whats last date for registration of nstse?
Hi Ruchi,
I am sorry to inform you that last date for registration of NSTSE 2019-20 has been over on 5th October 2019. The exam for the students who have applied individually will be held on 15 December 2019 and those who applied directly from the school will answer the exam on 4 December 2019.
when we download admitcard for nstse exam
Hello there!
You can download admitcard by following given below steps :-
- Visit the official website www.unifiedcouncil.com or click on the direct link which is provided above.
- On the Top-right side of the screen, there will be an option called ‘’Hot Links’’
- Click the first link i.e. ‘click here for NSTSE 2019-20 hall ticket’
- A new window will appear where there will be an option to enter the ‘’Reference number’’
- The reference number is based upon the last five digits of the Order no. which was generated during the registration process.
- Enter the reference number and click on the ‘’Search’’ option.
- Download the Hall ticket/Admit card.
when is exam date of nstse exam exact for class 9?
Hello Omkar, the National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) exam date is 4th December 2019 and 15th December for individual/direct applicants. The results for the same would be declared in the 3rd week of January next year. Admit cards have already been released.