my Rie Cee state rank is 8 (Jharkhand). what are my chances to get selected in RIE Bhubaneswar?
rie Cee previous year questions
There have been no questions available online. I scanned some questions from last year's exam and saved them as pdfs. However, there is no answer.
Refer to this site for RIE CEE question paper:
In any case, you may quickly get the answers to all of your questions online.
i forgot my user name and password of rie cee application form how can i update my graduation mark
You should check your registered email address and mobile number for login credentials, usually at the time of registration process such relevant details are sent, if the problem still persists ,contact the concerned authority at
I belongs to Odisha. If I will give the RIE CEE exam, then can I get admission in other RIEs or I am bound to take admission at RIE BHUBANESHWAR only..... I also want to know the Cutoff mark for all RIEs in India......
Hello aspirant
This year the REE CEE exam is cancelled due to the corona pandemic.The students are selected on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the qualifying examination. So the cutoff this year varies depending on the no of students applied and the marks obtained by them.The candidates have to meet the eligibility criteria prescribed by NCERT Examination Board.
I have Scored 82% in 10th board Exam and 62% in 12th board from Odisha state. My cast is General. So if I will score very good marks in RIE CEE exam 2020 , so can I get admission in any RIE in India....??
see candidates need to secure 50% marks (general category ), 45% marks for sc/st, in qualifying exams i.e in 12th exam. now Candidates who will score at least 60% marks in the written exam and 40% of the definitions of exam conducting authorities scoring method for bsc bed or b.a bed course will be taken for shortlisting candidates.
for bsc bed course obtained marks of pcm or pcb out of maximum marks of pcb/pcm in qualifying exam.
for b.a b.ed course aggregate marks obtained in 12th course out of maximum marks in qualifying exam.
so try to work hard for the entrance test to secure a decent score.