how many days do i need to study javascript?
Hello Aspirant,
JavaScript is a high-level programming language of the web. There are many courses available online to learn this programming language. However, the time which you will require to complete the full course of javascript will vary according to your efficiency and the time you are ready to devote daily for your studies. On an average 1 month is a good time to complete the course. You can do it in even less time depending on hardwork you put in.
Good Luck
what is Native,Hybrid,Web app ?which is best ?
Native apps live on the mobile and are accessed through icons on the device home screen . They are installed through an application store . They are developed for one platform and can take advantage of the device features .
Hybrid apps are part web and part native apps . Like native apps they are in an application store and can use device features but like web apps it depends on HTML rendered in a browser .
Web apps are not real applications but real websites that means they look like native applications . They are run by a browser .
Out of these three all are equally important depending upon the purpose but native apps are better as they perform better and they are safe as they are present in an application store .
What is Progression Web App ??
Hello Abi,
A Progressive Web Application , is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser. Functionality includes working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access, enabling creating user experiences similar to native applications on desktop and mobile devices. Since a progressive web app is a type of webpage or website known as a web application, there is no requirement for developers or users to install the web apps via digital distribution systems like Apple App Store or Google Play.
I hope your question has been answered properly.
All the best!
Do I need to give any entrance exam to become an mobile app developer
Hi Shruti,
Generally Company search for candidates who have at least bachelors degree in software engineering for mobile app development and for that you have to give entrance exams for engineering colleges like Comedk,Wbjee,JEE Mains etc,.other than that you can find job by doing these courses.
There aren't many established mobile app development certifications on the market yet, however as this space continues to grow we will see an influx of both platform-specific and platform-neutral credentials. Currently, the most marketable certifications for mobile application developers include:
- Google Associate Android Developer
- ATC Android Certified Application Developer
- IBM Certified Mobile Application Developer
- Mobile Development Institute Certified Developer (MDICD)
- Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): App Builder
- Logical Operations' Master Mobile Application Developer (MMAD)
- Oracle Certified Professional (OCP): Java ME Mobile Application Developer
Hope this will help,please feel free to ask if you have any further queries.
Thank You.
As i am 12 pass with PCM Eng and physical education. now the question is that i want to become a mobile app developer but i have chosen phys. education insisted of computer science. can i become Mobile app developer??
Dear Aspirant,
You will not face any problem in becoming an app developer due to your subjects. However, you have to learn app making from other resources as app making is a complex task and you can not learn with your school's computer course as it is primarily focused on basic things of programming.
If you are really interested in app making, you can contact your teachers are your school for some suggestions. Moreover, since you have mathematics as your subject you can join engineering in computer science and there you can learn many other things like web development, etc.
Hope this helps. Thank you.
I am started studying BE CSE first year . When will I have to study value added course . Shall I study from first year .
Hello Muahmmed
Value added courses are for our own development and extra knowledge, value knowledge. It is your choice whether to start them from first year or not. If you are comfortable then of course you can start from the first year but if you already feel a burden then I guess you should try to manage the already existing syllabus first and then go for these value added courses.
I have done 12th( cbse) i want to develop mobile app what should i do?
For excelling in a career of Mobile App Development, it's advised one to go for CS. in a good Engg. College and thereafter continue with your interest in the career.
Mobile app development is one of the hottest career in the industry as of now and contains quite a many job prospects, you just need to proceed in the right path following :
1. Choose a major platform : Android, iOS, Windows etc.
2.Get the Required Training and Education. Getting a formal training and education in software development processes is indeed required.
3. Master your skills.
4. Practice your skills.
5. Apply for internships.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck !
I am currently studying the c++ language at school and I want to become an app developer, which course should I take? CS or IT?
To become a app developer, you should definitely go for CSE. I myself am a CSE student in 2 nd year and a app developer.
A computer science degree will cover fundamental topics related to math, software, networks, programming, databases and software engineering. For instance, a basic computer science class will teach the student about basic algorithms, hardware and applications. An introductory programming class will introduce programming-based problem solving through basic languages, such as Python. Math classes will cover linear algebra, calculus for engineers and data analysis, which will include an introduction to probability and statistics.
The advanced coursework will directly benefit an aspiring app developer.For example, students will learn object orientated programming in C++ and thus be exposed to polymorphism, interface relationships and standard template libraries. Students will alsostudy algorithm design and analysis. As a result, they will understand string, graph and geometric algorithms. Modern computer science degrees will include classes on web, mobile and cloud software development. Because these last few classes are the most beneficial, students should consider specializing their computer science degree in app development.
Check out this link for the top engineering colleges in India for CSE
Also as you will be preparing for Jee mains and advanced, please check this out
Careers360 is conducting the All India Talent search exam where students of 11th, 12th, and 12th droppers PCM/PCB can test their knowledge and enhance their preparation by knowing their stronger and weaker areas and win prizes and scholarships worth 1.25 Crore.
If you are an Engineering or medical aspirant, it is a great opportunity for you. Take the test, perform the best, avail the scholarship and win prizes.
You can win exciting prizes such as:
50,000/- cash Prizes, Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET AI-Based preparation packages, Laptops, Smartphones, Amazon Echo, Careers360 Almanacs, Powerbanks, Upto 250/- Paytm *Cashback offer
Hope it helps
What type of jobs does Google offers
Dear aspirant, Mostly technical jobs are provided by google but there are non-tech jobs too, for physical nourishment, health and etc.
The technical jobs offered by google are in the field of software engineering, hardware engineering, networking and many other.
I am also CS student and has seen many seniors preparing for GOOGLE. What I have seen so far is that GOOGLE will hire you only on the basis of you coding skills. Try to be outstanding in that if you are applying in tech field.
All the best
Hope this helps
What to do after 12 to become mobile app developer
India is going digital and there is currently a high demand of app developers in our country. And if you want to pursue a career as an app developer here are the top 3 fields you should enroll in.
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E or B. Tech)- Information Technology (IT)
Since the dawn of internet in India, the field of IT has been the most opted field. Today, there has been a lateral shift with the field of IT from being a website developer to an app developer.
The course of IT Engineering is offered across various universities in India. The IITs, BITS (Pilani,Goa,Hyderabad), Mumbai Univeristy, NIT Warangal, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, VJTI to name a few are some of the top institutions in India that offer the course.
Subjects (including and not limited to): Computer Networks, Web Programming, Information Theory and Coding, Operating Systems, Open Source Technologies Kindly note that the subjects may vary with respect to the universities.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
This is a 3 year degree course. Many people think of BCA and B. Sc I.T as a second alternative to IT Engineering. However, that is not the case.
A student after pursuing BCA can further opt for a Post Graduation Degree MCA. The course of BCA covers subjects related to computer systems and Subjects (including and not limited to): Programming Principles and Algorithms, C Programming, File Structure and Database Concepts, Data Structure Using C, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Core Java, and Advanced Java.
Eligibility: 10 + 2 with minimum percentage as set by respective institutes
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (B .Sc I.T)
This is also a 3 year degree course and is similar to the B.E I.T course. However, the B.E course runs for 4 years. But practically if one would compare the subjects that Engineering covers in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year with the 3 years of B. sc the subjects wont differ much.
Subjects (including and not limited to): Problem Solving Methodologies and Programming in C, Foundation of Information Technology, Data Structure, DBMS using FoxPro, Systems Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Java, and Operating Systems.
Eligibility: 10 + 2 with minimum percentage as set by respective institutes
As you might have seen, there is no direct field or stream to become a Mobile App Developer. While you are graduating from these fields you can specialize in Java (for Android), Objective C (for iOS) or HTML5 (for cross platform mobile apps).
Also, there are many companies that give an initial training once they hire. Theres definitely a bright future for this field. The future of apps is mobile!
I hope it will help you
Good luck....