My ST category rank is 4700....can I get Nit jamshedpur any branch
Your profile suggests that your home state is Telangana
It's quite difficult to predict because cutoff keeps changing every year depending upon various factors like :-
******number of students that appeared in the jee main exam,
****** number of available seats,
****** performance of different students in the examination,
****** the category you belong etc.
But yes,
When we go through previous year trend then
>>>>> With 4700 st rank
It is quite difficult to make prediction but yes
You have low chance in nit jamshedpur for any branch.
For example,
In 6th round of josaa counselling 2020, under other state closing rank was 3382 st rank in NIT Jamshedpur and it was for Production and Industrial Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)
You can check the same at
You have chancee in iiits
you have chances in following IIITs which are listed below along with their closing rank in 6th round of josaa counselling 2020 :-
--------)Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT) Kilohrad, Sonepat, Haryana:- IT :- 4795 st rank
----------)Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT) Una, Himachal Pradesh:-Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology):-5872 st rank
----------)Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhopal, ECE :-5641 ST rank
----------)Indian Institute of Information Technology, Agartala, computer science:-5360 st rank
And more
You can check the closing ranks at official website of josaa by going through the link given below
For previous year cut offs of top colleges like NITs, IIITs , you can also refer our page at :-
NITs :-
Above prediction has been made considering past year cut off data but closing rank for colleges varies every year depending upon many factors like jee main question paper difficulty, number of students writing the exam etc so
To have a personalised report on your chances of getting a college you can go through our college predictor, it will give you complete list of colleges which you can get on the basis of the category you belong to, your home state, your gender etc, the link for jee main college predictor is provided below
To help you further,
Minimum percentile in jee main 2021 to qualify it to be eligible for jee advanced 2021 is given below :-
--------) general :-87.8992241 percentile
--------) EWS:- 66.2214845 percentile
--------) OBC-NCL :- 68.0234447 percentile
--------) SC :- 46.8825338 percentile
--------) ST:- 34.6728999 percentile
--------) PWD :- 0.0096375 percentile
Thank you
Which I better option nit jsr EE or NIT patna ECE ???Plzz tell more about nit patna ece
I always prefer NIT Patna ECE. If I'm talking about career opportunities then ECE have more career opportunities now a days. Whereas , electrical students also have more opportunities in government sector. But ,if you want to do jobs in MNCs then you should go for ECE. Many IT sectors those who are offered placements to cse students they can also provide placement to ECE.
So go for ECE. Nit patna provides immensely good placements and curriculum strategy for ECE.
Hope for the best.
Thank you.
Is freshers(boys) provided with single rooms in NIT JAMSHEDPUR now??
As per the information available, from the year 2018 the fresher students are alloted double seater rooms which means that you will have to share the room with your roommate. See in your college life, the friends plays a important role be it your hard times or sweet memories so if you don't get a single room you shouldn't be sad and just move to made friends which will definitely shape your future ahead. Also its better to have a roommate as the students come out to the hostels for the very first time from there parents. So this way it can be beneficial for students who feel frightened or lonely.
To know more about NIT JAMSEDHPUR visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
are freshers(boys) provided with single rooms in NIT JAMSHEDPUR now?? please answer as soon as possible
As per the information available, from the year 2018 the fresher students are alloted double seater rooms which means that you will have to share the room with your roommate. See in your college life, the friends plays a important role be it your hard times or sweet memories so if you don't get a single room you shouldn't be sad and just move to made friends which will definitely shape your future ahead.
To know more about NIT JAMSEDHPUR visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
are freshers provided with single rooms in NIT JAMSHEDPUR now?? please answer
As per the information available, from the year 2018 the fresher students are alloted double seater rooms which means that you will have to share the room with your roommate. See in your college life, the friends plays a important role be it your hard times or sweet memories so if you don't get a single room you shouldn't be sad and just move to made friends which will definitely shape your future ahead.
To know more about NIT JAMSEDHPUR visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
Which branch is better in nit jsr mechanical or metallurgy ,,,For less workload ??
It depends on your choice whether you want a core branch or not . Now talking about the college, to be honest ,N.I.T. Jsr is a better college but Metallurgy in Jsr is not so good.
Hopefully it will help you.
Thank You.
which is good for cse, nit jamshedpur, nit durgapur or bit mesra?
In compare of all three colleges CSE branch.
NIT Jamshedpur is better than NIT Jamshedpur and BITS Mesra
- Infrastructure: BIT Mesra leads by a huge margin. Infrastructure of NIT Dgp and NIT Jsr is in ruins. The current academic building is under renovation since past few years.
- Academics: I don't know about BIT Mesra but in NIT Durgapur they only teach you enough to pass the semester. However, on the plus side, it's easy to score a decent CGPA in branches like CSE, IT, ECE, ME.
- Placement: It is almost the same in all the colleges. However, in CSE and IT branch, NIT Dgp and NIT Jsr has better placement record. Also, a NIT tag puts some weight on your CV.
- Fees: Obviously, NIT Dgp and NIT Jsr is cheaper.
Conclusion: NIT Jamshedpur is preferable in CSE.
Thank You
Should i prefer NIT JAMSHEDPUR Mechanical over VNIT chemical?
Dear Student,
Both are public/government ownership colleges. NIT JAMSHEDPUR was established in 2002 whereas VNIT was established in 2007.
Campus size of NIT JAMSHEDPUR is 342 (Acres) whereas for VNIT, it is 216 (Acres).
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur (VNIT Nagpur) has higher rank. VNIT has been ranked 27 by NIRF while NIT JAMSHEDPUR has been ranked 79 by NIRF.
B.Tech. Chemical Engineering in Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur has higher cutoff through JEE Main and has lower fees. JEE Main cutoff for NIT Jamshedpur is 2217 while for VNIT is 601.
Fees for general category in NIT JAMSHEDPUR is 7.16 Lakhs while for VNIT it is 5.38 Lakhs.
During college placements, the median salary for B.Tech. graduates from VNIT is 8.53 Lakhs whereas for B.Tech. graduates from NIT Jamshedpur is 6.80 Lakhs.
Both have similar facilities. According to student reviews on careers360, the ratings given to NIT JAMSHEDPUR is 4.3/5 while for VNIT, it is 4.1/5.
You can choose as per your preference.
Happy Learning!
In NIMCET 2021: AIR 1001 and OBC 391. Is there any chance for NIT JAMSHEDPUR because following the previous year trends my rank is under range.. Pls help..!!
Hi Aspirant,
Hope you are doing great as per the question asked by you getting N.I.T jamshedpur with AIR 1001 and OBC 391 in N.I.M.C.E.T 2021 is very difficult as your rank is very high as compared to previous year cutoffs and generally in O.B.C category there is only 243 seats so getting any of the N.I.T is very difficult.
Hope you found this answer useful.Stay motivated stay positive.
All the best!
AIR 1001 and OBC 391 .. Is there any chance I will get NIT JAMSHEDPUR. Because following the previous trends my rank is under range . Can anyone please help ??
Hello Aspirant,
As we go through the latest cut-offs of JEE-Main 2020 of JOSAA 6th round then it shows that :-
Closing OBC rank for NIT Jamshedpur was :-
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering branch - 13823 (Other state quota)
So you have quite good chances to get NIT Jamshedpur with branches like :-
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
You can check out the latest cut-offs from the link given below :-
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs available on official website of JOSAA or CSAB and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use JEE-Main College Predictor:-
If you are preparing for JEE-Main 2021 or 2022 then I would recommend you to check the resources made by our experts to help aspirants like you in the best and smart preparation of JEE-Main 2021 or 2022 :-
You can also check out the JEE-Main 2021 qualifying cut-off (expected) for JEE-Advance 2021 from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!