If i get 450+ in 2020 shall i get government college.?
The marks required to get admission in a medical college through NEET varies a lot according to your category and quota. The cut off varies a lot in different states under the State quota and well the All India quota. Hence your category, state etc would determine the marks required by you to a lot of extent. But according to the previous year trends, for admission in a government medical college under the State quota a score above 510 would safe. For admission under the All India quota in a government medical college a score above 560 would be safe. But this is only an estimate. It might vary a lot depending on your state and category. Like in Tamil Nadu even a a score above 400 would suffice for admission in a government college under the State quotas for the General category and in some states it is a high as 560+. So let me know your state for a more accurate picture. This is as per previous year trends. In 2019 the cut off has been even higher than this.
Best of luck
I am pwd(gen) student for neet 2020 .so how much marks will I require for govt medical collage.
Careers360 is conducting the All India Talent search exam where students of 11th and 12th PCM/PCB can test their knowledge and enhance their preparation by knowing their stronger and weaker areas and win prizes and scholarships worth 1.25 Crore.
If you are an Engineering or medical aspirant, it is a great opportunity for you. Take the test, perform the best, avail the scholarship and win prizes.
You can win exciting prizes such as:
50,000/- cash Prizes, Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET AI-Based preparation packages, Laptops, Smartphones, Amazon Echo, Careers360 Almanacs, Powerbanks, Upto 250/- paytm *Cashback offer
Link: https://learn.careers360.com/careers360-talent-search-exam
If howecer sc scoring 40th percentile can get medical seat in karnataka domicile karnataka
If you have scored exactly 40th percentile, in neet 2019, and as mentioned above you are from sc category, and also you are from Karnataka state, so i would say that according to this year's cut off, you are eligible for counseling but getting a seat with just 40th percentile is impossible in any government college of Karnataka or any other state.
Scoring just 40th percentile is really less as you must score 400+ atleast to get a government seat in mbbs as per your sc category. Getting seat depends on the students to seat ratio and the cut off and vacancy of seats of the college you will choose. So choose wisely.
You can try for mbbs seat in private medical college as you can get there but with very high fees. If you can get, afford then go for it or try next year again or choose some other courses as per your interest.
Also, Careers360 is conducting the All India Talent search exam where students of 11th and 12th PCM/PCB can test their knowledge and enhance their preparation by knowing their stronger and weaker areas and win prizes and scholarships worth ₹1.25 Crore.
If you are an Engineering or medical aspirant, it is a great opportunity for you. Take the test, perform the best, avail the scholarship and win prizes.
You can win exciting prizes such as:
₹50,000/- cash Prizes, Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET AI-Based preparation packages, Laptops, Smartphones, Amazon Echo, Careers360 Almanacs, Powerbanks, Upto ₹250/- paytm *Cashback offer
Link: https://learn.careers360.com/careers360-talent-search-exam
Good luck
If an sc has domicile karnataka scoring 384 in neet 2019 can get medical college in karnataka student belong to karnataka sc rural adi karna
If you have scored exactly 384, in neet 2019, and as mentioned above you are from sc category, and also you are from Karnataka state, so i would say that according to this year's cut off, you are eligible for counseling but getting a seat with just this this marks is difficult in Karnataka.
Scoring 384 is little less as you must score 400+ atleast to get a government seat in mbbs as per your sc category. Getting seat depends on the students to seat ratio and the cut off and vacancy of seats of the college you will choose. So choose wisely. But you should try for counseling, depending on this factors, you might get a seat for mbbs.
You can try for mbbs seat in private medical college as you can get there but with very high fees. If you can get, afford then go for it or try next year again or choose some other courses as per your interest.
Also, Careers360 is conducting the All India Talent search exam where students of 11th and 12th PCM/PCB can test their knowledge and enhance their preparation by knowing their stronger and weaker areas and win prizes and scholarships worth ₹1.25 Crore.
If you are an Engineering or medical aspirant, it is a great opportunity for you. Take the test, perform the best, avail the scholarship and win prizes.
You can win exciting prizes such as:
₹50,000/- cash Prizes, Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET AI-Based preparation packages, Laptops, Smartphones, Amazon Echo, Careers360 Almanacs, Powerbanks, Upto ₹250/- paytm *Cashback offer
Link: https://learn.careers360.com/careers360-talent-search-exam
Good luck
Would i be getting my security deposit of rs 5000? What all should i do so to get it back
Hello Yashim,
We understand your concern. Please note that you have not mentioned the counciling which you are attending.But, please note that if you have not blocked your seat, you can claim a refund of your security deposit in most of the counciling.Please login to your account and look for the same.All the best!
I have done with basic registration...can anyone tell me how to generate unique code for final registration
Is it mandatory to attend the allotted medical college for the first month foundation course in mbbs 1st year in Andhra Pradesh?
Can anyone tell how up mop up round is conducted step by step?
Dear Prabhat, Neet mop up round happens after first and second round all india counselling.
All those candidates who have not got a seat in any college of their choice in earlier rounds may apply for this.
Based on your marks and ranking you will be allotted the left seats.
It will occur in online mode.
It will also happen for state quota and aiims for left over seats.
However most of the state counselling mop up rounds are offline but in aiims it is online and happens after 3 rounds of counselling.
All the best
Hope this helps
Up mop up round cut off 2019 for government medical college for sc category
It is actually the process in which the seats which remains vacant after 1st and 2nd counselling rounds are filled.
Basically,this round is conducted to fill up the seats left vacant in Central and Deemed Universities only. Getting seat depends on the students to seat ratio and the cut off acording your category as you are sc and vacancy of seats of the college you will choose. So choose wisely.
Also, Careers360 is conducting the All India Talent search exam where students of 11th and 12th PCM/PCB can test their knowledge and enhance their preparation by knowing their stronger and weaker areas and win prizes and scholarships worth ₹1.25 Crore.
If you are an Engineering or medical aspirant, it is a great opportunity for you. Take the test, perform the best, avail the scholarship and win prizes.
You can win exciting prizes such as:
₹50,000/- cash Prizes, Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET AI-Based preparation packages, Laptops, Smartphones, Amazon Echo, Careers360 Almanacs, Powerbanks, Upto ₹250/- paytm *Cashback offer
Link: https://learn.careers360.com/careers360-talent-search-exam
Good luck
Sir I am also a ward of IP Please add my number to this group
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