what is the placement graph for mtech eee power systems and power electronics?
Although the employment rate in the EE department is over 95%... However, there are significant drawbacks to power electronics and systems.
If you are unfamiliar with VLSI courses, your placement prospects will be constrained. Like some of the individuals I know that are having difficulties since they haven't taken any VLSI courses. First of all, all electrical engineering companies permit power Additionally, it is challenging to succeed in the written GATE test if you are unfamiliar with the ECE disciplines.
Let's say you passed the writing test and attended the interview. Companies won't consider you for an interview if you haven't completed any VLSI courses.
A relatively small number of businesses, such as Enphase Systems (PKG is extremely good, 20+ lacs), are involved in Core Power Engineering, however their CGPA criterion was 9. The fact that GE opens its doors primarily for software development and other profiles means that it only sometimes accepts students majoring in basic power engineering.
However, if you've taken any VLSI classes, you'll know that power engineering students had a similar experience. Many of them enrol in VLSI courses and are hired by companies like Intel, AMD, etc.
Thank You
I have got Gate 2022 Score-593, marks-53.33 and rank-2133, do I have a chance of any IITs and NITs for VLSI or power electronics or any good specialization you can suggest with this score?
Dear aspirant,
As you have secured 2.1k rank in gate 2022 so let me tell you that it is difficult for you to get into IITs like kanpur, roorkee, Madras, kharagpur, guhawati, delhi . You may try for some lower IITs like Mandi, gandhinagar, dharwad, bhilai.
Nits like Jamshedpur durgapur Silchar allahabad rourkela Calicut could be a better option.
However various factors are considered while deciding the cut offs like number of candidates appearing in the examination, number of vacant seats in college, previous years cut offs and difficulty level of the paper.
For more information you can check out the link given below-
IIT Delhi material Vs IIT BHU Electrical (dual power electronics)vs IIT Roorkee chemical Vs IIT Kanpur civil vsIIT Kharagpur Industrial and production engg vs IIT Kharagpur aerospace (dual) placemats and quality teaching is concerned
hey there,
choosing a college is a quite difficult decision ,It solely depends upon you both are great colleges you will get great opportunities IN ANY COURSE WHICH U PICK iits to have their alumni all over the world coming together talking about placements since we are talking about iits so you will get an almost similar opportunity
it all comes down to your passion and the amount of hard work where you are going to put your next 4 years into
IIT won't be a cakewalk but it will help you to grow in all walks of life which automatically will give a head start to your career.
you need to analyse your strengths and weakness and form a conclusion
Choose wisely!
the link will give more guidance for more engineering colleges
hello.. i wish to know the package details of vasavi college,hyd for m.tech in power system and power electronics.
Hello there,
The salary trends in every college vary every year because it depends upon the candidate's worth, technical & non-technical skills, openings in company, number of candidates applying for the same job etc..,.
According to the previous trends the highest package for domains like power electronics and power system were in a range of 7lacs - 21lacs.
In the covid times the variations might be high.
Please check out the link provided below for more information,
my tancet actual score is 30.004 but my percentile is 95.46 can i get M.E POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES IN CEG OR WHICH COLLEGE AM I ELIGIBLE?
Colleges you might get are based on various factors your category, score. Assuming that you belong to general category here are some colleges you might expect to get based on previous years cutoffs-
Nehru Institute of Technology - NIT Coimbatore
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology
Sri Ramanujar Engineering College (SREC, Kolapakkam)
Tagore Engineering College
J.J. College of Engineering and Technology
Info Institute of Engineering - IIE
IFET College of Engineering
I hope this helps.