i scored 73 percentage in 12 thboards and 131.5 in nata.do i get any colleges in kerala?
Hi aspirant,
You got 131.5 in jee paper 2 .
Now, see,
For 155+ marks, one candidate can get a government college.
For 130 - 155 , one candidate can get a good private college.
For 100 - 130, one candidate can get a medium private college.
So, you can get good private college. You may try for govt colleges but chances are tool low.
All the best !!
How to know college admission on the basis of NATA score for B Arch admission in Kerala and colleges outside the state?
You can check colleges in which you are eligible for from our college predictor tool.
You will get the list of colleges from all over India. You just have to fill in the required details.
For More information related to colleges you can contact us anytime.
I have got 144 marks in NATA 2020 and have scored 91.7% in CBSE. I belongs to Tamilnadu. Which architecture colleges will I get ?
Hello aspirant,
You got 144 marks in jee paper 2 2k20 & 91.7% in your board exam.
Now, look, for 155+ marks in nata, you can get a good government college.
For 130 - 155, you can get a good private college.
For 100 - 130 marks, one can get a medium good private college.
So, you can get a good private seat easily. You may try also for the government colleges but your chances are too low.
All the best !!
i got a score of 142 in NATA 2020. what are the best colleges or universities in andhra pradesh and how can I apply to them. thank you
Hello aspirant,
Your score in Nata 2k20 is 142.
Now, for greater than 155marks, one can get a too good government college.
For 130 - 155 , one can get a very good private college.
For 100 - 130, one can get a medium private college.
So, you can secure a seat in a very good private college easily.
Top nata colleges in AP:
Andhra U niversity College o f Engineering, Visakhapatnam
S chool of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada
G ITAM University, Visakhapatnam
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
M aestro school of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada
KLU School of Architecture, Guntur
All the best!!
I have obtained 121 marks out of 200 in NATA 2020. How good is the score and what rank am I about to get with this mark.?
Based on your score you will get into some decent colleges
It is difficult to get into based on your choice or Government college
You didn't mention your 12 th percentage ( out of 100)
Your merit score is calculated by dividing the Nata score by 4 and 12 th percentage by 2 and then add them
If your merit score is more than 65 you may get into Colleges based on your preferences
Hope it helps
Good luck!
can my daughter get b.arch admission in thiyagarajan college of engineering with Nata score of 123 and board % as 71 , also has SC category in TNEA counselling??
Hi Kamalini, definitely your daughter can get seat in the Thiyagarajan college of engineering in b.arch. The eligibility to get admission is 50% in the 12th examination and the NATA score is 80 marks out of 120. Your daughter's score is 124 out of 80. It is quite enough to get admission.
All the best.
can telanganian get free seat in spa vijaywada with 126.5 marks in nata and 92.6% in 12th board?
Hii aspirant,
You got 126.5 marks in nata & 92.6% in 12th board. You asked if you may get a free seat in spa vijaywada or not.
Now, look, in nata,
One requires 155+, to get a government seat.
One requires 130 to 155, to get a pretty good private seat.
One requires 110 to 130, to get a medium private seat.
For spa vijaywada, in general category, cut off rank is 1022.
So, you may get it but not sure.
All the best !!
naa nata score 119.5 intermediate 95/. nenu general category lo sir j j r lo seat sadinchagalana
Nata exam is a pre requisite to be an architect. Most colleges require Nata exam except IITs, Nits etc. You need to secure 80% to qualify the exam. If you are looking for IITs then you will also have to write JEE advanced. Otherwise most state college look for NATA score and class 12th marks.
what to do after getting NATA score card?
Dear Aspirant,
After you get your NATA score card,you can proceed with the admission process. If you are eligible for government college admission, then start to apply through online application with HSC marks.After the release of merit lists, fill your preferences and submit it. Later CAP lists Will announce your allotment.
If you are applying in Maharashtra colleges,you have to fill single form to get admission in colleges by paying fee through DD
If you are in karnataka,you have to write CET number on NATA score card and send it to the KEA main address before the last date of submission.
Hope it helps
Good luck!
I have 84.28 percentile in jee main & 118.5 marks in nata & in hsc board i have 78%. Which marks of jee or nata will be better to apply for addmission process in JJ college of architecture Mumbai and in other colleges? And can I get information about Cut offs of jee 2 of JJ college of architecture ?
Hello Aspirant,
For getting admission into JJ college of Architecture, Mumbai, usually NATA score is considered. The cutoff of JJ college changes every year depending upon your category, seat availability, exam difficulty and previous years cutoff trends and no. of students appeared each year, so there are no such cutoff details available. But there are a lot of colleges in India and Mumbai which accept scores of both NATA as well as JEE. You can see the preferred college available for you using our college predictor link given below,
For other colleges available you can see the previous years cutoff trends of various NITs and some other institute given below for more details,
Using NATA score, you can get admission into colleges like, SRM university, ICL institute of architecture, school of Planning Bhopal and vadodara, and Manipal university amongst others.
Hope that helps. Good luck