My obc rank is 1600 will i get admission in any nlu?
As you mentioned your rank but you didn't specify in which entrance exam you get this rank ....if you talk about NLU ..Delhi admission so admission are done on the base of AILET entrance exam and eligibitity are candCandid should score above 55% in their 10+2 .....
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All the best
In Clat 2019 suppose if I get a score of below 115 then will I get any good nlu?
Dear Ishika Baheti,
Of course, why not? If you get around 110, your rank will be around 600 to 1200, which I dare say is a pretty good score. If you belong to OBC or SC or ST, you will have caste reservation. You will have gender reservation. If you want to join any college of your own state, you will have that preference too. So, yes, I think there is a pretty good chance you will get a good NLU. All the best !!!
Hope my answer helped. Don't hesitate to ask for further doubts.
I have got Air 3744 any chances to get nlu Sonipat or Shimla?
You have good chances of getting into NLU Sonepat with this score of yours but in my opinion you should not take admission in such a lower ranked NLU. First of all it will be its first batch so you cannot predict how good it will be in future.Taking admission in such a college is a risk. Last year NLU Jabalpur also started its first batch and at present it comes under lower ranked NLUs. Moreover the biggest problem with NLU Sonepat is its location. If you just want to run after the tag then only go for it otherwise I would suggest you either join a private college(which would be much better than any such NLU) or you should take a drop and aim for a tier 1 or tier 2 NLU. I dont think so that it will be a sensible decision to take admission in such a lower ranked NLU because there will be no seniors to guide you and after five years you will face many problems. It is not even having its own campus, its under construction so you can predict how good it will be to take admission in such a college. Apart from this Harayana isn't a hub for law firms. In India there are three hubs for law firms- Delhi, Mumbai and Bengluru. So try to take admission in a good private college or you should take a drop to aim for a good NLU. All the best!
Should I go for nlu tamilnadu coz I m selected here ??
Dear candidate,
A small piece of advice for CLAT aspirants: Please do NOT join the lower ranked NLUs (anything after GNLU/HNLU).
It’s better to join a good law college in Delhi or Mumbai (or even Bangalore and Pune) than study in the lower ranked NLUs.
The reason is simple and two-fold.
One, in a city like Delhi or Mumbai you’d have something good (a conference, workshop, or a talk, etc.) happening nearly every weekend. Attending these would help you improve your knowledge/skills, develop your overall personality/self, and build your contacts.
Also, because you’d have a good number of quality organizations (NGOs, law firms, lawyer offices, etc.) based in these cities, you can easily opt for after-college hours internships which will again build your skills/knowledge and your contacts.
The above will translate into more avenues for all-round development and gaining ’employ-ability mileage’ (skills, experiences, networking, etc.)
The situation at the bottom NLUs is bad on nearly all fronts (except for the fact that your peer group will be smart and hard-working).
The situation is bad specifically on 2 fronts:
1. The placements at ALL lower ranked NLUs have been dismal throughout the years. Please check the stats on LegallyIndia and BarandBench and do your independent research.
2. Faculty (generally speaking) is pathetic across the colleges (including in top NLUs with an exception of NLU Delhi).
A lot of people have argued “Give these colleges time. Even NLSIU took time to build“. However, this argument has been going for way too long with no visible sign of things improving.
Sadly, no new NLU (with the exception of NLU Delhi) has shown even a glimmer of hope.
Sorry for being pessimistic here. But as I’ve said, there’s an alternative.
You might, yet again, assert: “No. NLUx will do well because of the NLU tag“. Well, it might. But if you have to answer “Will it do well?” by analyzing the NLU history and making an educated guess about its future, the answer will be a clear NO.
Hope the answer is helpful.
All the best.
I had got 5975 rank in clat and I have applied in thee colleges nlu sonipat,nlu jabalpur and ip university
Hey Saurabh Tiwari!
You might try for NLU SONIPAT. Because in the case of NLU JABALPUR chances are rather bleak. Also please mention if you're from delhi or not for IP UNIVERSITY.
Should I go for nlu sonepat ??
Hi Gunjan!
Greetings !
This is a very tough question right now. I must say it’s a gamble. The infrastructure is being developed. There is no information of permanent faculties. Fee Structure is also unknown. It has started taking admission from this year only i.e no senior to guide you or no alumni base. Libraries which are very important part of any nlu is missing too. But hey it has locational advantage of being in NCR region.Getting internships and workshops will be easy.And no nlu was great from its first day. Every reputed nlu is the result of rigorous work done by both students and staffs.If you are not getting any other good colleges and you don’t want to take a drop you can go there. You’ll have an nlu tag and if you both (you and university) will work hard both of you will come out winning.
Please upvote if this was helpful to you.
Thank you and good luck.
Nlu tamilnadu or nlu sonepat or vips ? Which should I prefer
Hello Gunjan, please check out the following link for detailed info on Vips, delhi and NLU TN:
NLU tamil nadu at Tiruchirapalli is doing much better than NLU sonipat in terms of course staructure, department, infrastructure, future prospects etc however both are relatively very new institutes and quite lower rank NLUs, but all NLUs although have a certain brand image in India for Law, VIPS on the othe hand fares much better than them both, and also being a relatively older institute, has somewhat managed to develop firm on the grounds of repute.
So I would have gone for NLU TN because of it being an excelling NLU and then comes VIPS which obviously has excellent campus, departments and nfrastructure along with future prospects too, but is privately owned if that may be a deciding factor for it. But my personal opinion afterall
Check out this link on top Law colleges in India:
I got 60.5 in clat I am from sc Can i get nlu Jabalpur It is my 1 st preference
Since you are from SC category, you have some reservation. The cutoff mark for SC category in Jabalpur NLU was 44.75. So, I think you can safely expect to get into the Jabalpur NLU.
Hope my answer helped, don't hesitate to ask further doubts.
I scored 102.5 in clat 2019 and my rank is 10136... what is my chance in nlu assam, nlu aurangabad , hpnlu and in nlu sonipat?
The cut off for admission in any of the National Law Universities through CLAT in the previous year was a rank in the range of 1600 for the general category. Hence with a rank of 10136 your chances for an NLU under the vacanies are very less. Usually there are vacancies in the lower NLUs as people leave their seats for other colleges. Various NLUs have started announcing their vacant seats like NLU Raipur. But a rank under 3000 is fair for vacancies. This year the vacanies are quite a lot, so you can stil apply if uoud like to try. But to be honest with your rank if you belong to the general category you have hardly any chances.
Best of luck
my rank is 1296 in clat 2019 can i get nuals kochi or nlu vizag in vaccancies?
Hey Mansha.
The cut off for admission in any of the National Law Universities through CLAT in the previous year was a rank in the range of 1600 for the general category. Hence with a rank of 1296 your chances for an NLU under the vacanies are very good. Usually there are vacancies in the lower NLUs as people leave their seats for other colleges.
Various NLUs have started announcing their vacant seats like NLU Raipur. And this year there are many vacant seats. Hence you should keep updated with the official websites of NLUs and apply as with your rank you have great chances. Also NLUAS has released a performa to be filled if you wish to be considered for admission in vacant seats. Last date to fill is 10th july. Do fill the form asap. And best wishes.
Best of luck