I appered in clat 2019 got 134.25 marks can get nlu belong ge eral category boy
Congratulation Vatsal,
you get a nice score in CLAT and in this marks you get any good colleges and good chances of some government college and you may Try on NLU but get admission in these colleges is a bit difficult for the general category but Try I hope you get it but add some other colleges also.
Good luck.
I got 72.5marks in clat and ranked 24445 all India... will I get any NLU college??
First of all congratulations for your result.
You have not mentioned about your category.If you are general then there is No chance as Round 2 2019 lowest closing rank has gone upto 1447 in DNLU Jabalpur.But if you are from reserved category i.e. SC or ST then you have chances to get admission in any of the one NLU.
You can check CLAT cut off using this link:
Also you can predict your CLAT college using this link:
So I hope you find this helpful
Thank you.
What is the admission procedure for vacant seats in nlu after last merit list is declared
The seats will be allotted to the candidates as per their NLUs’ choice-preference and based on their rank. In case any seat gets vacant, the preferred NLU on the higher preference of candidate’s choice will be allotted to them automatically. Even after the last list, there are vacant seats then nlu will put it on their website and let you know about it. They will specify the procedure on their site itself. So be in touch with the site.
Hope this helps!
My score is 106.75 all India rank is 8705 and obc rank is 973 can I get an nlu
Hello aspirate
Your rank is quite high and since this year the nlus cut off are slightly higher it's possible that you might get low nlus in 2nd or 3rd round of counselling under home state.
Use clat college predictor to expect the colleges you can get with your rank
Good luck
I am getting 124.75 marks in clat 2019,AIR-3788,OBC category rank-359.which NLU i will get .Mp Domicile Obc Category
Hello shivam
Your clat is is good and yes you can surely get into NLUs this year. You might get NLIU Bhopal under home state in 2nd or 3rd round of counselling. And can easily get DNLU jabalpur.
Use career360 clat college predictor to know colleges you can get with your rank
To know clat cutoff for NLUs 2019 use the link below
Good luck
I have got 44500 rank and my OBC rank is 7000 can I get seat in any NLU universities in INDIA.
Hello aspirate
Your rank is very high and since the clat cutoff for nlus are slightly higher this year, it's very difficult for you to get admission in any NLUs in any round of counselling. Almost no chance.
To know clat cutoff for nlus this year use the link below
You can go for other good private law colleges accepting clat score
Any query you may ask further
My rank in clat is 9600 and obc rank 1080 ...is there any chance of getting into an nlu?
Hello Rajam
Your clat score is decent and yes you can surely get into NLUs. To know the colleges you can get with your ranking use career360 clat college predictor
For details on clat cutoff 2019 for nlus use the link below
Good luck
hey i scored 55 marks in clat 2019 and i got air 35675 & air 1674 in SC category. is there any chance for me to get into any off the nlus?
Hello pooja
Your clat score is very low and since this year the cutoff are slightly higher so there is almost no chances for you to get admission in any NLUs in any of the round of counselling. There is almost no chances for home state nlus also.
But you can go for other top private colleges accepting clat score
Good luck
am i eligible for private universities by clat counselling if i didnt make it to nlus
yes,the clat score is accepted my many leading institutions of india.
the institutes that accept the clat score are
jindal global law school sonipat
symbiosis law school,pune
army institute of law, pune
nirma university,ahemdabad
MS ramaiah college of law,bangalore
ICFAI law school,hyderabad
I scored124 marks and 3950 rank can I get admission in any NLU in general category
Each NLU has its own admission cutoff based on which they prepare a merit list of candidates qualifying the cutoff for the NLU.
According to the difficulty level of the paper this year, there are less chances for you to get admission in NLU.
All the best.