What is the Salary of PhD History Professor in Chennai?
The salary depends on which topic you do your research
INR is 3 to 10 lakhs. In Chennai
For more information about role jobs or career as a history you can visit here
You can also visit here to see the role of lecturer from below link
Thank you. I hope this answer helps you.
What is the Salary of History Professor in Chennai?
The salary of History Professor in Chennai ranges from Rs. 50,000 per month to Rs. 2 Lakhs per month. The salary depends on the College you want to work, experience you have in teaching, etc.
Junior Level Professor Salary : Rs. 80,000 per month
Average Salary for Professor : Rs. 1,00,000 per month
Senior Level Professor Salary : Rs. 2,00,000 per month
Best History Colleges in Chennai are mentioned below, in which you can try as History Professor.
- Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai
- Loyola College, Chennai
- Stella Maris College, Chennai
- Alagappa Institute of Technology, Chennai
- University of Madras, Chennai
- Government Arts College for Men, Chennai
- Pachaiyappa's College, Chennai
- Madras Christian College, Chennai
- Presidency College, Chennai
- Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai
Refer below link to know more information about History Professor, scope, salary etc.
May this information was useful.
Best of Luck!!
Best Cities in India to establish a career as Professor (i.e. History Professor)? Which cities in India provide good salary to Professors?
The job of a professor is a very respectful one & the salary is also pretty high. There are different national level & state level exams for recruiting professors & there are also professors working in private institutions contractually. So, you can opt for either of them. In most of the cities in India, professors are paid goo salary, however, Delhi pays the highest, followed by Chandigarh, Hyderabad & Bengaluru.
Hope this helps.
how to professor job Else. what is course of lectureship job with middle class or general caste students to Else?
As a middle class general Candidate you can be a professor dear. You have to study hard and focus on your career that's it.
If you want to be professor then choose your favourite subject and go to the bsc or bcom or ba honours. Then secure almost 65 to 75% marks in graduation. Then go for masters degree and get minimum 55% marks. Then you have to give UGC NET examination which is for PhD if you are qualified the examination thrn you can go for apply college for part time lecture class and continue your PhD. After completing your PhD you will be a permanent professor in your college.
All the best.
Salary and work life comparison between History professor, Historian and Doctor in India.
Dear Student,
For a person in teaching career after completing his/her masters in history, the work life is to go to an institute and teach students and make them build interest in the subject.
- Average MA History Teacher's salary in India - about 59,449 monthly
- Average MA History Professor's Salary - about 90,620 monthly.
- A lecturer earns between 2,50,000PA and 6,00,000PA
For career as a historian , you need to research, write, and publish your job to make your mark and place in history. The MA History Salary of a historian in India is nearly about 6,52,001 yearly.
For careers as a doctor, you need to serve people and treat them. Doctors with qualifications as MD/MS earn up to INR 40,000-INR 90,000 per annum. MD qualified doctors working in the private sector have a better and higher pay scale when compared to the public sector.
All figures may vary from place to place and regions to regions.
Happy Learning!
I want to become professor....then which is better option bsc general or bsc honours ??? if i go with honours then which is best bsc hons or integrated msc honours i.e 5 years course ???
see it is not possible to become a professor just after completing the b.sc or integrated m.sc course. you need to appear in state wise recruitment exam or ugc net exam for lectureship position.
now coming to the difference of syllabus of b.sc and b.sc honors, honors course syllabus is more the subject and application oriented compare to b.sc course. b.sc honors syllabus difficulty level is higher than b.sc course.
you may take subjects as per your 12th course results and your interest of topics.
subjects for b.sc honors in most colleges are taught on mathematics, physics, chemistry, zoology, biotechnology, electronics science / statistics etc.
How to become a Permanent Professor in Hindu College, Delhi?
Hi Aspirant,
Hindu College, Delhi is the government institutions, accredited by NAAC and Affiliated to Delhi University. As this Institute is public, any candidate apply for professor job is permanent as it is considered as government job. He or she can continue teaching till she retire.
Eligibility for Associate professor is candidate should have Master's Degree with good academic records in which ever field of study he/ she interested in teaching. He/She can apply for Lecturer Post. After 6- 8 years of experience, Candidate can apply NET (National Eligibility Test) Examination and hold Doctoral, PhD. degree for promotion.
After Associate Professor, Candidate has to publish 5 -6 Research papers or Journals or Books in the field of teaching in recognised Journals along with 8 years of experience of Teaching field. Then you can become as Assistant Professor.
To become a professor, Candidate has to publish atleast 10 Research paper/ Journals/ Book along with 12- 14 years of experience in Research field. NET is the examination for applying all three levels of professor. Where candidates are shortlisted as per UGC norms . This is how can be permanent once you get placed in any government university. Hope you find this information helpful. All the best for examination.
Thanks & Good Luck!...
What will be the salary of a history professor with 10-15 years of experience in a government college?
Hi Aspirant,
Professorships are the highest degrees after doctoral programs and Masters Program. There are three faculty ranks in Private and Government Universities.
- Assistant Professor.
- Associate Professor.
- Professor.
There is no such rank as Senior professor. The salary of a professor varies stream-wise and Sector-wise ( Government or Private).
Academics for history subject are very less in Universities. The average salary of history professor would fall between 60k to 2.5 lakhs per month in private institutions and it may varies depends on how top and deemed the universities is and how many years of experience professor hold.
History professor have fixed pays in government institutions which ranges from 50k - 1 lakhs per month. We cannot predict Exact payscale for history professors. Hope you find this information helpful. All the best for your career as a professor. For further career details please refer to the link below.
Thanks & Good Luck!..
What is the Salary of a History Professor in Hindu College, Delhi?
Hi Aspirant,
Professorships are the highest degrees after doctoral programs. There are three faculty ranks in Universities
- Assistant Professor.
- Associate Professor.
- Professor.
There is no such rank as Senior professor. The salary of a professor varies stream-wise and Sector-wise ( Government or Private). Academics for history subject are very less in Universities.
History professors In Hindu College has pay scale starting from 57,700 per month depends on the level of degree he or she holds and teaching & Academic experience. Hope you find this information helpful. All the best for your career as a professor. For further career details please refer to the link below.
Thanks & Good Luck!..
What is the Salary of a Professor in Hindu College, Delhi?
the salary is something which can vary with time sometimes you get more sometimes less for the same position generally The average Hindu College salary ranges from approximately 1.3 Lakhs per year for a Lecturer to 3.9 Lakhs per year for a Assistant Professor .
A professor salary can go upto 12lakh INR.
Hope this helps,
All the best !