How much marks is needed for a general category in jee mains paper 2 to get admission in BArch at NIT Trichy?
Hello ,
For JEE mains paper 2 , you must get more than 75 percentile for having chance to get admission in any NITs . For particularly , NIT trichy click on the given link below to see the cut off last year so as to get idea about how cut off is going to be in this year.
In other NIT colleges for B.Arch course cut off link on the link mentioned down.
It depends upon the number of students taking part, level of difficulty of questions, seats allocated .
How many marks is required for NIT Tiruchirappalli
Hey Ankit,
Cutoff keeps on changing every year. But you can predict the cutoff by observing previous years cutoff. There are many factors which affect cut offs.
Availability of seats
Total number of candidates appeared for the exam.
Previous years’ cutoff trends
Total number of questions asked in JEE Main 2020
Performance of candidates in the exam
Visit this site for NIT Trichy cutoff:
Use this site for JEE Main college predictor:
Thank You.
Sir if I got 97percentile OBC category and I m a girl can I get seat in Nit trichy or nit warngal or nit surat Kal in computer science
Your expected rank will be around 26070.You can calculate your expected rank using the formula (100-your total percentile)*869010/100 where 869010 is the total number of candidates appeared in January session.
In April session 1200000 candidates are expected to appear then your expected rank can be calculated using the formula (100-your total percentile)*1200000/100
Now, your category rank is expected to be in between 5000-6000.
In 2019 a candidate with rank(female) 2295 belonging to OBC secured a seat in CSE in NIT, Surathkal.
A candidate with rank 1112 belonging to OBC category secured a seat in CSE in NIT, Warangal.
A candidate with rank 1060 belonging to OBC category secured a seat in CSE in NIT, Trichy.
Considering this you may not get seat in any of the above mentioned NITs.However, cut off is subjected to change it may increase or decrease slightly.
You can also predict the colleges in which you may get seat by trying our JEE main college predictor
how many marks are required for a SC student to score in jee main to get admission in NIT Trichy. ?
Hello Aspirant.
As you've mentioned that you're from SC category then for this category the marks the candidate must score is atleast 80. At this score the candidate would get a less demanded branch of NIT Trichy.
If the candidate is able to score more than 95-100. He'll be getting the top or the most demanded branches in NIT Trichy.
Best of luck !
I got 98.53 percentile in jan 20, jee exam, under general EWS category, can i get Nit trichy CS branch.
Now year closing Cutoff rank for NIT Trichy Computer Science(CS) for EWS was 2937.
so there is very very less change that you will get NIT Trichy CS with this rank.
But you can get other branches in NIT Trichy with this rank.
Last year closing cutoff rank of NIT Trichy for different branches for EWS category are
Electronic and Communication Engineering - 6088
Metallurgical and Material Engineering - 29,773
Production Engineering - 29,760
Mechanical Engineering - 12,760
Chemical Engineering - 22,549
i got 84%le in jeemain paper 2 (jan) from trichy and i have sc,hs,female quota. can i surely get nit trichy?? what percentile should i get in April, so that i can be sure to get a seat in nit trichy?
So based on these facts if you got 84% then your rank will be approx 20 to 25 thousand after JEE Main April paper 2.
Last year closing cutoff rank for Female SC category candidate having Home state quota was 11,698 for NIT Trichy.
Sadly i would say that there is very less change that would get B.Arch in NIT Trichy.
For getting seat in B.Arch in NIT Trichy your percentile should be above 93.
So, Try to increase as much percentile as possible and If you have any queries regarding this then you can ask in the comment section.
Nit government college What score required for the jee mains
Just to get admission in nit it is necessary to have 94 percentile in jee main and 75% marks in class 12 examination. But if you are in some special categories then you have the chances in slightly low marks.
But you should carry a heavy weight marks.
All the best.
Thank you.
how much payment will go for the nit trichy
Hello student fees of NIT Trichy are mentioned below year wise.
1 Year - 161,250
2 Year - 135,000
3 Year - 135,000
4 Year - 135,000
Admission in all NIT's CFTIs and IIITS are through JEE main only.
Application form for jee main April examination starts from 07th of February and shall remain open till 07th of March 2020.
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck
which is best for CSE 1. NIT TRICHY 2. BITS PILANI and why
Hello aspirant, both of the colleges cannot be compared
Because, each if the college is best in it's own way p. Especially when the branch of computer science is taken.
Both of them are equally best in terms of education, placements course curriculum etc so on and so forth.
But the change is in life style. If you wish to experience a luxurious engineering life style, then go for bits pilani.
Else, a normal life style like other colleges, nit trichy will go the best
But in terms of educational aspects, they cannot be compared at all. It would be your choice