I am in class10 . I am good in mental ability test questions plz suggest me best exams only based on mental ability after 10 as well as after 12???
Hello aspirant!
Hope you are doing well!
There are various scholarship examinations that are based on Mental ability.
1 NTSE- It follows the NCERT prescribed syllabus covering Science, Maths, Social Science and Mental Ability.
: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Questions
3. Indian National Olympiad-
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and Junior Science
4. Science Olympiad Foundation-
Science, mathematics, computer education, English, sports and professional courses
5. GeoGenius- Phase1- children participate in their respective schools throughout the country and then on the basis of cut-off, students are selected for Phase-II where they are invited to the National Finals.
Hope this helps!