterinary science through mhcet
Can take admission through Maharashtra government entrance test in which medical engineering and pharmacy courses admission is taken for to the government or affiliated colleges and private colleges also. To get BVsc course in Kranti shiha Nana Patil veterinary College candidate has to secure in PUC exam at least 94 to 95% marks and minimum score of 140 in Maharashtra common entrance test out of total marks of 200 in MHT cet.
Hope this will help.
Which chapters are there for mhtcet 2022 for pcb group ?
hello aspirant,
the chapters that you need to prepare for mhtcet 2022 as a pcb group student is
Physics syllabus
- Circular Motion
- Rotational Motion
- Oscillations
- Gravitation
- Elasticity
- Electrostatics
- Wave Motion
- Magnetism
- Surface Tension
- Wave Theory of Light
- Stationary Waves
- Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
- Interference and Diffraction
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Electromagnetic Inductions
- Electrons and Photons
- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
- Semiconductors
- Communication Systems
- Mathematical Logic Statements
- Matrices
- Pair of Straight Lines
- Circle
- Line
- Conics
- Trigonometric Functions
- Vectors
- Three Dimensional Geometry
- Plane
- Linear Programming Problems
- Continuity
- Applications of Derivative
- Integration
- Differentiation
- Applications of Definite Integral
- Differential Equation
- Probability Distribution
- Statistics
- Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Distribution
thank you
Which courses are included under mhtcet for a pcb group student ?
hello yash,
hope you are doing good..!!
the courses you need to prepare for the MHT CET are
Mathematics, physics and chemistry and Biology ( botany and zoology)
these are the syllabus subjects that you need to prepare for mhtcet as a pcb student.
Physics syllabus
- Circular Motion
- Rotational Motion
- Oscillations
- Gravitation
- Elasticity
- Electrostatics
- Wave Motion
- Magnetism
- Surface Tension
- Wave Theory of Light
- Stationary Waves
- Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
- Interference and Diffraction
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Electromagnetic Inductions
- Electrons and Photons
- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
- Semiconductors
- Communication Systems
- Mathematical Logic Statements
- Matrices
- Pair of Straight Lines
- Circle
- Line
- Conics
- Trigonometric Functions
- Vectors
- Three Dimensional Geometry
- Plane
- Linear Programming Problems
- Continuity
- Applications of Derivative
- Integration
- Differentiation
- Applications of Definite Integral
- Differential Equation
- Probability Distribution
- Statistics
- Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Distribution
hope it will be helpful
Cut off of MHTCET 2021 for all collages of course mecatronics
Hello aspirant,
Hope you are doing well!
You can check the cut off of MHTCET for all colleges by visiting the link given below. All of the data regarding admissions and previous year cut offs is available on the site.
You can also predict your chance of prediction in colleges through MHTCET counselling by using the below given tool,
What exactly will be the eligibility criteria for admission? How much weightage MHT CET marks carry?
what if my father name is missing in admit card of mhtcet?
Hello Varsha,
Hope you are doing well.
For some authorities, there is no provision of Middle name for anybody whether it is for Father's name or Mother's name or even the name of candidate so is not the matter of worry but on the other hand there are some authorities which have provision of Middle name but still it's not mandatory, if you have you can fill it and if not then there is no need to fill it. Suppose there is a provision of Middle name and you have not filled it then also you are not going to face any problem because generally the last name and first name is verified and if you have middle name then it must be mentioned on your AADHAR Card issued by UIDAI or any other valid Govt. ID proof so you can use it and wherever if needed then the your name can be verified from your ID proof, so you need not to worry but from next time keep this thing in mind that if there is middle name either of yours or your mother's or your father's you should fill it if there is provision.
I hope this will help you.
Good Luck!