Full March is going to complete. So, when the result be announced
Hi krisha
Which examination result you want to know. Please tell
Full March is going to complete. So, when the result be announced
It depends on which result you are asking about. To get accurate information, please specify the exam or result you are asking about.
Hope it helps !
I want Gat gitams University exam samplepapers mpc stream which is on 28th march
Here is the link of sample papers of GAT gitams university exams ,you can check this link out.
I applied government exam under EWS certificate but in notification they mentioned date 31july2024 for validation but I had December 2023 certificate now I applied in March 2024 for new certificate applied authority can reject me or accepting my 2024 certificate
If the exam notification mentions that the EWS certificate must be valid on or after July 31, 2024 , then your December 2023 certificate may not be valid for the exam. However, since you have already applied for a new EWS certificate in March 2024 , it depends on whether the issuing authority provides a certificate with a date that meets the eligibility criteria.
If your new certificate is issued on or after July 31, 2024 , then it will be accepted. But if it is dated before this deadline, there is a chance that it may be rejected. You should check with the exam authority for clarification.
Hope it helps !
Hi, in which date kcet correction window eill open in march 2025
The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has not yet announced the exact dates for the KCET 2025 application correction window .
Candidates who have submitted their applications and paid the fee will be able to make necessary corrections during this period.
Hope it helps !
i will receive my Admit card and exam will held on 20 march but there are some students who strike in university for change time table,,,, does time table will change or not after admit card is out on website?
Once the admit cards are released, the exam timetable usually does not change.
However, if the university decides to make changes due to the strike or other reasons, they will officially notify students through their website or other official channels. Keep checking the university's updates to stay informed.
Hope it helps !