I have entered my NATA marks in KCET but it hasnt been mentioned in the Application. Does it mean the marks have been submitted or not?
You have to login to the KCET 2020 portal for uploading your NATA score and also you need to upload your scanned copy of your NATA score card.
The scanned copy should be in JPG, JPEG format. Scanned image size should be between 5 kb and 1 mb.
Since you have already uploaded your NATA 2020 score and scanned score card and it is not showing in your application form, there might be some problem in that. Please ty to check in the KCET portal and the option is available then try to upload the details again.
If you face the issue again, then you can try to contact the KCET 2020 conducting authorities at the help mail - keauthority-ka@nic.in
Hope it helps
i got 94.545 percentile in JEE B ARCH 2020 and 115.5 marks in NATA 2020. so can i get admission in KAMLA RAHEJA COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE or RIZWI COLLEGE OF ARCHIECTURE or RACHANA SANSAD COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE ? and i belong from OBC caste.
Hello cricfit . Well as you have given both the exam so let me first clear some stuff about that comparitively on both exam score your nata score will be more valuable as it will help you fetch better college than jee mains paper 2 rank .so yess you can get admission in kamla raheza and rahida sansad but you might face difficulty in rizwi architect college as its cutoff is somewhat higher but your category rank will help you very much for other good college you can take help of this link below
for kcet application form for architecture course, which marks is better to apply, jee or nata. in jee paper2 for architecture I have got 95 percentile. for nata I have got 102/200. pls help me to clear the confusion. Im interested to join Architecture colleges only in Bangalore.
It is hard to say which one will be best to consider out off jee mains paper 2 or NATA. you can consider JEE main as your percentile is good. NATA score is just 50% of the total score.
if you have rank with you then consider the exam score in which you have lowest rank.
You can apply for BArch for colleges located at bangalore. SPA will be one of the best option for BARch. if you find it comfortable and suitable for you then you can consider it for admission.
for precise college list based on your score, please use the college predictor :-
Hope it helps!
I got 143.5 in NATA. So what is the chance of getting admission in J J COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE
Hello Aspirant,
Getting admission into an Architecture college depends on various factors like no. of students appeared, seat availability, exam difficulty level and previous years cutoff trends. Since JJ college of Architecture Mumbai, accepts majorly NATA score, so, the admission cutoff goes higher upto above 150 to 160 depending upon your marks and category. Seeing your score, it is a bit difficult for you to get admission into this college. But you van see other colleges available for Architecture using the college predictor link given below,
Hope that helps. Good luck
I have scored 136 in NATA and 68% in 12th. can i get any good govt. college ? any suggestion which college i should look for ?
Hello Aspirant,
Getting admission into a good Architecture college depends upon various factors like no. of students appeared, seat availability, exam difficulty level and previous years cutoff trends.
There are numerous colleges which give admission through NATA score. See the full list of colleges available that give admission through NATA score below,
The admission cutoff criteria also depends upon your category and percentile rank score.
Good luck
is acpc rank important in b arch admission ?? i have not given gujcet exam but have given nata and jee both?? is acpc rank important in all colleges in gujarat ?? i want admittion in b arch
There are 32 colleges in Gujarat the offers B.Arch courses. In which all the colleges accept NATA score and There are two colleges in which accept JEE paper 2 score. So on ACPC rank is not important. The candidate should have passed in 10+2 (PCM Group) or its equivalent from any recognized College or Board with good score in JEE paper 1 or NATA score are eligible to take admissions in B,Arch colleges in Gujarat.
I have 70.62% in hsc and 60% in nata and 65% in jee main paper 2. Suggest the college in pune
Hello Priti,
Honestly colleges cannot be predicted right now since eligibility criteria vary every year in every institute.Here are some top colleges in pune where you check the eligibility criteria
1]MIT Art Design and Technology University, Pune.
2]Dr DY Patil College of Architecture, Pune.
3]Sinhgad College of Architecture, Pune.
4]Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture, Pune.
5]Aayojan School of Architecture and Design, Pune.
6]Allana College of Architecture, Pune.
7]Vishwakarma University, Pune.
But still I recommend you college predictor tool which will definitely help you sort colleges :
Ive achieved 128 marks in NATA . 99.57% in planning and 90.26% in arch jee mains 2020.......my 10+2 percentile is 82......im of obc category....from kerala.....could you suggest some good university/college for architecture studies......it will be of great help,.....thank you
Hello Aspirant,
Getting admission into a good Architecture college depends on various factors like no. of students appeared, seat availability, exam difficulty level and previous years cutoff trends.
Your scores of JEE and NATA reflect that you have fair chances of getting into a good college. Also your category and percentile rank would also come into picture for getting admission.
You can use our college predictor link given below to view the preferred college available for you,
You can also see the previous years cutoff trends of various NITs and some other institute given below,
If you have Kerala as your home state , then you can try into NIT Calicut or SRM university as well. To see various Architecture colleges in kerala view the below link given,
The above list consists of colleges that accept both NATA and JEE scores both
Hope that helps. Good luck
is there predictor for nata exam
Hello dear student
Please visit the link for nata examination regarding information all details are available here.
Hope that's helpful
Best of luck
sir/madam I have got 106 marks in nata exam and board percentage is 78 which college can i get for architecture plz recommendation college?
Hello Aspirant,
Seeing your score of NATA, it is difficult to say which architecture college you can apply for. You can use our architecture college predictor link given below to view the preferred college available for you,
Fir reference, you can also see the colleges that accept NATA score and it's information in the link below,
Remember, the admission also depends upon your category and percentile rank alongside factors like seat availability, difficulty level, students appeared and previous years cutoff trends.
Good luck