syllabus for Numerical ability of BUMAT 2022
Hello aspirant,
Hope you are doing absolutely great.
So with regard to your query, the BUMAT is conducted by the Bharatheeya Vidyapeeth University. And the university did not give you any kind of syllabus for the exam. Generally the exam consists of 4 sections which includes numerical aptitude, verbal ability, logical reasoning and reading comprehension. The syllabus for Numerical aptitude is generally all the chapters in basic maths.
Checkout the following link for any information regarding the syllabus for numerical aptitude in BUMAT 2022:
Hope this helps you!!
is a>b
Greetings of the day dear Bhavya
Can you please ask your query in a proper manner please as its not clear about what your exact doubt is. Can you properly ask the question as it is not clear as to what you exactly wish to get answered from us. So, please ask your query in a proper manner so that we understand it and try to help you out as soon as possible.
All the best for your future endeavours!!
how to prepare numerical ability for ba hon humanities & socal science bhu uet
Hello aspirant
You will have to prepare on topics like general awareness, general mental ability , numerical ability , comprehension and conceptual awareness of the subjects including plants, Environment, health and pollution, human body , common disease, population explosion, solar energy, natural resources and industry .
For more information you can refer following link
How I can crack MAKAUT WBUT CET exam for BBA admission? What book you recommend me? Can I complete that book within two or three weeks before exam by giving 3-4 hours per day? the syllabus is logical reasoning, numerical ability, general knowledge and english.
for general knowledge I suggest you to read bankers adda and any good gk book of banking exam, also you may brush up your knowledge of science subjects of 10th course for static gk problems. see only two or three week preparation you can not crack any exam with good score and ranking, since covid 19 many of the exams is delayed and it left quite a good time for preparation. I suggest you to follow iim ipmat exam books which has good number of questions,
IIM IPMAT Preparation Guide by Stalwart Career Institute
also you may follow disha experts books on quantitative, reasoning test.
A(3*3) real matrix has an eigenvalue i, then its other two eigenvalues can be? a)0,1 b)-1,i c)2i,-2i d)0,-2i
The sum of all the eigenvalues of a matrix is equal to the trace of the matrix. And since the matrix is real, the trace should also be a real value. Which further implies that the sum of all the eigenvalues should be a real number. So, add all the three eigenvalues and check which option is giving the sum a real number. So, checking all the options, you get that no option can be correct answer. However, if you do option b as (1, -i) then it can be the correct answer.
Hope this helps.
Hello student I request you to please help me with the exam you're talking about so that I can provide you important numerical topics of that particular subject.
In case if you're talking about physics important numerical topic some of the important topics are mentioned below :-
1)coulombs law
2)electric field intensity
3)electric dipole
4)application of gauss theorem and calculations of electric charge
5)electric potential
6)capacitance of parallel plate
7)expressions for drift velocity
8)kichhoffs law
10)energy stored in capacitor
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck