i have scored 118.5 marks in clat (general ) . can you estimate which nlus i will get?
With score of 118.5 marks in CLAT you have chances to get rank in between positions 200 and 1000. As you belong to General or unreserved (UR) category, the reservations apply to other categories. There are many college predictors in Careers360 platform. One exist for CLAT also. For utilizing this facility you can pay and use at https://law.careers360.com/clat-college-predictor
You require your ranks and category to be entered for predicting the college. You can enter the ranks that you get by using rank predictor at https://law.careers360.com/clat-rank-predictor
You can check the previous year cut-offs at https://law.careers360.com/articles/nlu-cutoff. I see chances of getting in both NLU Cuttack and Delhi.
My estimated score is 121and what the chances of getting admissions in Nlu?
To answer your question I can only use a predictor. You can use predictor in the Careers360 platform for predicting college. The predictor requires you to enter your rank and category. The rank can predicted at https://law.careers360.com/clat-rank-predictor. With 121 marks you have chances to get rank in between 250 and 650. The rank predictor is available at https://law.careers360.com/clat-rank-predictor. Using the college predictor link available there, you can predict your college also. With 121 marks, you have chances to get into NLU Cuttack and Delhi. The previous year cut-off is available at https://law.careers360.com/articles/clat-cutoff
I got 86 marks in CLAT 2019. I come under the SC category and a domicile of West Bengal. Will i get through CLAT?
With the score you're mentioning you'll get a rank somewhere between 5000- 7000 in SC category and it's a pretty decent rank and you definitely stand a chance in NLUs. It may be a little difficult to get into the top 5 NLUs but you have a sure shot chance of getting colleges like
NUSRL, Ranchi
NLU JA, Guwahati
TNNLS, Trichy
NLU, Shimla
All the best
Sir i got 128 marks based on provisional key 2019.In which NLU i mai get a rank?
With the score you're mentioning you'll get a rank somewhere between 30-350 and it's a great rank and you've sure shot chances of getting into the top NLUs though the chances of getting NLSIU Bangalore may be less considering the number of seats but you can get any of the other NLUs if you fall in general category. But if you fall in any other category then you're good to go. You'll get any of them.
All the very best
According to provisional answer key ,I scored 110 in clat 2019.can I expect any nlu in general category or cnlu patna under state domicile?
Hi Mohammad,
This year paper was easy and as a result the cut off will be relatively high as compared to previous year. With a score of 110 you may expect a rank in between the range of 5000-6000. Since you are a Domicile of Patna your chances of making it to CNLU Patna are quite high. You may also get admission in the newly formed NLUs under the general category.
Getting score of 112-115 can I expect to get place in cnlu or any lower nlu being a general
Hi candidate! As per the previous trends, to get a seat in nlu for general category one should have to score between 130-150.And it is expecting the cutoff for this year is same as previous year. But you have a little chance to get a seat in lower nlu. And the cutoff may vary. So just wait for the results. And Don't lose hope.
Im getting 95 will I get a nlu
Assuming you're from the Unreserved Category, with 95 marks, your predicted rank is 3003-3703 in the general merit list. Your marks aren't qualifiable to get into any NLU in the 1st cutoff. But keeping in mind the difficulty level of this year's paper and that this prediction is solely based on previous years' trends, the cutoff trend might see a change. You can check your rank here:
For other details regarding cutoff and college prediction, kindly use this link:
I have scored 85.75 in Clat 2019 will I get any nlu in general category?
With 85.75 marks, your predicted rank is 5K-6K in the general merit list. Your marks aren't qualifiable to get into any NLU in the 1st cutoff. But keeping in mind the difficulty level of this year's paper and that this prediction is solely based on previous years' trends, the cutoff trend might see a change. You can check your rank here:
For other details regarding cutoff and college prediction, kindly use this link:
I scored 109.50 in clat 2019.what are my chances of getting a good nlu in 3 or 4 round of counselling?
Good morning Ranu!!! Congratulations on your score and I would like to inform you that you'll get a rank of 878-1578 according to our CLAT rank predictor and if we go by last year NLU cutoff whose minimum was 1588 so you have a good chance of getting it too, you can check them here https://law.careers360.com/articles/nlu-cutoff
Hope that helped.Thank you
Tell me cut off of bhopal, hydrabad and kolkata nlu approx 2019 cut off out of 200
Hi Aryan,
With regards to the question I want to mention that I am providing you a data which may hepl you
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad | 132.5 | 130 |
National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal | 121.75 | 410 |
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata | 126 | 245 |
This is scenario of previous year.Now this year everything would depend upon the cutoff trend of this year.I can assure you one thing that too much variance from the given data is impossible and even if its varies it would hardly vary as +/-50.Hope i can help you
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Somenath Chattopadhyay