when nata admit card realsed for phase 2
The NATA phase two admit card is scheduled to be released today that is on the 4th July in the official website. To download the NATA 2022 admit card, aspirants have to fill in their credentials such as their NATA application form number and password. If for some reason there is a delay in the release of the admit card then the admit card will be released by tomorrow. Keep an eye on the official website or the link below for the latest information. There will be no separate link for downloading admit card of NATA 2022. Candidates have to download the same from the candidate portal.
nata admit card 2nd phase 2021
Admit card for NATA 2021 Phase 2 is expected to be released on July 07 at there official site.
For more updates regarding NATA 2021 examination keep a keen eye on:
Hope this helps you out
All the best
i have mistaken date of birth in nata admit card. the correction window is also closed. my dob in admit card doesnt match with the one in my proof. can i apper for the exam what to do
If there is a discrepancy in the admit card despite giving correct information in the online application you can reach out the NATA helpdesk and notify them about the issue. You will be issued with a new admit card with correct details as provided by you in the application form. The contact details are given below
Email: nata.helpdesk2021@gmail.com
Help Desk Phone: 9560707764, 9319275557
You can reach the helpdesk from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. You need to provide your details such as roll number, name, correct date of birth and your issues to the above mentioned Email address or you can call them and notify.
If you have not given the correct date of birth while filling the online application form then it cannot be corrected. You have to apply for NATA second session with correct details and appear for NATA second session. You may be allowed to appear for the NATA first session but you may not get admission if the details are incorrect.
can I correct dob in nata admit card after issuing it? do I have to drop my year? can I still get admission in colleges?
If there are any discrepancies in the admit card we would suggest you to please report it to the authorities. The incorrect details in the admit card will be rectified and you may get a new admit card. This is in case if the information provided by you was correct in the online application form that you have filled but there is discrepancy in the details given in the admit card. If you have given incorrect date of birth then you may not change the date of birth given in the admit card and your candidature may get cancelled. Here are the help desk details
Email: nata.helpdesk2021@gmail.com
Help Desk Phone: 9560707764, 9319275557
You can reach them from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Send an email by providing your details such as roll number, name, correct date of birth and your issues to the above mentioned Email address or you can call them.
If it is resolved you do not have to take a year drop. You will get admission in a college if you have the required cut off score that is specified by the institute in which you are seeking admission.
my dob is incorrect in nata admit card, so will I able be to re correct it after exam? will I get admission in respective colleges or do I have to drop my year?
lets not think about year dropping, first check whats the correction facility available to you. NATA 2021 exam has two attempts, however for first attempt correction window has over. nata first session correction window was available from - March 26 to April 1, 2021. things which can be corrected in correction window was as follows:
Date of birth
Father’s name
Mother’s name
Mobile number
ID proof
Correspondence address
Uploaded photograph and signature
Choice of examination centre
Examination details
now see Availability of NATA application form correction window for second session is May 25-30, 2021, so you can still corrected it when next time correction window would open.
however right now appear in NATA first session exam on april 10, 2021. just give your best attempt.
follow our article at below link to know in details:
why I cant find link to download nata admit card??
The official website to download NATA admit card is as follows:
I hope this information is helpful to you.
all the best
Im not able to download the nata admit card and news says that nata has released it but why does the link given shows me my registration details not admit card download option.
I'm facing the same problem, what should I do. Only 2 days are left in exam. I don't want to lose my exam.
how can I download for Nata admit card
To download the NATA admit card;
First of all visit the NATA2020 official website. Click on the link that says admit card , enter application number and password and click on the submit button. Now you will be able to see your admit card on the screen, download and print it. The admit card was to be released on 24 August but it has been delayed . You will see it today on 25 August
Go to the link below:
Thank you and all the best
how to download nata admit card 2020
The Council of Architecture (CoA) has released the NATA Admit Card for Phase-1 exam on August 25. As per the latest notification, the exam for NATA Test-1 will be conducted on August 29, 2020. There is no such notice for Test-2. Candidates have to visit the official website – www. nata.in to download their NATA 2020 Admit Card. They must use their Email and Password to log in to their portals and download the NATA Hall Ticket online. The details regarding the candidate, NATA Exam Centre as well as the exam day guidelines will be mentioned on the admit card.
Following are the steps to download NATA admit card,
- Visit the official NATA 2020 website i.e. nata.in
- Find and Click on the “Admit Card” link.
- Enter Application number and password.
- Click on the “Submit” button.
- NATA admit card 2020 will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the admit card and take a print out.
when does nata admit card will be released for August examination?
Hi aspirant
As per the NATA official the Admit card for 2020 will be released by Council of Architecture for the both session. Council of Architecture has postponed the date for NATA 2020 Admit Card release for both the sessions till the further notice.
For further notification
Hope this was helpful.