what is the last date to apply saree?
The application process is over as the last date for the registration was on 30th April, 2020. Now you are left with Slot Booking which is scheduled between 23rd to 30th July, 2020.
As the things stands, Examination date is in between 3rd August to 5th August and you will get your result on 8th August.
All the best!!!
i want to apply for SAEEE exam now
No, you can't apply for SAEEE at present. Registration for the examinination was from 18th October and last date was till 30th April. So, you don't have any Chances to apply for the examinination. Here are the important dates of the examinination,
- Application, 18th October
- Last date, 30th April
- SAEEE slot booking, 23rd July
- SAEEE examinination, 3rd to 5th august
- Reults, 8th august
can I apply for the SAEE exam now
No, the last for filling the online and offline application form for SAEEE 2020 was April 30, 2020.The last date had already passed and it is not further extended so you cannot apply after the last date.You may have to seek admission in any other college or wait for next year.
what are the expected dates for conducting SAEEE 2020?
The Sathyabama All India Entrance Examination (SAEEE) 2020 is postponed due to corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic. Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology has not yet declared the exam date and it will soon be announced. Please click the below link to know more.
whether the management can extend the entrance exam application date.. I need to apply for it..
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology conducts SAEEE entrance exam for admission into various engineering courses. This year the application form started from 18th October 2019 and was available till 30th April 2020. There's no official notification on extension of application dates, so for now the application forms are closed and you cannot apply for the same if you haven't done yet.
Good Luck
what is the total fee for cse branch for four years
I assume you are asking about satyabhama institute of science and technology deemed to be university course fees, see according to rank wise in entrance test you will get fees consession, the tuition fees for cse is ,
1st year- 50,000
second year 15,000
third year15,000
4th year 20,000
however there is caution deposit of 5000 to be paid at the time of admission in first year. for more details follow the below link,
what are the expected dates for conducting SAEEE 2020 exam?
Closing date of SAEEE 2020 application Form has been extended till 30 April.
There is no official announcement that has been made by exam authorities regarding new date of the examination.Everything depends on the Covid-19 situation,the sooner everything will get in control the earlier exam will take place.
Lots of national level examinations have been postponed due to the pandemic and almost every exam is expected to take place after May and that too if situation get under control.
So, till then keep studying and follow the website for updated informations.
Good Luck
When sathyabama exam will be conducted
SAEEE was originally supposed to be conducted between 14th to 19th April, 2020.
However dur to the spread of COVID- 19 disease the examination has been postponed. The revised dates are yet to be updated.
saeee cut off and scholarship
Cutoff for current year is not available as exam has been postponed. Cutoff for previous year is not available. A score above 80% of total score will keep you in safe site. Your rank should be below 1k so that you can apply for demanding branch.
On the part of scholarship, You can apply for schemes given in your college based on your merit. each year government gives scholarship in state level and central level. You can search and apply for them which makes you eligible.
if your rank is good enough to satisfy TFW cutoff then you can do it. if you get then you don't have to pay tuition fees for every year.
Hope it helps!
what is the fees structure for aeronautical engg. per year
The fees for Aeronautical Engineering in Satyabhama University per year is approximately around 1.75 Lakhs and the total fees approximately is around 6.85 Lakhs.
Hope this helps!