sir if I got 15 in physics will i pass the board exam 2025 including the the grace mark.and do the mark from optional subject get aaded to our main subject if we fail in main subject . what is the grace mark for physics in seba
In the context of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA), the minimum passing mark for each subject, including Physics, is typically 30%. This means you would need to score at least 30 out of 100 marks to pass. If you've scored 15 marks in Physics, you're below this threshold.
Regarding grace marks, SEBA's policies can vary annually, and specific details about the allocation of grace marks for the 2025 board exams haven't been publicly detailed as of now. Grace marks, when awarded, are usually limited and may not be sufficient to bridge a significant gap like the one between 15 and 30 marks.
Concerning the role of optional subjects, SEBA has provisions where an elective (optional) subject can replace a failed compulsory subject under certain conditions. This means if you fail in one of the main subjects but score well in your optional subject, the marks from the optional subject can substitute for the failed subject, potentially allowing you to pass overall. However, this substitution policy typically applies when a student fails in only one subject. Failing in multiple subjects may not be compensated by optional subjects.
It's important to note that educational boards periodically update their examination and passing criteria. For the most accurate and current information regarding passing marks, grace marks, and the role of optional subjects for the 2025 board exams, it's advisable to consult the latest notifications directly from SEBA or speak with your school's examination authority.
12th cbse physics most expected mcqs for2025
Here are some of the most expected MCQs for 12th CBSE Physics 2025:
- _What is the SI unit of electric flux?_
- A point charge is placed at the centre of a cube. The flux through one face is:
Current Electricity
- _The drift velocity of electrons increases if:_
- _Derive the formula for the equivalent resistance for resistors in parallel._
- _What is the unit of magnetic permeability in free space?_
- _What happens to the resolving power of a microscope when wavelength decreases?_
- _Define wavefront. State Huygens' principle._
Wave Optics
- _What are coherent sources? Why are they essential for interference?_
- _State and derive Ohm’s law in terms of drift velocity._
- _Explain the concept of rectification. Draw the circuit for a full-wave rectifier._
Dual Nature of Matter
- _What is the photoelectric effect? Write Einstein’s equation._
You can find more questions and study materials on websites like Careers360
Class 12th physics pyq 10 yrs....
By reading these papers students can better understand the type of questions asked in their upcoming exams. This knowledge helps them prepare their study plans and focus on specific topics that are frequently tested.
You can check the link below:
In hsc physics paper if i didnt written whole option but i written option no. likeA, B, Cetc. in mcqs and they are correct so. will they deduct my marks?
Hello there,
In the HSC Physics exam, if you did not fully write the answers to the MCQs but mentioned the option numbers (like A, B, C, etc.), and the answers are correct, typically:
If the instructions clearly ask for only the option letter (A, B, C, etc.), and you have marked it correctly, you should not face any mark deduction.
However, if the instructions require you to write the full answer and you only mentioned the option letters, some examiners might not award full marks depending on how strictly the instructions are followed.
To be safe, always ensure to follow the exam instructions carefully. If it was just marking the correct option and it matches the answer key, you should get full marks for that question.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
What are the psu job opportunites for MSc physics graduates
Hello there,
PSU Job Opportunities for M.Sc. Physics Graduates
Several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) hire
M.Sc. Physics
graduates for various roles, mainly in research, technical, and scientific positions. Here are some top PSUs and their recruitment processes:
1. PSUs Hiring M.Sc. Physics Graduates
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
– Scientific Officer (via BARC OCES/DGFS exam)
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
– Scientist/Engineer (Written test + Interview)
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
– Scientist ‘B’ (GATE + Interview)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
– Scientific Officer (GATE + Interview)
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) – Graduate Trainee (GATE)
- Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) – Technical Officer
- Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) – Management Trainee (GATE)
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
– Research Scientist
2. Recruitment Exams & Eligibility
- GATE – Many PSUs like ONGC, NPCIL, DRDO, and BARC use GATE scores.
- BARC OCES/DGFS – Direct recruitment for BARC and DAE units.
- ISRO Exam – ISRO conducts its own written test and interview.
DRDO Scientist ‘B’
– Requires GATE + DRDO selection process.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
Goa board HSSC physics previous year papers
Hello aspirant,
Solving previous year question papers can immensely help you in scoring good marks in exam as it gives you the idea of exam pattern and difficulty level and you can also manage you time accordingly.
To get the previous year question paper and much more information, you can visit our site through following link:
Thank you
I have completed my 12th grade in 2024 and I got lesser marks in maths and physics so I had attended the improvement exam for maths in 2024 , can I apply for 2025 improvement exam for physics
Hello there,
No, you cannot appear for the 2025 improvement exam for Physics if you have already taken an improvement exam in 2024. Most boards allow only one attempt for improvement per subject, which must be taken in the immediate following year of passing (i.e., 2024 in your case).
However, some state boards and open schooling systems may have different rules. Check with your respective board for clarification.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.
If i had fill the improvement for PCM but if i am unable to attempt my physics exam then what will be shown in my improvement marksheet in place of physics
If you have registered for the Improvement Exam in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) but fail to attempt the Physics exam, your marksheet will reflect the following:
- Your previous year's Physics marks will be retained.
- The marks for Chemistry and Mathematics (if attempted) will be updated with the new scores.
- The Physics column may show " Absent " or retain old marks, depending on the board’s policy.
- Your final result will be based on the best marks among both attempts.
- You might not get a consolidated improvement certificate if one subject is missing.
Hope you find it useful !
Whether a postgraduate physics student can write icrb exam
Yes , a postgraduate Physics student can apply for ISRO ICRB exams for roles like Scientist/Engineer SC (Physics) and Junior Research Fellowships (JRF).
Eligibility requires an MSc in Physics with at least 65% marks . Some ISRO centers also recruit for research and technical positions in space science and remote sensing.
hope this helps you .
Science class x physics book I need it
please mentioned which author or publisher book you want for the physics.
if you want NCERT, then the pdf of all the subjects is available in official website of the NCERT
you can also download from the below mentioned link
copy and paste the above url in a new tab, and then click on the physics, from there you can download the pdf.
Hope this will help you,
All the best!!